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The Woman Who

Disappeared –
Philip Prowse

Tasayco Maldonado Jean Pierre 1623125584

1.- A Visitor
2.- Please Find My Sister
3.- The Manson Building
4.- A very Tidy Apartment
5.- Myer and Myer
6.- Suzy
7.- Benny Greep
8.- Arrested for Murder
9.- Sergeant Murphy
10.- The Yellow Car
11.- A Short Visit to the Manson Building
12.- Las Cabanas
13.- Helen Garfield Leaves
14.- The Fight
15.- The Police Station
16.- Tell Me the Truth
17.- Telephone Calls
18.- I Find Elaine Garfield
19.- Everything Is Explained
20.- I’m Sorry, Mr. Samuel

1.- Lenny Samuel: private detective.

2.- Elaine Garfield: Actually, Elaine and
3.- Helen Garfield is the same person
4.- Mr. Myer: a man who was about fifty - five years old
5.- Jo: one of the bandit
6.- Suzy Graham: Elaine's partner
7.- Bennt Greep: drummer of a band, Elaine's
8.- Sergeant Murphy: a policeman

This story begin when a beautiful woman whose name Helen Garfield come
to Lenny Samuel – a private detective – and ask him to finf her sister who was
disappeared since two weeks ago, Elaine Garfield. Then, she give him the
adress where Elaine live and the office where she works. When he arrives to
those place, there are so many cases that make him confuse. It is exactly
said that Elaine Garfield was hidden herself than disappeared. He get
nothing. He even get the trouble with Jo and Friend, two bandit who try to find
The Next day, Samuel come to Myer and Myer, the place where Elaine works.
He also get nothing, one – by – one people who can be the clue in this case
are dead. Beginning from Benny Greep, and the porter in Elaine’s apartment.
Now Samuel has a complex trouble, because a policeman Sergeant Murphy –
thinking that He was killed
Benny Greep and send two policeman to following wherever he go.
He starts to collect all the information that he get, and finally concluse
that Elaine is not disappeared. Helen is Elaine then, he ask her to tell the
truth. Helen confess she is trully Elain. She does it because want to save
her life several weeks ago, she and her boyfriend Benny Greep – went to
last cabanas. There, they listened conversation between Jo and his friend
who was stole the jewellery. Benny suggested to steal those jewellery, and
they did it. Jo and friend knew about it. They killed Benny and looked for
Elaine. Elaine was so afraid. She decided to hiden herself and pretended as
Helen, Elaine’s twins. Then come to Samuel and asked him to find herself at
last, the policeman could catch Jo and Friend who was stole the jewellery.

The services of Lenny, the private detective, are 50 dollars a day; After all
the investigations, it is concluded that Helen is Elaine Garfield, the search
of her sister was paid with the jewels that JO steals. They catch Jo and her
accomplice and Sergeant Murphy keeps the jewels, Helen never pays
Lenny his services.

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