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Thermal and Structural Analysis of SI Engine

Piston using ANSYS 16.2


 Piston :
 Piston is one of the main parts in the engine. Its purpose is to
transfer force from expanding gas in the cylinder to the crankshaft
via a connecting rod.
 The friction between the walls of the cylinder and the piston rings
eventually results in wear, reducing the effective life of the
 Commonly made of a cast aluminum alloy for excellent and
lightweight thermal conductivity. Thermal conductivity is the
ability of a material to conduct and transfer heat.
 The piston head is the top surface of the
Piston cad Model for analysis
 Objective:
 The objective of this work is to perform the Thermal and Structural Analysis of the piston for the
entire cycle and observe variation of various parameters.

 Basic Concepts of Analysis:

 The software uses the Finite Element Method (FEM). FEM is a numerical technique
for analyzing engineering designs. FEM is accepted as the standard analysis method
due to its generality and suitability for computer implementation. FEM divides the
model into many small pieces of simpleshapes called elements effectively replacing a
complex problem by many simple problems that need to be solved simultaneously.
 Methodology :
 # for Thermal Analysis :
 1. A CAD model of SI engine piston was created with the help of NX CAD software.
 2. Then the CAD model was imported into the Ansys 16.2 software for detailed analysis.
 3. In the Design Modular a tetrahedral mesh was created after defining virtual topology for
different faces.
 4. In the Mesh Sizing menu we first selected the top face of piston and then element size was
made as 2 mm and smoothing was set high.
 5. Then in the Steady State thermal we inserted Temperature and initial temperature was set
150 degree centigrade.
 6. Then convection was inserted in the same way. Film Thickness was set 22 W/mm2 °C and
 7. Right on the Solution and then inserted Temperature and Heat Flux.
 8. Then we right click on the solution and selected solve option.
 # for structural analysis
 1. A CAD model of SI engine piston was created with the help of NX CAD software.
 2. Then the CAD model was imported into the Ansys 16.2 software for detailed analysis.
 3. In the Design Modular a tetrahedral mesh was created after defining virtual topology for
different faces.
 4. In the Mesh Sizing menu we first selected the top face of piston and then element size was
made as 2 mm and smoothing was set high, transition set slow, relevance centre set medium.
 5. Go to static structure and select pressure and set pressure as 9 MPa.
 6. Then in in the same menu select frictionless support and select those face which are
constantly in contact.
 7. Then in the solution menu we selected Total deformation and Equivalent elastic strain and
elastic stress for analysis.
 8. Click on solve menu and ansys will it for the required preferences.
Results :
1. For Thermal Analysis :

Temperature Variation.
Heat Flux
For Structural Analysis

Total Deformation
Equivalent Elastic Stress
Equivalent Elastic Strain
Conclusion :
 Modeling and analysis of piston is done
 Modeling of piston is done in NX CAD design software by using various commands
 The CAD part file is converted into IGS file and imported to ansys workbench.
 First Static structural analysis is carried out on piston at 13.65MPa pressure with structural steel in ansys
 Total Deformation, Equivalent elastic strain and stresss, Temperature and Heat Flux are analysed with
ANSYS 16.2.
 Then steady state thermal analysis is carried out at maximum temperature 200 deg and minimum
temperature 188 deg for the above three various materials.
 The temperature distribution of piston is very important to check the effect of temperature is maximum
on which part of piston. After the analysis of temperature distribution the result comes out that the
maximum temperature is on the piston head and the minimum temperature is on the piston skirt.
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