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A Day in the Life of Alex Sander:

Driving in the Fast Lane at Landon Care


Group 3,Section-B

 Ayush Anshuman Mishra

 Ayushi Rastogi
 Chayan Sen
 Deepak Dhanuka
 Devam Jain

• Sander works in the toiletries Division of Landon Care a product which has
been recently acquired by a European beauty company.
• Sanders interaction with peers & direct reports in the case show a picture
of tough, inflexible high achiever who uses temper as management tool.
• Sander’s supervisor Sam Glass provides her a 360° performance feedback
review which was used for the first time in Landon.
• Sam Glass wanted that Sander will analyze those reviews and find out her
pros and cons, as Mr. Sam glass has a very personal interest in keeping
Sander at the organization, though Alex Sander stood with her own values,
and treated the 360° feedback process as an unnecessary thing.
Concepts Related to the Case

 360 degree Feedback

• Employees receive confidential, anonymous feedback from the people
who work around them.
• This includes the employee's manager, peers, and direct reports.
• It assists individuals in understanding their strengths and weaknesses and
improve their contribution towards professional development.
Major Personality Attributes

 Low on Emotional Stability

• Short-tempered
• Doesn't care about the feelings of co. workers

 High on Machiavellianism-
• Interested in results not on the means.
• Aggressive
• Likes to control things
Personality Trait

• He is quick to identify an opportunity, show initiative and take action to

get the new opportunity.
• He is always on a lookout to do new things and can adjust easily to the
new work and the environment.

• He is successful but not an effective leader as he doesn’t motivates his

juniors and is often very dominating.
• He doesn’t trust anyone and underestimates his co-worker’s ability and
prefers to do everything by himself.
Classification of Alex Sander’s
Personality Traits by MBTI

• Extrovert- outgoing, sociable, assertive.

• Sensing- practical, meticulous.
• Thinking- logical thinker, not concerned with feelings of others.
• Judging- likes to have control, decisive.
• ESTJ- realistic, logical, decisive and likes to organize and run activities.
Question :What behaviors by Alex are having the greatest
impact on the 360 degree data provided by the coworkers?
Which of these behaviors are positive and which are

Positive Negative

 Takes initiative and a good  Narcissist

entrepreneur  No work-life balance
 Committed to work
 Does not praise others
 Fast learner often
 Multitasks.  Arrogant, short tempered.
 Creative and relentless  Quite controlling gets into
excruciating details.
 Inquisitive.
Question : What does the 360 degree data tell us about Alex’s
likely career success? If you were Sam Glass, would you
spend more time in helping Sander progress at Landon?

 Alex is a highly motivated and dedicated employee for the organization

as a whole.
 He doesn’t restrict himself to any working hours or personal
commitments. This way, he is an asset for Landon.
 He expects others to match up to his pace of work, undermines each
individual’s grasping ability and pushes them to such limits that their
work-life balance is disturbed.
 He doesn’t value his peers’ opinions which creates ego clashes among
 Owing to these factors, he may give good results initially, but the team
will get de-motivated eventually.
Question: Will Alex do something differently on the basis of the
feedback? What do you think Sam Glass will do?

 Alex Sander’s contributions to the organization resulted in highly

successful projects for the organization. His success is appreciated by top
management and is in the best interest of Sam Glass to develop him into
a more effective manager.
 Sam Glass should focus on four different management areas:
• effective communication
• motivational strategies
• idea diversity’s tolerance
• human resources needs assessment.
Question: How well would you do working with a person like
Alex as a teammate? As a boss? As a direct report?

 Working with Alex as a teammate –

• Not feel comfort to do work with her.
• Alex is not that much supportive and she do not believe in other’s
 Working with Alex as a Boss –
• Would be very happy to have a super performer in my organization.
• The behavior of Alex made the work place uncomfortable to her co-
• Would invest some more time to fix out this situation and count her as the
most potential employee of my organization.
Question: How well would you do working with a person like Alex
as a teammate? As a boss? As a direct report?

 Alex as a Direct Report –

• It is very good to have a boss like Alex who is aggressive, do not afraid
to take initiative, and quick decision maker.
• But I am afraid that I would work with fear not normally.
• Alex likes to push others and do not care about other’s emotion.
• Alex use her temper as management tool while as a leader need to
motivate others to get the job well done.

• Along with technical skills, interpersonal skills should be given equal

importance for the managers to be effective.
• Feedback and assessment should be given importance by the managers
as it helps them to analyze and know where to improve.
• Team should be included in the decision making instead of managers
taking every decision on its own.

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