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Deductive Reasoning
 Reasoning is inferential thinking.
 It is the mental process of drawing out a
conclusion from a given data.
 It is a process of comparing two concepts
with a common third concept for the
purpose of establishing their agreement or
disagreement with each other.
Deductive Reasoning
 Mediate Inference is a reasoning which uses
a third term for purposes of establishing the
agreement or disagreement between two
 Given that “A” is “B”, and given too that “X” is
“A”, then “X” is “B”.
 Every A is B. But every X is A. Therefore, every X
is B.
 Sequence is the form of an inference.
Deductive Reasoning
 Propositions must have sequential relation
with each other in order to formally
constitute an inference.
 Sequential relation refers to the
interdependence of the propositions upon
each other.
 Sequence is the form of an
Deductive Reasoning
Every goat is herbivorous.
But every dog is carnivorous.
Therefore, every dog is not a goat.

 Without sequence, an inference is faulty and

strictly speaking, is not inference
Deductive Reasoning
 Syllogism is the verbal expression of a
deductive reasoning.
Every Man is mortal.
But every Filipino is a man.
Therefore, every Filipino is mortal.
Deductive Reasoning
 Syllogism is an oral discourse showing the
agreement or disagreement between two
terms on the basis of their respective
relation to a common third term.
 It is the verbal symbol of an inference.
Deductive Reasoning
 A syllogism is composed of three
 The first two are called premises.
 The third is the conclusion.
Deductive Reasoning
 A syllogism is composed of three
 Premises stand for the assumed truths
(antecedent) and are said to support the
 The conclusion (consequent) is the new
truth derived from the premises.
Deductive Reasoning
 The propositions are made up of terms.
 The minor term is the subject of the conclusion.
 The major term is the predicate of the
 The middle term is the term which appears in
both premises but not in the conclusion. It
serves as the “common third term” which
determines the agreement or disagreement of
the minor and the major terms.
Deductive Reasoning
 The premise containing the Major Term is
called the Major Premise
 The premise containing the Minor Term is
called the Minor Premise
 Minor term – S (subject)
 Major term – P (predicate)
 Middle term – M (medium of comparison)
Deductive Reasoning
Every man is rational,
But every Filipino is man,
Therefore, every Filipino is rational.
(S) (P)
Deductive Reasoning
 A syllogism must be valid in order to be
 A valid syllogism is one which is
simultaneously true and correct.
 True when the matter or content agrees with
objective reality.
 Correct when it conforms with the rules of
logic (syllogistic form).
Deductive Reasoning
 A syllogism which is correct (form) but is not
true (content) is considered “formally
 A syllogism which is true (content) but
incorrect (form) is said to be “materially
 A valid (ideal) syllogism manifests both
qualities – true and correct.
Deductive Reasoning
Every systematized body of proven knowledge
is science.
But Logic is a systematized body of proven
Therefore, Logic is a science.
Deductive Reasoning
No man is sinless,
But every priest is a man,
Therefore, no priest is sinless.
Deductive Reasoning
Some machines are not motorized,
But every machine is man-made,
Therefore, some man-made (things) are not
Deductive Reasoning
Every plant is a living thing,
But every plant is a substance,
Therefore, some substance are living.
Deductive Reasoning
All presidents are leaders,
But my brother is the president of his class,
Therefore, my brother is a leader.
Deductive Reasoning
Every mother is pregnant,
But Lakambini is a mother,
Therefore, Lakambini is pregnant.

Correct in form but not true (Major premise)

(invalid syllogism)
Deductive Reasoning
Some artists are Filipinos,
But some women are Filipinos,
Therefore, some women are artists.

Particular middle term does not provide an

adequate medium of comparison.
Deductive Reasoning
No cow is a carabao,
But no goat is a cow,
Therefore, no goat is a carabao.

There is no sequence in the syllogism.

Deductive Reasoning
A valid syllogism is true as to its content and
correct as to its from.
1. If the form is correct and the premises are
true, the conclusion is true. Therefore, the
argument/syllogism is valid.
Deductive Reasoning
Every senator is a legislator,
But some elected officials are senators,
Therefore, some selected officials are
Deductive Reasoning
2. If the form is correct, but the premises are
false, the conclusion may be true, only
materially and “accidentally”. Therefore the
argument is invalid.
Deductive Reasoning
Every square is a plane with three sides,
But every triangle is a square,
Therefore, every triangle is a plane with threes
Deductive Reasoning
3. If the form is incorrect, the syllogism is
invalid, regardless of the truth of the matter.
Deductive Reasoning
Principles of syllogism
1. Principle of reciprocal identity means that
two terms which are identical with a third term
are identical with each other.
Deductive Reasoning
Principles of syllogism
2. The principle of reciprocal Non-identity
means that two terms, one of which is
identical with a third term and the other of
which is non-identical with that third term, are
not identical with each other. The terms have
no relationship thus we can neither affirm nor
deny their identity.
Deductive Reasoning
Principles of syllogism
3. The principle of Dictum de Omni means that
what can be affirmed universally of a certain
term, can be affirmed of every term that
comes under the extension of such term.
Deductive Reasoning
Principles of syllogism
4. The principle of Dictum de Nullo means that
what can be denied universally of a certain
term can be denied of every term that comes
within the extension of such term.

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