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Human Resource Management

Prof. Nidhi Rai

Introduction of HRM
• Meaning of HRM
• Objectives of HRM
• Importance of HRM
• Functions of HRM
• Challenges of HRM
• Qualifications and qualities of HR manager
• Changing role of HR managers
• HR policies
• Emerging trends in HRM

Human resource
Human Resources as: "The people that staff
and operate an organization," as contrasted
with the financial and material resources of an
organization. A human resource is a single
person or employee within your organization.
Human resources refer to all of the people you
• Human Resources is also the organizational
function that deals with the people and issues
related to people such as compensation and
benefits, recruiting and hiring employees,
performance management, training,
organization development and culture, and
advising senior staff about the impact on
people of their financial, planning, and
performance decisions on the people in the
• Mary Parker Follett (1868-1933) Follett defined
management as: "the art of getting things done
through people“
• Management further defined as,”.. that field of
human behavior in which manager plan, organize,
staff, direct and control human, physical and
financial resources in an organized effort, in order
to achieve desired individual and group
objectives with optimum efficiency and
Human resource management
Meaning of HRM
• Human resource management (HRM) focuses on
recruiting and hiring the best employees and
providing them with the compensation, benefits,
training, and development they need to be
successful within an organization.
• It is concerned with management of people from
Recruitment to Retirement.
• To select right person, at the right place for the
right job.
“ HRM is the function performed in organizations that
facilitates the most effective use of people to achieve
organizational and individual goals.”
– Ivancevich and Glueck
“Human Resource Management as “planning,
organizing ,directing, controlling of procurement,
development, compensation, integration ,maintenance
and separation of human resources to the end that
individual, organizational and social objectives are
-Edwin Flippo
Objectives of HRM

1. Help organization in attaining its goal by providing well

trained & motivated employees
2. Employed the skills and knowledge of employee efficiently
and effectively.
3. Enhance job satisfaction & self actualization by
encouraging and assisting every employee to release his
4. Establish & maintaining productive, self respecting &
internal satisfaction. Working relationship among all the
member of organization
5. Bring out maximum development of members of
organization by providing opportunities for training and
6. Develop and maintain quality of work line
7. Maintain high moral & good human relation
with the organization.
8. Help maintain ethical policies & behavior inside
& outside the organization.
9. To recognize & satisfy individual needs and
group goals by appropriate monitoring and non-
monitoring incentives.
10. To manage change to mutual advantage of
individual, group, management, society
Importance of HRM
• Recruitment and selection
• Training
• Performance appraisal
• Trade unions
• Development
The process by which a job vacancy is
identified and potential employees are
notified. Main forms of recruitment through
advertising in newspapers, magazines, trade
papers and internal vacancy lists.
• The process of assessing candidates and
appointing a post holder. Applicants are short
listed and the only most suitable candidates
are get selected.
• Provides new skills for the employee
• Keeps the employee up to date with changes
in the field
• Aims to improve efficiency
The system of pay and benefits used by the firm to
reward workers. HRM encourages the people
working in an organization, to work according to
their potential and gives them suggestions that can
help them to bring about improvement in it.
• Trade unions contributes to smooth change
management and leadership. Trade unions are
formed to protect and promote the interests
of their members. Their primary function is to
protect the interests of workers against
discrimination and unfair labor practices
Developing the employee can be regarded as
investing a valuable asset. It is a source of
motivation. HRD is the integrated use of :-
• training and development,
• organizational development, and
• career development to improve individual,
group and organizational effectiveness.
Challenges to HRM
• Globalization
• Worker productivity
• Quality improvement
• The changing attitudes of workforce
• The impact of the government
• Quality of work-life
• Technology and Training
Qualifications and qualities of a hr
Qualifications prescribed for the post of HR Manager vary
from industry to industry and from State to State. These
qualifications have been undergoing several changes from
time to time.
In India the qualifications demanded by almost all the
companies are M.B.A. with HR specialization or M.A.
(Social sciences) from reputed institutes like Institute of
Tata Social sciences or Xavier Labor Institute and a few
other Institutes. However some organizations internally
promote or transfer some competent managers to HR
positions to provide growth opportunity.
Qualities of HR manager
• Strong and appropriate • Good Listener
communication skills • Adaptability/flexibility
• Honest and sincere (Openness to change)
• Enthusiastic • Grievance handling
• Self-confidence • Negotiation skills
• Self-awareness • Supervisory skills
• Positive attitude • Transparency
• Leadership • Motivator
HR Policies
• Recruitment Policies • Employee Relations
• New Regular Staff • Personal Debts
Employee • Performance
Orientation Evaluation
• Staff Retention • Feedback and
• Attendance and Coaching
Leave Policies • Insurance Policy
• Drug/Alcohol Abuse • Grievance Handling
• Termination Policy
Changing role of HR Managers
• Service provider
• Executive
• Facilitator
• Consultant
• Auditor
Emerging trends in HRM
• Political Changes
• Technological Changes
• Social Changes
• Economical Changes
• Six sigma
• Human resources outsourcing
• Human resources information system (HRIS)

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