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Janani Prakash

Great Learning
Problem Statement
The owner of Cafe Chain wants to use POS data to come up with
recommendations to improve the restaurant’s revenue

 Exploratory Analysis
 Exploratory Analysis of the data & an executive summary of your top findings
should be done supported by graphs.
 The kind of trends noticed in terms of consumer behaviour over different
times of the day and different days of the week should be pointed out with
concrete recommendations.
 Certain menu items that can be taken off the menu should be identified
 Noticeable trends across months should be found out
 Menu Analysis
 The most popular combos that can be suggested to the restaurant chain after
a thorough analysis of the most commonly occurring sets of menu items in
the customer orders should be identified. The restaurant doesn’t have any
combo meals. The best combo meals should be suggested
Exploratory Analysis
Revenue by month

• Maximum
revenue is
generated in
Peak the Month of
Revenue by Category
• Tobacco is the
highest revenue
Peak product

• Food, Beverage
and Liquor are
other high
Other revenue
generating items
Sales by Category
• Tobacco is the
highest revenue
Peak product

• Food, Beverage
and Liquor are
other high
Other revenue
generating items
Top selling Items
• Nirvana Hookah
Single is the
highest selling
item with sales
Peak over 8.5k

• Other items such

as Cappuccino,
Mint Flavour
Single, Great
Lakes Shake and
Other Sambuca have
high sales over
Customer behaviour/Time of the day
• Food has the highest number of sales across all
the hours. Beverages and Tobacco have high
sales as well

• The sales of all the items reaches a peak at 20.00


• The sales of all the items increases step wise

from 10.00 hrs to 20.00 hours and the drops
• The sales again rises from 21.00 hrs, peaks at
Pattern 23.00 hrs and starts dropping to 0 at 2.00 hrs

• The sales of most of the items is maximum

during evening and night hours
Customer behaviour/Day of the week
• The sales and
revenue from all the
items are the highest
in the decreasing
Peak order of Saturday,
Sunday and Friday

• The sales of all the

items increases from
Friday reaches peak
on Saturday and
Pattern normalises from
Customer behaviour/Day of the Week(Category wise)
• Food, Beverages and Tobacco
has the highest number of sales
and revenue on all days of the

• The sales of all the items are

high on the weekends but the
sales of Tobacco has been
consistent throughout the week
with mild rise in the weekends
Peak compared to weekdays

• The sales and revenue of all

the items takes a downward
bell curve starting from Sunday,
reaching the lowest in the
middle of the week and
Pattern gradually rising from friday
Items to be discontinued
Items to be discontinued
Items to be discontinued
Items to be discontinued
• There are
399 items
Quantity quantity is
less than

• Items sold
for less
than 100
times can
Recommendation be removed
from the
Trends across months(Sales)
• Food has the highest number of sales across
all months. Beverages and Tobacco have
high sales as well

• The sales of all the items reaches a peak in


• The sales of Food, Beverage and Tobacco

rises from June and falls in September
• The sales again rises from November and
Pattern Falls in January

• The sales of the Food, Beverage and

Tobacco is maximum during Summer and
Trends across months(Revenue)
• Tobacco generates the highest revenue across all
months. Beverages and Food generate high
revenues as well

• The revenue from all the items reaches a peak in


• The revenue from Food, Beverage and Tobacco

rises from June and falls in September
• The revenue again rises from November and Falls
Pattern in February

• The revenue from Food, Beverage and Tobacco is

maximum during Summer and Winter
Menu Analysis
Best combo meals
Best combo meals
Best Combo Meals
• Lemon Infused Char
Grilled Veg & Add Herb
Roast Chicken has the
Lift highest lift of 79

• Nirvana Hookah Single

has the highest count of
more than 8k

• These items can be

paired to be sold as
combo meals
Conclusion & Recommendation
 Food, Tobacco, Beverages and Liquor are the highest selling
 Tobacco generates the highest revenue
 Nirvana Hookah single is the highest selling item
 December has the highest sales. Winter and summer faces
high sales
 Sales gradually increases from 10.00 hrs and reaches peak at
20.00 hrs and last till 1.00 hrs
 Saturday, Sunday and Friday faces maximum sales in a week
 Items that are sold less than 100 times can be discontinued
 Lemon Infused Char Grilled Veg & Add Herb Roast Chicken are
bought together most often so they can be served as a combo
meal. 53 other combos are also suggested in this report.

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