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Extension Education:

concepts, philosophy, principles, genesis and scope

Submitted by: Submitted to:

Ramandeep Kaur Dhaliwal Dr. Y.S. Jadoun
L-2018-V-01-D Assistant professor
Deptt. of AGB Deptt. of VAHEE

‘ex’ meaning



 Extension education is stretching out to the people who are beyond the limits of
educational institutions

• Starts with practical problem of the learners and may take up theory later on

• Mostly outside the four walls of the formal institution

• Learners ( adults) are heterogeneous and have diverse goals

• Has no fixed curriculum. It has to be designed as per the requirements of the farmers

• Freedom of attendance and choice of matters are left to the learners

• Knowledge flows from both teacher to learners and from learners to teacher

• The extension agents/workers teach a great deal through local leaders/progressive farmers

• More practical and problem solving oriented

• Flexible in nature

Leagans (1961) defines Extension Education is an applied science consisting of content derived
from research, accumulated field experiences and relevant principles drawn from the
behavioural sciences synthesized with useful technology in to a body of philosophy, principles,
contents and methods focused on the problems of out-of-school education for adults and youth

The National Commission on Agriculture (1976) explains extension education as an out-of school
education and services for the members of the farm family and others directly or indirectly
engaged in farm production, to enable them to adopt improved practices on production,
management, conservation and marketing.

O P Dahama(1973) defines extension education as an educational process to provide knowledge

to the rural people about the improved practices in a convincing manner and help them to take
decision within their specific local conditions .
The FAO survey report on Extension in Asia (1975) mentions three important concept
of extension, and they are-

All inclusive concept Service concept Educational concept

• A number of countries still • To gain more confidence • The ultimate aim is to

conceive that extension of the farmers, more work help people to help
means the work that is of service nature was also themselves through
done by the Government added later. education to bring a
departments at village change in outlook. But
level, including the effective education is
supplies to the rural possible only if there is a
farmers. separate agency to
assume the responsibility
for supplies and services
enabling the extension
workers to devote
themselves to the task of
training the farmers.
The concept of extension is based on the certain basic premises and they are as follows
as mentioned by Hassanullah (1998):

1. People have unlimited potential for personal growth and development.

2. The development may take place at any stage of their lives, if they are provided with
adequate and appropriate learning opportunities.

3. Adults are not interested in learning only for the sake of learning. They are motivated
when new learning provides opportunities for application, for increased productivity
and improved standards of living.

4. Such learning is a continuous need of rural populations and should be provided on a

continuing basis, because the problems as well as the technologies of production and
living are continuously changing.

5. Given the required knowledge and skills, people are capable of making optimal
choices for their individual and social benefits.

The word “Philosophy” has a wide range of meanings

It is the pursuit of wisdom, a body of general principles or laws of a field of


Essentially philosophy is a view of life, wisdom or knowledge and its

various components

It is a body of general principles of laws of a field of knowledge, activities,

etc., such as a philosophy of life or philosophy of extension work.
According to Mildred Horton According to Dahama (1965)

• The individual is supreme in a • Self-help

democracy • People are the greatest resources
• The home is the fundamental unit • It is a cooperative effort
in a civilization • It has its foundation in democracy
• The family is the first training • It involves a two-way channel of
group of the human race knowledge and experience
• The foundation of any permanent • It is based on creating interest by
civilization must rest on the seeing and doing
partnership of man and land
• Voluntary, co-operative
participation in programmes
• Persuasion and education of the
• The programme is based on the
attitude and values of the people
• It is a never ending process
According to Ensminger (1962)
• Extension is educational for all village people.
• Extension is changing the knowledge, skill and attitude of the people.
• Extension is teaching people what to want, as well as how to work out ways of satisfying
these wants and inspiring them to achieve their desires
• Extension is “helping people to help themselves”.
• Extension is “learning by doing and seeing is believing”.
• Extension is development of individual and their society.
• Extension is living relationship, respect and trust for each other.
• Extension is working in harmony with culture of the people.
• Extension is working together to expand the welfare and happiness of people.
• Extension is a two-way channel
• Extension is a continuous process educational process in which both learner and
teacher contribute and receive
Generalized guidelines which form the basis for decision and action in a consistent way
1. Principle of interests and 2. Principle of existing 3. Principle of Participation
needs environment and co-operation
• People’s interest and need • Extension programme • Participation of villagers in
should be kept in mind should be designed as per the programme means
while formulating the the resource availability in involvement of people in
extension programme. the community and capacity identification of problems,
These needs and interests of the primary stakeholders. planning, implementation
differ from individual to Every social system has its and evaluation of the
individual and village to own characteristics, programme. Extension
village. So, therefore advantages and limitations. workers should involve the
extension programme Careful examination of community in all aspects
should be need specific. The issues and problems related while implementing a
extension workers should to a particular area are programme otherwise it
not pass on their interests required before taking up would be a viewed by the
as those of the people. extension work. villagers as a programme
implemented by
• The villagers should be actively involved in the programme activities. This will help
them to see the result by doing the things which will facilitate the quick behavioral
change and develop the confidence to use the practices/ideas in future. The
4. Principle extension worker should keep in mind this important principle of extension that the
of learning adults learn maximum by doing things and they should apply this principle liberally
by doing in their extension works for better result.

• The end product of extension work should produce satisfying results for the people.
5. Principle Satisfying results reinforce learning and motivate to seek further improvement

• People believes in local leaders, and work on their advice. Identifying different
types of leaders and working through them is essential for extension. The local
6. Principle leaders are to be trained, and used extensively in the extension programme.
of leadership
7. Principle of grass roots 8. Principle of democratic 9. Principle of culture
approach approach difference
• Extension programmes • The extension work is • There is cultural difference
should start with local democratic both in between the extension
groups, local situations and philosophy and practice. It agents and the farmers.
local problems. Extension believes in persuasion and Differences also exist
work should start with discussion. The people are between group of farmers in
where people are and what provided with number of different parts of the
they have. Change should choices and they are free to country in their customs,
start from the existing adopt or not to adopt. values, beliefs, attitude and
situation. The objective of way of life. Extension
starting the extension programme must be carried
programme with local out in harmony with the
people is to demonstrate prevailing culture for better
the value of new practice or acceptance and results.
programmes so that more
and more people would
10. Principle of indigenous knowledge- People have been solving their problems by
application of indigenous knowledge since generations. These knowledge have been part of
their social system and people consider it essential for their survival. The extension agent,
instead of ignoring the importance of indigenous knowledge, should understand them and
their ramification in the life of the people and develop extension programme accordingly.

11. Principle of whole family approach- Household is considered as unit of intervention for
development. So, extension programme should be developed in such way that it encourages
the participation and involvement of entire family members. The goal of development is
difficult to achieve without educating the whole family- the male member, the female
member and children.

12. Principle of adaptability- Extension Programmes should be flexible in nature to

accommodate the local conditions. This is required because the people need, resource
availability and local situation vary from place to place and time to time.
13. Principle of using
14. Principle of using 15. Principle of continuous
existing grass root
trained specialists evaluation
• The extension agents • The extension worker • Evaluation is a process by
should utilize the services should use the experts or which one understands
of good local organizations trained specialists in the the problems of
(Gram Panchayat, co- programme to recommend programme
operatives, schools, youth the better and latest implementation. Extension
clubs, farmers practice to the farmers to worker should make
associations, Self Help get maximum benefit. periodic evaluation of
Group) for promoting the his/her programme to
developmental activities know the extent to which
the results obtained are in
agreement with the
objectives fixed earlier. If
there is any deficiency,
she/he should take
immediate corrective
measures to bring the
programme in to right
Extension Educational Process
The first step is the analysis of situation in which the facts about people, their
interests, need, social customs and habits and economic, social, cultural, physical,
technological environment in which they live and work are collected. The facts
collected are analyzed to identify the problems.

The second step is deciding on objectives or goals to be accomplished by the

community. A limited number of objectives should be selected by involving the
local people. The objectives should be specific, clearly stated and achievable
and on completion should produce tangible economic benefit to the people.
The third step is teaching which involves what should be taught (content) and how it should
be taught (methods). It requires the selection of appropriate methods and aids looking in to
the complexity of the contents and objectives of the programme. This phase is very
important, and the extension worker’s effectiveness is determined on the ability to use
extension methods to meet the extension education objectives.

The fourth step is evaluating the teaching, i.e. determining the extent to
which the objects have been fulfilled. This will also be a test of how
accurately and clearly the objectives have been stated and what
methodology adopted to reach the goals.
The fifth step is the reconsideration of entire extension educational programme on
the light of results of evaluation. This step consists of a review of previous efforts
and results which reveal a new situation. If this new situation shows the need for
further work, then the whole process may begin again, with new or modified
The use of the term ‘extension’ originated in England in 1866 with a system
of University extension which was taken up by first by Cambridge and
Oxford Universities and later on by other educational institutions in
England and other countries

James Stuart is considered as father of extension

The term ‘extension education’ was first used in 1873 by Cambridge

University to describe this particular educational innovation

In India, the terms community development and extension became more
popular with the launching of Community Development Projects in 1952
and with the establishment of the National Extension Service in 1953.
 It includes all activities of rural development. So extension programmes should be dynamic and flexible

Increasing efficiency in
Youth development Leadership development
livestock production

Increasing efficiency in
marketing, distribution and Community and rural
Better family living
utilization of all livestock development
inputs & outputs

Conservation, development Improving public affairs

Proper farm and for all round
and use of natural
home management development

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