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What is Work Immersion?

Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School

Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or work simulation
in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired
knowledge relevant to their track

– The Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed Guidelines for Work
Immersion as basis for the implementation of work immersion in all Senior High
Schools (SHSs).
– Work Immersion is a key feature of your SHS Curriculum. It can be conducted in
different ways depending on the purposes and needs of learners. Enclosed are
the documents pertinent to its implementation.
– These guidelines will take effect starting School Year 2017-2018 for all SHSs.
– These guidelines will remain in force and in effect for the duration of the
program, unless sooner repealed, amended, or rescinded. All existing Orders
and memoranda that are inconsistent with this Order are hereby rescinded.
– Immediate dissemination of and strict compliance with this Order is directed.
– Work immersion will help develop among the learners life and career skills, and
will prepare them to make decisions on post-secondary education or
employment. Through partnership building, DepEd hopes that the Partner
Institutions will provide learners with work immersion opportunities, workplace
or hands-on experience, and additional learning resources. It aims to make the
– appreciate the importance and application of the principles and theories
learned in school;
– enhance their technical knowledge and skills;
– enrich their skills in communications and human relations; and
– develop good work habits, attitudes, appreciation and respect for work.
To assure the achievement of the above objectives of Work Immersion,
this policy serves to guide schools in:

1.creating flexible work immersion arrangements for their learners;

2.providing options for work immersion that are relevant to learners’
purposes and needs;
3.organizing work immersion opportunities for learners that are
consistent with the diverse human resource requirements of partner
institutions for work immersion; and
4.articulating the scope and limits of work immersion in the context of
basic education when building relationships with work immersion
What is Work Immersion
– It was stated the guidelines that work immersion will
help develop among learners life career and skills, and
well prepare them to make decisions on postsecondary
education or employment gearing towards the four exits
envision for SHS graduates to choose from.

Appreciating management processes by observing, identifying

and describing the following:
1. Nature of the Business
2. Description of the products/services
3. Target Clientele
4. Organizational structure
5. Company rules and regulations

– The nature of business is basically an activity of interest

undertaken by an individual with an intention to earn
something out of the activity to offer him primarily the
means of living and to some extent create wealth for
expanding the said activity or indulging in some other
activity , which is also activity.
Service Business

– This type of business provides services to its customers,

it could be defined as selling your time, or also known as
labor business. These type of businesses provide services
to private and commercial clients. A few examples of
service businesses are: accounting firms, physical
therapy offices, handyman companies, a mechanic shop,
Merchandise Business

This type of business sells physical goods or products to its customers, and
the most common types of merchandise businesses are department
stores, grocery stores, dealerships, etc. There are also two subcategories
under this classification, because a merchandise business can be either a
wholesale business or a retail business. The difference between
wholesale and retail is that wholesalers buy directly from manufacturers
and then they sell the merchandise to retailers, and the retailers buy
from wholesalers (sometimes directly from the manufacturing company)
and sell to their customers.
Manufacturing Business

A manufacturing business is in charge of producing the

physical goods that they sell to wholesalers or retailers,
and sometimes directly to the consumer. Manufacturing
companies could be makers of clothing, automobile
manufacturers, and other types of factories that involve

– ​This section helps you to think about your product or service

which reflects on your ability to understand and cater for your
clients’ expectations. Provide a detailed description of your
product or services. What innovative features does your product
or service offer? How does your product or service distinguish
itself from other products or services already existing on the
market? Can you list three unique selling points offered by your
product or service? How will your product or service satisfy client
needs and expectations?​

Your target customers are those who are most likely to buy
from you. Resist the temptation to be too general in the
hopes of getting a larger slice of the market. That's like
firing 10 bullets in random directions instead of aiming
just one dead center of the mark--expensive and
– Try to describe them with as much detail as you can,
based on your knowledge of your product or service.
Rope family and friends into visualization exercises
("Describe the typical person who'll hire me to paint the
kitchen floor to look like marble...") to get different
perspectives-the more, the better.
– An organizational structure is a system that outlines how certain
activities are directed in order to achieve the goals of an organization.
These activities can include rules, roles, and responsibilities. The
organizational structure also determines how information flows between
levels within the company. For example, in a centralized structure,
decisions flow from the top down while in a decentralized structure,
decision-making power is distributed among various levels of the
organization. Having an organizational structure in place allows
companies to remain efficient and focused.
Functional Organization
– Functional Organization Structure Under a functional
organization structure, people who do similar tasks are
grouped together based on specialty. So all the
accountants are placed in the finance department and so
on for the marketing, operations, senior management
and human resources departments.
Divisional Structure Based
on Products
– Divisional Structure Based on Products. In a divisional structure,
your company groups workers into teams based on the products
or projects that meet the needs of a certain type of customer. For
example, a bakery with a catering operation might structure the
workforce based on key clientele, such as a wedding department
and a wholesale-retail department. The division of labor in this
kind of structure ensures workers making similar products can
achieve greater efficiency and higher output.
Matrix Structure Combines
Functional and Divisional Models

– Matrix Structure Combines Functional and Divisional

Models A matrix structure combines elements of the
functional and divisional models, so it’s more complex. It
groups people into functional departments of
specialization, then further separates them into
divisional projects and products.
Flat Organizational
– Flat Organizational Structure. A flat organizational
structure attempts to disrupt the traditional top-down
management system of most companies. Management is
decentralized so there is no everyday “boss.” Each
employee is the boss of themselves, eliminating
bureaucracy and red tape and improving direct
Rules for workers may be legally required, but various optional
workplace rules should be considered as well. Carefully selected
workplace rules can protect your business from legal claims and
help you maintain an orderly, positive work environment.
Managing the employees in your workplace effectively
necessitates that even the smallest of businesses set up work
rules. Work rules protect your business and your workers and if
correctly implemented and executed, create and maintain a better
work environment for all.
1.To become familiar with the work place;
2.for employment simulation; and apply their competencies in areas of specialization/applied subjects in authentic
work environments.
To achieve the above objectives, Work Immersion is thus a requirement for graduation
from secondary education. Learners are immersed in actual work environments such as
workshops offices and laboratories in which their prior training is relevant. Other possible
venues for work immersion are listed in Annex B.
These guidelines were formulated based on the rich experiences of modeling schools,
tech-voc schools, partnership focal persons, industry partners, and youth development
advocates. These guidelines can provide process support to field offices of the
Department of Education (DepEd) in fostering relationships and strengthening
partnerships so that learners will have access to suitable work immersion venues and
other related resources.

– Partner Institutions are public or private institutions or organizations that are able and willing
to lend their expertise and resources; and enter into agreement with any of the DepEd or
Non-DepEd offices and/or schools. This enables DepEd to strengthen its capability to offer
Senior High School, without monetary requirements from both.
– Memorandum of Agreement is a legally binding document, which spells out the specific
terms and conditions between and among parties entering into a partnership to implement a
program, project, or any other similar undertaking. It can be entered into at the central,
regional, division, or school level. The scope and limitations of the Memorandum of
Agreement shall not be contrary to laws, public customs, and moral compasses.
– Partnership refers to the relationship between the partner institution and the school, or any
office of DepEd (Central Regional or Division) that responds to the needs of the K to 12
program in general, and Senior High School in particular, which is formalized through a
Memorandum of Agreement.

– School Partnership Focal Person is the person authorized to seek partnerships between DepEd and Institutions
(Deped Order 40, s. 2015).
– Work Immersion refers to the subject of the Senior High School Curriculum, which involves hands-on experience or
work simulation in which learners can apply their competencies and acquired knowledge relevant to their track.
– Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor serves as the counterpart of the Work Immersion Teacher and may
also be the representative of the partner institution in forging partnership with DepEd schools. This person shall be
identified in the MOA.
– Work Immersion Teacher is the school personnel who is assigned to supervise the learners at the Work Immersion
Venue in coordination with the Work Immersion Partner Institution Supervisor.
– Workplace Immersion Venue is the place where work immersion is conducted. It shall conform with the law and
the rules and regulations on safety, appropriateness for learning, and availability of facilities and equipment, which
are issued by the DepEd (DO No. 40 s. 2015), Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA),
Department of Labor and Employment (DOLE), Commission on Higher Education (CHED), and other relevant
government agencies. Examples of work immersion venues include offices, factories, shops, and project sites.

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