"Newspaper Account

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“Newspaper Account: Local Girl

Found Slain by Rejected Lover”

1. Read the news report on “Local Girl Found Slain
by Rejected Lover.”
2. Compare the text with the article that you read
from the newspaper that you had brought.
3. What kind of information did you get from the
4. Did you notice any similarity/difference
between the two?
5. Are the words and sentences difficult to
understand? Why?
6. Who is narrating the event?
7. was the event narrated?
Local Girl Found Slain by Rejected
Lover (Newspaper Account)
Local Girl Found Slain by Rejected Lover
(Newspaper Account)

Ms. Porphyria Blank, 21, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Blank, of Barton Park, was found strangled this
morning in the cottage owned by John Doe, 25, who was apprehended on the scene of the crime
by officers Bailey and Hodge. Doe was found holding the body in his arms, and appeared to be in
stupor, his only reply to repeated questioning being, “I killed her because I loved her.”

According to the members of the Blank family, Doe had paid attention to Miss Blank for the last several
months, though it was strenuously denied that his regards for Miss Blank was returned. Miss
Blank’s engagement with Mr. Roger Weston was announced last month. Mr. Weston could not be
reached for a statement. Mrs. Blank was prostrated by the news of her daughter’s death.

The slain girl vanished last evening at approximately eleven o’clock from a dinner party given at her
parent’s home in honour of the approaching wedding. The family became alarmed when it was
discovered that she was not in her room, and instituted a search for her about midnight. The police,
who were promptly notified, in the course of their search knocked at Mr. Doe’s cottage, a building
some quarter of a mile from the Blank estate, at five in the morning. Receiving no answer, they
forced the door and discovered Doe sitting with the dead girl in his lap. She had apparently been
strangled, Dr. A. P. Reynolds, Autopsy Surgeon for the county, state that, from the condition of the
body, death must have occurred at about midnight.
Groupings ( Same group in your comics)

Performance Task

1. For the final activity, write a news report

about a recent school activity.

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