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Ponds and Aerated

Calipay, Van Phillip
Dimal, Katrina Tan
Ilag, Patric Jave
Mateo, Ave Maria
Paclibon, Denver Jay
Reyno, Jm
Ruiz, Ozzy Kate
Water Stabilization Ponds
The ponds designed and built for wastewater treatment to
reduce the organic content and remove pathogens from
Waste stabilization ponds are used worldwide for wastewater
treatment and are especially suitable for developing
countries that have warm climates.

Waste Stabilization Ponds (WSPs) are large, man-made

water bodies. The ponds can be used individually, or linked
in a series for improved treatment.
There are three types of ponds
 Requires large land area
 High capital cost depending on the price of land
 Requires expert design and construction
 Sludge requires proper removal and treatment

 Resistant to organic and hydraulic shock loads
 High reduction of solids, BOD and pathogens
 High nutrient removal if combined with aquaculture
 Low operating cost
 No electrical energy required
 No real problems with flies or odors if designed and
 maintained correctly
Anaerobic ponds
Anaerobic ponds receive raw wastewater. It is a smaller surface area
compared to facultative ponds and are also deeper (usually 3.0 to 5.0 m).

The anaerobic pond is the primary treatment stage and reduces the organic
load in the wastewater. The entire depth of this fairly deep man-made lake
is anaerobic. Solids and BOD removal occurs by sedimentation and through
subsequent anaerobic digestion inside the accumulated sludge. Anaerobic
bacteria convert organic carbon into methane and through this process,
remove up to 60% of the BOD.
Facultative ponds
Facultative stabilization ponds that receive raw wastewater are called
primary facultative ponds. If they are receiving wastewater that has
already been treated in anaerobic ponds, they are called secondary
facultative ponds.

Facultative stabilization ponds may also be used for treatment following

other types of treatment processes such as Upflow Anaerobic Sludge
Blanket (UASB) reactors, oxidation ditches or aerated lagoons.
Aerobic or Maturation
Aerobic are only included in the treatment line when high efficiencies of
pathogen removal are required, either for discharge of the treated effluent in
surface water bodies, or for use for irrigation or aquaculture.

An aerobic pond is commonly referred to as a maturation, polishing, or

finishing pond because it is usually the last step in a series of ponds and
provides the final level of treatment. It is the shallowest of the ponds, ensuring
that sunlight penetrates the full depth for photosynthesis to occur.
Anaerobic ponds are built to a
Design Considerations: depth of 2 to 5 m and have a
relatively short detention time of 1
to 7 days

Facultative ponds should be

constructed to a depth of 1 to 2.5 m
and have a detention time between
5 to 30 days.

Aerobic ponds are usually between

0.5 to 1.5 m deep.
 Ponds require very little maintenance, since
there is no heavy electric or mechanical
Operation and equipment that requires attention.
 The only routine maintenance needed is on
maintenance the preliminary treatment (cleaning of
screens and removal of sand), routine
checking of pipes, weirs and other hydraulic
structures, and removal of unwanted
vegetation growth in embankments.
 Scum that builds up on the pond surface
should be regularly removed.
 Sludge can be removed by using a raft-
mounted sludge pump, a mechanical scraper
at the bottom of the pond or by draining and
dewatering the pond and removing the sludge
with a front-end loader.

Waste stabilization ponds are among the most common and efficient
methods of wastewater treatment around the world. They are especially
appropriate for rural communities that have large, open and unused
lands, away from homes and public spaces and where it is feasible to
develop a local collection system. They are not appropriate for very
dense or urban areas.
Aerated Lagoons
Aerated lagoons are deep
waste stabilization ponds in
which sewage is aerated
by mechanical aerators to
stabilize the organic matter
present in the sewage,
rather than relying only on
photosynthetic oxygen
produced by algae.
Facultative Aerated Lagoons

Aerobic aerated lagoons

Facultative Aerated Lagoons:
Facultative aerated lagoons are those in which some solids may leave with the
effluent stream and some settle down in the lagoon since aeration power input is
just enough for oxygenation and not for keeping all solids in suspension. As the
lower part of such lagoons may be anoxic or anaerobic while the upper layers are
aerobic, these are termed as facultative aerated lagoons.

Further the facultative aerated lagoons are also known as partially mixed type
aerated lagoons because these are operated at a low rate of aeration which is not
adequate to keep all the solids in suspension.
Aerobic aerated lagoons:
Aerobic aerated lagoons are those which are fully aerobic from top to bottom as the
aeration power input is sufficiently high to keep all the solids in suspension besides
meeting the oxygenation needs of the system. No settlement of solids occurs in
these lagoons and under equilibrium conditions the new (microbial) solids produced
in the system equal the solids leaving the system.
• Motor-driven submerged or floating jet aerators.
• Motor-driven floating surface aerators
• Motor-driven fixed-in-place surface aerators
• Injection of compressed air through submerged diffusers.
Typical characteristics of the
above types of aerated lagoons
Design Fundamentals
 Aerated lagoons for municipal wastewater are designed according to the volume
load and the retention time.
 Volume load may not exceed 20 g BOD5/(m³.d). This correlates to a specific
volume greater than 3.0 m³/p.e.
 The retention time may not be less than 5 days even if a combined sewer system
is used and infiltration rates are high.
 Mixing requirements are the design basis for the second stage. According to the
shape of the lagoons a power density between 1.3 - 2 W/m³ is sufficient.
 Two aerated stages in series are advantageous with regard to permanent high
effluent quality. The first stage should have approx. 60%, the second stage
approx. 40% of the total volume. A two-stage lagoon system performs much
better than a one-stage design with reduced volume load.
Design of the Aerated Lagoons
 Aerated lagoons are often designed in rectangular shape. To enable a good
circulation and mixing at low power demand, the corners should be rounded and
the slope should not exceed a 2:1 (width to height) ratio.
 It is also possible to adapt the shape of the lagoon to the surrounding ground.
However, in this case more aerators of smaller size may be needed.
 The depth of the lagoons should range between 2.00 - 3.00 m; mostly a water
depth of 2.50 m is chosen.
 The angle of the slope corresponds to the local soil conditions.
 Normally it is 1:1.5 to 1:2. •
 Natural or clay lining should be used wherever possible. Plastic lining should be
applied only in highly permeable soil in water protection areas.
 The inlet zone of the first aerated lagoon should have a depressed floor level and it
should be reinforced or paved, so that settled sludge and grit can easily be pumped
off without risk of damage at normal water level.
 To prevent damages caused by muskrats, plants or erosion the slope should be
reinforced at the height of normal water level.

 The shape of the final clarification or polishing lagoon may vary in a wide range.
However, short circuiting has to be avoided. The depth of the polishing lagoon
should be approx. 1.20 m.
 Lagoon systems require more land than other treatment methods.
 They are less efficient in cold climates and may require additional land
or longer detention times in these areas.
 Odor can become a nuisance during algal blooms or with anaerobic
lagoons and lagoons that are inadequately maintained.
 Unless they are property maintained, lagoons can provide a breeding
area for mosquitoes and other insects.

 The aerated lagoons are simple and rugged in operation, the only
moving piece of equipment being the aerator.
 The removal efficiencies in terms of power input are comparable to
some of the other aerobic treatment methods.
 Civil construction mainly entails earthwork, and land requirement is
not excessive. Aerated lagoons require only 5 to 10 percent as much
land as stabilization ponds.
 ( The aerated lagoons are used frequently for the treatment of
industrial wastes.




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