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Ray Diagrams of Concave Mirrors

Ray Diagrams of Concave Mirrors

Ray Diagrams of Concave Mirrors
Ray Diagrams of Convex Mirrors
Ray Diagrams of Convex Mirrors
Summary of Ray Diagrams
Mirror Equation
• Ray diagrams are useful for
determining the general location and
size of the image formed by a mirror.
• However, the mirror equation and
magnification equation give a more
accurate mathematical description of
the image
Mirror Equation
• f = focal length of the mirror
• p = object distance (distance
between the object and the mirror.
• q = the image distance (distance
between the image and the mirror)
• m = magnification of the mirror
Mirror Equation

1 1 1
+ =
𝑝 𝑞 𝑓
Magnification Equation

𝑖𝑚𝑎𝑔𝑒 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, ℎ𝑖 𝑞
𝑚= =−
𝑜𝑏𝑗𝑒𝑐𝑡 ℎ𝑒𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡, ℎ𝑜 𝑝
Sign Conventions for Spherical Mirrors
• Focal length
f is + for a concave mirror
f is – for a convex mirror
Sign Conventions for Spherical Mirrors
• Image distance
q is + if image is real (in front of mirror)
q is – if image is virtual (behind the mirror)
• Magnification
m is + if the image is upright
m is – if the image is inverted
Example 1
A 2.0 cm high object is placed 7.10cm
from a concave mirror whose radius of
curvature is 10.20 cm.
A) find the location of the image
B) find the size of the image
Example 2
A focal point is located 20.0 cm from a
convex mirror. An object is placed 12 cm
from the mirror. Determine the image
Group Activity!
GROUP 1: A 5.00-cm tall light bulb is placed at a
distance of 45.0 cm from a concave mirror
having a focal length of 10.5 cm. Determine the
image distance and the image size.
GROUP 2: What is the focal length of a convex
mirror that produces an image that appears 15.0
cm behind the mirror when the object is 27.5
cm from the mirror?
Group Activity!
GROUP 3: A 4.00-cm tall light bulb is placed a
distance of 45.7 cm from a concave mirror
having a focal length of 15.2 cm. Determine the
image distance and the image size.
GROUP 4: A 4.0-cm tall light bulb is placed a
distance of 8.3 cm from a concave mirror having
a focal length of 15.2 cm. Determine the image
distance and the image size.
Group Activity!
GROUP 5: Determine the image distance and
image height for a 5.00-cm tall object placed
30.0 cm from a concave mirror having a focal
length of 15.0 cm.
GROUP 6: A 2.80-cm diameter coin is placed a
distance of 25.0 cm from a convex mirror that
has a focal length of -12.0 cm. Determine the
image distance and the diameter of the image.

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