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User Login Form On your desktop, double-click the Alphalist Data

This is where taxpayer enters his/her user- Entry Module 6.1 shortcut button and the User Login
defined login name and password which will be Form will appear.
used every time he/she enters the Alphalist Data 1. Enter <User Name>
Entry module 2. Enter <Password>
3. Click OK button or ALT+O
Note: Underlined letter/number is a shortcut
key which can be pressed together with ALT
key (e.g, ALT+O)

Alphalist Data Entry Main Menu Fill in all mandatory fields, then click Save
This menu contains all the functionalities of the
Alphalist Data Entry module button. The <Revert> button is used to
Note: The BIR System Message pop-up will appear undo encoding or when the user does not want to
only on the initial installation of this program to save the encoded data of the withholding agent.
capture information of the Withholding Agent. Once the Withholding Agent Information
screen is filled up, the next time you view the same
screen to update information, Edit & Close buttons
are activated.
Note: If field validation rule is violated, an
Error Message pop up will appear.

Alphalist Data Entry Main Menu Fill in all mandatory fields, then click Save
This menu contains all the functionalities of the
Alphalist Data Entry module button. The <Revert> button is used to
Note: The BIR System Message pop-up will appear undo encoding or when the user does not want to
only on the initial installation of this program to save the encoded data of the withholding agent.
capture information of the Withholding Agent. Once the Withholding Agent Information
screen is filled up, the next time you view the same
screen to update information, Edit & Close buttons
are activated.
Note: If field validation rule is violated, an
Error Message pop up will appear.

Upload DAT File Menu 1. Click Browse

This is the import facility to upload data from a
DAT file extension. 2. Locate and select the DAT file to be
Only data from 1604E and 1604CF can be uploaded
uploaded using this functionality
3. Click OK
4. Click Import Now
5. An information message on the
initialization will appear, click OK
6. A warning message will appear, click Yes
7. An information message saying “Some
transaction Tables Rebuilt” will appear, click

1. Click Browse
2. Locate and select the DAT file to be
3. Click OK
4. Click Import Now
5. An information message on the
initialization will appear, click OK
6. A warning message will appear, click Yes
7. An information message saying “Some
transaction Tables Rebuilt” will appear, click

TIN Library Menu 1. Enter the Taxpayer Identification

This is where the taxpayer’s information is Number
2. Enter the Registered Name if the
taxpayer’s classification is Non-
3. Enter the Last Name, First Name and
Middle Name if the taxpayer’s classification
is Individual
5. Click Save button to save the record
6. Click Add button to add new record
7. Click Edit button to update the encoded
8. Click Delete button to delete a record
9. Click Exit button to go back to Main

Import Records 1. Click the Import Records button

A functionality under the Utilities Menu which will
2. Click Browse
restore the data from previous version to the latest
installed version 3. Go to C:\BIRALPHA6\DATA or locate the
BIRALPHA6\DATA folder if the default
directory was changed during the
4. Select efsbir.dbc
5. Click OK
6. Click Import Now
7. An “Initialization…” message will
appear, click OK
8. A Warning Message will appear, click
9. Another Information message will
appear saying “Some Transaction Tables
Rebuilt”, click OK

Re-index All 1. Click the Reindex All button

A functionality under the Utilities Menu which will re- 2. The message saying “All Transaction
Tables Rebuilt” will pop-up when the
build all transaction tables
procedure is done.
3. Click OK

Update Database 1. Click the Update Database button

A functionality under the Utilities Menu which will
2. An information message saying
update the existing database
“Successfully Done” will pop-up when the
procedure is done.
3. Click OK

MAP Menu
This is where the data entry for 1600 Form is located 1. Click 1600 button or press 0 or ALT+0
2. 1600 Form Menu will appear

1600 Form Menu

1. Click Add/Update button or ALT+A
2. An information message saying “You
are working for the month of <month,
year>” will appear, click OK
3. 1600 Schedule II Data Entry Menu will

1600 Form Menu

1. Click Add/Update button or ALT+A
2. An information message saying “You
are working for the month of <month,
year>” will appear, click OK
3. 1600 Schedule II Data Entry Menu will

1600 Data Entry Menu 1. Click Add button to add new record
This is the data entry form for Monthly 2. Fill in all mandatory fields, then click
Remittance Return of VAT and Other Percentage
Save button. The <Revert> button is
used to undo encoding or when the user
Taxes Withheld
does not want to save the encoded data.
3. Click Exit and you will be redirected to
1600 Form Menu

Note: If the taxpayer’s information was

encoded from the Taxpayer Listing
Menu, just enter the Taxpayer
Identification Number and his/her
information will be automatically

QAP Menu 1. To access 1601E, click 1601E button or

This is where the data entry for 1601E and
1601F Forms are located
2. 1601E Form will appear

1. To access 1601F, click 1601F button or

2. 1601F Form will appear

1601E Form Menu 1. Click <Add/Update>

2. 1601E Data Entry Menu will appear

1601E Data Entry Menu 1. Click Add button to add new record
This is the data entry for Monthly Remittance of 2. Fill in all mandatory fields, then click
Creditable Income Taxes Withheld (Expanded)
Save button. The <Revert> button is
used to undo encoding or when the user
does not want to save the encoded data.
3. Click Exit and you will be redirected to
1601E Form Menu

Note: If the taxpayer’s information was

encoded from the Taxpayer Listing
Menu, just enter the Taxpayer
Identification Number and his/her
information will be automatically

1604E Menu
1. Click <Schedule 3>
2. An information message saying “You are
working for the year <year>”
3. Click OK

Note: Do above procedures (1-3) for Schedule


1604E Schedule 4 Data Entry Menu 1. Click Add button to add new record
This is the data entry for Schedule 4 of the 1604 E
2. Fill in all mandatory fields, then click
Save button. The <Revert> button is
used to undo encoding or when the user
does not want to save the encoded data.
3. Click Exit and you will be redirected to
1604E Menu

Note: If the taxpayer’s information was

encoded from the Taxpayer Listing
Menu, just enter the Taxpayer
Identification Number and his/her
information will be automatically

Generate File Functionality For MAP/SAWT/1604E and 1604F

This is a generic functionality that is available to all 1. In the selected form, validate that the month to be
forms (MAP, QAP, SAWT, 1604E and 1604CF) File will be generated is specified in the field “For the Month of “
saved to its root directory or where the application is 2. Click <Generate File>
installed (default is drive C) 3. The Save As dialogue box will appear, click <Save>
4. A BIR System Message saying “Do you
want to view the file created?” will
5. Click either <Yes> or <No> depending on your
For QAP – 3 files will be generated
1. In the selected form, select a quarter to be
generated on the field “For the Quarter of”
2. Click <Generate File>
3. The Save As dialogue box will appear, click <Save>
(do it three (3) times)
4. An information message saying “File
Successfully created in <directory> will appear
5. Click <OK>

Generate File Functionality For MAP/SAWT/1604E and 1604F

This is a generic functionality that is available to all 1. In the selected form, validate that the month to be
forms (MAP, QAP, SAWT, 1604E and 1604CF) File will be generated is specified in the field “For the Month of “
saved to its root directory or where the application is 2. Click <Generate File>
installed (default is drive C) 3. The Save As dialogue box will appear, click <Save>
4. A BIR System Message saying “Do you
want to view the file created?” will
5. Click either <Yes> or <No> depending on your
For QAP – 3 files will be generated
1. In the selected form, select a quarter to be
generated on the field “For the Quarter of”
2. Click <Generate File>
3. The Save As dialogue box will appear, click <Save>
(do it three (3) times)
4. An information message saying “File
Successfully created in <directory> will appear
5. Click <OK>

Print/Inquire Functionality For MAP/SAWT/1604E and 1604F

This is a generic functionality that is available to all 1. In the selected form, validate that the month to be
forms (MAP, QAP, SAWT, 1604E and 1604CF) generated is specified in the field “For the Month of “
2. Click <Print/Inquire>

1. In the selected form, select a quarter to be
generated in the field “For the
Quarter of”
2. Click <Print/Inquire>

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