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Presented By-

Ar. Abhinav Srivastav

Assistant Professor
B.Arch., M.Tech (IIT-R)
• History
• Introduction
• Terminology
• Design Guidelines
• Arrangement
• Layout

• The word escalator was coined by
combining the Latin word for steps—
“scala”—with the word “elevator.”

• Nathan Ames, a patent solicitor

from Saugus, Massachusetts, is
credited with patenting the first
"escalator" in 1859, despite the fact
that no working model of his design
was ever built.

• On March 15, 1892, Jesse W.

Reno patented the "Endless Conveyor
or Elevator” Source:Illustration from U.S. Patent #25,076:
Revolving Stairs. Issued August 9, 1859,
to Nathan Ames

History (cont.)
• Reno, a graduate of Lehigh University,
produced the first working escalator (he
actually called it the "inclined elevator")
and installed it alongside the Old Iron Pier
at Coney Island, New York City in 1896.

• This particular device was little more than

an inclined belt with cast-iron slats or
cleats on the surface for traction, and
traveled along a 25° incline

• An escalator is a conveyor type transport device that
moves people. It is a moving staircase with steps that
move up or down using a conveyor belt and tracks
keeping each step horizontal for the passenger.
• They are provided where it is necessary to move large
number of people from floor to floor in minimum of
space. For example , at railway stations , airports etc.

• The escalators operate at a constant speed , serve only

two levels and have a known maximum capacity ,
which varies from 3200 to 6400 persons per hour
depending on the width of the escalators.
• Escalators are reversible in direction.
• They are generally operated at a speed of not more
than 38m/minute.

• General Terms Relating to Escalators
Angle of Inclination - Maximum angle to the horizontal in which the steps,
the pallets or the belt move. It shall not be in excess of 30° from the horizontal
excepting that with an escalators having a vertical rise not exceeding 6m an
angle up to 35° may be allowed.

Auxiliary Brake - Fail safe brake, which is used to stop an escalators/moving

walk under all normal conditions or under certain fault conditions only,
typically situated on one side of the main drive shaft.

Balustrade - Part of the escalator/moving walk which ensures the users safety
by providing stability, protecting from moving parts and supporting the

Terminology (cont.)
Balustrade Decking - Transverse member of the balustrade which meets the
handrail guidance profile and which forms the top cover of the balustrade.
Brake Load - Load on the step/pallet/belt for which the brake system is designed
to stop the escalator.
Comb - Pronged section at each landing that meshes with the grooves of the steps
Comb Lighting - Small flush light panels located in the skirt panels on both sides
of the escalators/moving walk unit at both upper and lower landing and
immediately adjacent to the comb teeth to illuminate the comb and step tread and
assist passengers boarding and alighting the escalators/moving walk.
Comb Plate - Platform at each landing to which the combs are attached.

Terminology (cont.)
Comb Plate Switch - Switch in safety circuit that opens when excessive force is
detected in vertical and/or horizontal direction on the comb or comb plate of
escalators/moving walk.
Emergency Brake - Auxiliary mechanically automatically operated brake, which
will stop a fully loaded escalator, if the drive chain breaks.
Emergency Stop Switch - Separate stop button usually located in adjacent walls,
columns or within the balustrade providing the facility to stop the
escalator/moving walk, in the event of emergency.

Escalator - Power-driven, inclined, continuous moving stairway used for raising or

lowering persons in which the user carrying surface (for example, steps) remains
NOTE - Escalators are machines, and even when out of operation, shall not be
considered as fixed staircases as there could be a safety concern.

Terminology (cont.)
Exterior Panel - Part of the exterior side of the enclosure of an escalator.

Handrail - Power-driven moving rail for persons to grip while using the escalator.

Interior Panel - Panel located between the skirting or lower inner decking and
the handrail guidance profile or balustrade decking.
Machinery - Escalator or moving walk machine(s) mechanisms and associated
Machinery Spaces - Space(s) inside or outside of the truss where the machinery as
a whole or in parts is placed.
Maximum Capacity - Maximum flow of persons that can be achieved under
operational conditions.

Newel - End of the balustrade.

Terminology (cont.)
Nominal/Rated Speed - Speed in the direction of the moving steps, pallets or the
belt stated by the manufacturer for which the escalator or moving walk has been
designed, without load on the steps/pallets/ belt at nominal frequency and nominal
Pit - Recess in the floor to receive that portion of the lower landing and the lower
end of the incline section which occurs below the floor line when there is no floor
under the escalator such as in a basement.
Rated Load - Load which the equipment is designed to move.
Rise (Travel) - Vertical distance between the upper and lower finished floor
Safety Circuit - Part of the electric safety system consisting of electrical safety
Skirting - Vertical part of the balustrade interfacing with the steps, pallets or

Design Guidelines
• Escalators are desirable where the movement of people, in large numbers at a
controlled rate in the minimum of space, is involved, for example, railway
stations, shopping centers/malls, airports, etc. These encourage people to
circulate freely and conveniently.
• As the escalators and moving
walks operate at a constant
speed, serve only two levels and
have a known maximum
capacity, the traffic study is
rather easy, provided the
population to be handled in a
given time is known. It is easy to
predict the rate at which the
population can be handled.

Design Guidelines (cont.)

Capacity of escalators

Flow chart of escalators

Design Guidelines (cont.)


Arrangement (cont.)




Mechanical Layout

Mechanical Layout

Mechanical Layout

Mechanical Layout

Mechanical Layout

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Spiral Escalator

Interesting Facts

• The first escalator installed in Coney Island, New York City.

• The first Elevator at Raj Bhavan – Kolkata in late 19th century.

• The first Escalator at Reserve Bank of India, Kolkata in mid 60’s.

• National Building Code-2016
• International Building Code
• Neufert, Architect data
• Fred Hall, Building Services Handbook
• Elevatorworld
• OTIS Brochure
• Mitsubishi Brochure
• Time Saver Architecture Design Data


Climatology Lab Development

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