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Chapter 1

Introduction to Heat Transfer

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 1

 Energy can be transferred between a system and its surroundings.
 A system interacts with its surroundings by exchanging work and
 Deals with equilibrium states
 Does not give information about:
– Rates at which energy is transferred
– Mechanisms through with energy is transferred
In this chapter we will learn:
 What is heat transfer
 How is heat transferred
 Relevance and importance

Yesica Aprilia BIng UIN & Okta Viana TI UB

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 2
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 3
• Heat transfer or Heat is thermal energy transfer that is
induced by a temperature difference (or gradient)

Modes of heat transfer

 Conduction heat transfer : Occurs when a temperature
gradient exists through a solid or a stationary fluid (liquid or
 Convection heat transfer: Occurs within a moving fluid, or
between a solid surface and a moving fluid, when they are
at different temperatures
 Thermal radiation: All surfaces at finite temperature emit
energy in the form of electromagnetic waves. Heat transfer
between two surfaces (that are not in contact), often in the
absence of an intervening medium.
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 4
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 5
Example: Design of a container
A closed container filled with hot coffee is in a room whose air
and walls are at a fixed temperature. Identify all heat transfer
processes that contribute to cooling of the coffee. Comment on
features that would contribute to a superior container design.

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 6

1. Conduction
Transfer of energy from the more energetic to less energetic
particles of a substance by collisions between atoms and/or
 Atomic and molecular activity – random molecular motion (diffusion)

xo qx”

x T2

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 7

1. Conduction
Consider a brick wall, of thickness L=0.3 m which in a cold winter day
is exposed to a constant inside temperature, T1=20°C and a constant
outside temperature, T2= -20°C.
 Under steady-state conditions
the temperature varies linearly
Wall Area, A as a function of x.
T1=20° qx”  The rate of conductive heat
C transfer in the x-direction
depends on
T T2= -20°C
T1  T2
q"x 
x L=0.3 m L

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 8

1. Conduction
• The proportionality constant is a transport property, known as thermal
conductivity k (units W/m.K)
T1  T2 T
q"x k k
• Example 1.1  Read thoroughly
 How would the wall heat loss value change if instead of the fireclay
brick wall we had clay tile hollow –3 cells deep- of 30 cm thick?
 qx” is the heat flux (units W/m2 or (J/s)/m2), which is the heat transfer
rate in the x-direction per unit area perpendicular to the direction of
 The heat rate, qx (units W=J/s) through a plane wall of area A is the
product of the flux and the area: qx= qx”. A

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 9

1. Conduction
• In the general case the rate of heat transfer in the x-
direction is expressed in terms of the Fourier law:

dT T1 (high)
q"x  k qx”

• Minus sign because heat flows T2 (low)

from high to low T
x1 x2
 For a linear profile x
dT (T2  T1 )
 0
dx ( x2  x1 )

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 10

2. Convection
Energy transfer by random molecular motion (as in
conduction) plus bulk (macroscopic) motion of the fluid.
– Convection: transport by random motion of molecules and by bulk
motion of fluid.
– Advection: transport due solely to bulk fluid motion.

 Forced convection: Caused by external means

 Natural (free) convection: flow induced by buoyancy forces, arising
from density differences arising from temperature variations in the fluid
The above cases involve sensible heat (internal energy) of the fluid
 Latent heat exchange is associated with phase changes 
boiling and condensation.
 Hydrodynamic or velocity and Thermal boundary layers

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 11

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 12
2. Convection
Air at 20°C blows over a hot plate, which is maintained at a
temperature Ts=300°C and has dimensions of 20x40 cm.

T  20 C
TS  300 C

The convective heat flux is proportional to the temperature difference

q"x  TS  T

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 13

2. Convection
• The proportionality constant is the convection heat transfer
coefficient, h (W/m2.K)
q"x  h(TS  T ) Newton’s law of Cooling
• The heat rate, is qx= qx”. A
• The heat transfer coefficient depends on surface geometry,
nature of the fluid motion, as well as fluid properties.

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 14

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 15
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 16
3. Radiation
 Thermal radiation is energy emitted by matter
 Energy is transported by electromagnetic waves (or photons).
 Can occur from solid surfaces, liquids and gases.
 Does not require presence of a medium

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 17

Emissive Power E is the radiation emitted by the surface
The upper limit of the emissive power  Stefan Boltzmann
Emissive Power of Black body

Stefan Boltzmann constant

Emissive power for real surface 0 ≤ e ≤ 1
Ts  Absolute surface temperature [K]

Irradiation G is the rate of incident radiation per unit area of

the surface originating from its surroundings
A portion or all of G is absorbed by the surface  increase
thermal energy
Absorbed irradiation for real surface 0 ≤ a ≤ 1
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 18
3. Radiation
G  aTsur
4 a is the absorptivity 0  a 1
For a “grey” surface, a=e

Net radiation heat transfer of the surface per unit area

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 19

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 20
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 21
Thermal Resistance Concept

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 22

Relations to Thermodynamics
Surroundings, S

Control Volume (Storage) E st
(CV) Addition -Generation E g
through inlet through outlet
Boundary, B
(Control Surface, CS) E in E out

   dEst 
• Energy conservation on a rate basis: Ein  Eg  Eout   Est
Units W=J/s
 Inflow and outflow are surface phenomena
 Generation and accumulation are volumetric phenomena

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 23

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 24
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 25
 V2   V2 
 i  u  p 
m  g z   m
 out  u  p   g z  
 2  2
 i  out
 q  W  0
Enthalpy i = u + pv
Ideal gas of constant specific heat  (iin-iout) = cp(Tin-Tout)
Simplified Steady-flow thermal energy equation

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 26

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 27
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 28
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 29
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 30
In an orbiting space station, an electronic package is housed in a
compartment having a surface area As=1 m2, which is exposed to space.
Under normal operating conditions, the electronics dissipate 1kW, all of
which must be transferred from the exposed surface to space.
(a) If the surface emissivity is 1.0 and the surface is not exposed to the
sun, what is its steady-state temperature?
(b) If the surface is exposed to a solar flux of 750 W/m2 and its absorptivity
to solar radiation is 0.25, what is its steady-state temperature?

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 31

Surface Energy Balance

For a control surface:

Conservation of Energy
qrad” dEst 
  
Ein  Eg  Eout   Est

E in  E out  0
T or
T "
qcond  qconv
 qrad

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 32

The roof of a car in a parking lot absorbs a solar radiant flux of 800
W/m2, while the underside is perfectly insulated. The convection
coefficient between the roof and the ambient air is 12 W/m2.K.
a) Neglecting radiation exchange with the surroundings, calculate the
temperature of the roof under steady-state conditions, if the ambient
air temperature is 20°C.
b) For the same ambient air temperature, calculate the temperature of
the roof if its surface emissivity is 0.8

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 33

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 34

1. Mampu memahami, menalar, menganalisis konsep

dan fisik perpindahan panas, konduksi tunak satu
dan dua dimensi, serta konduksi transien.
2. Mampu memahami, menalar, menganalisis konsep
dan fisik perpindahan panas, konveksi paksa dan
natural pada aliran dalam maupun luar.
3. Mampu memahami, menalar, menganalisis konsep
dan fisik perpindahan panas, konveksi pada
perubahan fase boiling dan kondensasi.
4. Mampu menganalisis dan menerapkan prinsip
perpindahan massa
5. Mampu merancang peralatan penukar panas.
• Peer groups of Learning Process
• Exercises >= 10 numbers/chapter
• Evaluation:
Participation=10%, Participation 5%
Quiz-HW=25%,  Homework 10%
Lab-work=15%,  Lab-work 10%
Mid-term=20%,  5 ELO @ 15 %
• Midterm < 40  drop out
• SAR Class = 2.95

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 36

1.6. Relevance of Heat Transfer

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 37

The efficiency of gas turbine increasing operating temperature
>Tmelting blade material
1.Injection of cooling gas @ leading edge of the blade.
2.Thin layer of very low k ceramics
3.Design of blade and vane  intricate, internal cooling
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 38
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 39
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 40
The temperature on the faces of a 15 cm thick plane wall are
375 and 85 oC. The wall is constructed of a special glass with
k = 0.80 W/m.K, r = 2400 kg/m3 and cp = 0.75 kJ/kg.K. What
is the heat flow through the wall at steady state condition.
Satellites and space-crafts are exposed to extremely high radiant
energy from the sun (q”sun). Propose a method to dissipate the
heat, so that the surface temperature of a spacecraft in orbit can
be maintained to 300 K. Assume the temperature of the space is
A solar radiant heat flux of 700 W/m2 is absorbed in a metal
plate of 5 mm thickness and is perfectly insulated on the back
side. The properties of the metals are: k = 15 W/m.K, r = 7800
kg/m3, c = 450 kJ/kg. K and e = 0.25. The heat transfer
coefficient on the plate (h) is 25 W/m2.K and the ambient
temperature is 30 oC. Calculate the temperature of the plate
under steady state condition.
Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 41
Jangan Lupa budayakan 5 S

Thank you for your kind attention and participation

Chapter 1 Perpindahan Panas/Heat Transfer 42

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