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Five Functions of

Oral Communication
What are communication
functions functions?
refer to how
people use language for different purposes
also refers to how language is affected by
different time, place, and situation used to
control the behavior of people used to
regulate the nature and amount of
activities people engage in.
Communication as a human
What are communication functions?
activity always serves a function.
Theoretician such as Roman
Jakobson, Michael Halliday, and
Bronislaw Malinowsi have
categorized the different uses or
functions of communication.
1. Regulation/Control
--can be used to control the
behavior of human beings. It can be
used to regulate the nature and
amount of activities humans engage
Parents’ Instruction to their child:

“Wash the dishes now, or else I won’t

allow you to play Mobile Legend later.”
Doctors’ Friends giving
Prescription: advice on what
to do:
“Take your
medicine 3 “Move on. He
times a day.” doesn’t love you
2. Social Interaction – Communication
can be used to produce social
interaction. In their daily course of
living, human being develop and
maintain bonds, intimacy, relations
and associations.
Marriage Proposal
“Will you marry me?”

“Would you like some coffee, tea, or
3. Motivation
---functions to motivate
or to encourage people
to live better.
Teacher to students with failing

You need to study well. That is not for

us nor for your parents, but for
4. Information – communication can
be used for giving and getting
information. Giving information
usually comes in the form of
statements of facts (grammatically
known as declaratives).
There’s a secret apartment at the top of
the Eiffel tower.

The earth revolves around the sun.

5. Emotional Expression – Human
always need to express their emotions
verbally and nonverbally. Emotions are
a central part of who we are. Beyond
thinking about the things and people in
our world, we feel about them and
about ourselves.
“I’m so glad that you came into my life.”
“I like you so much!

Expressing one’s ambition

“I want to finish up my studies with good grades to be
accepted in a good university.”

Expressing a need
“I need you in my life.”
A. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer.

1. Which of the following shows an example of

a. Doctor’s prescription
b. Friends giving advice on what course of action to
c. Parent’s instruction to their children
d. All of the above.
2. "I love you" is an example of expression
that produce what function of

b. Social Interaction
c. Emotional Expression
d. Information
3. "I want to be a billionaire" is a form
expressing what function of

a. Motivation
b. Social Interaction
c. Emotional Expression
d. Information
4. "Really?" is a language form for
expressing what function of

a.Social Interaction
b. Information
c. Emotional Expression
d. Rhetorical Question
5. When a teacher gives an introduction
about a topic it is likely to be about
what function of communication?

a. Regulation/control
b. Emotional expression
c. Motivation
d. Information
B. Using any of the 5 functions of
communication, construct 5
sentences about the basketball
game last night between Gilas
Pilipinas vs Australia.
Follow the instructions carefully.

1. Bring out one whole.

2. Write your name on top in big bold print.
3. From the 2nd line of the paper, write as many
things about yourself in the form of a list, starting
with your best, most attractive qualities, your likes,
talents, and so on.
4. Fold the paper in half with only your
name showing, and pass the paper to your
seatmate who should write their name and
fill out the half sheet with things they now
and like about you. YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO
5. When they have filled the half
portion, they should fold it into half
and pass the paper on to someone else
who should use the back page of the
sheet to write things they know and
like about you, before returning the
sheet to you.
6. Now, summarize what you and the others
have written by classifying them into:
a. Common qualities about you
b. Qualities or things you did not know
classmates saw in you.
c. Qualities or things they did not
recognize you had.
Being a good communicator is putting the
best version of yourself forward. Paired with
knowing the purpose, audience, and
situation (context) of a chance to
communicate with others will ensure that
they will find what you have to say relevant,
meaningful, and appropriate--- marks of
successful communication.
Activity: 1 whole sheet of paper.
Answer in not more than five
1.How would you foster effective communication with people
of different background (cultural, educational, gender)?
2.How would you react if you met someone who speaks some
words that you find derogatory or offending in your native
3.A child asks you why smoked fish is tinapa in Tagalog, while
it means sardines in his/her language. How would you
explain this clearly?

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