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2: The Gas
• Pressure is the result of a force
distributed over an area.
• Collisions between particles of a gas and
the walls of the container cause the
pressure in a closed container of gas.
• The SI unit for pressure, the pascal (Pa),
is shorthand for newtons per square
Factors that Affect Gas
Number of particles
• Raising the temperature of a gas will increase
its pressure if the volume of the gas and the
number of particles are constant.
• As the temperature rises, the average kinetic energy
of the particles in the air increases.
• With increased kinetic energy, the particles move
faster and collide more often with the inner walls of
the tires.
• Faster-moving particles hit the walls with greater
• More collisions and increased force cause the
pressure of the air in the tires to rise.
• Reducing the volume of a gas increases its
pressure if the temperature of the gas and the
number of particles are constant.
–Twist the cap onto a plastic bottle and then
squeeze it. What happens?
• The volume of the plastic bottle begins to
• As the volume decreases, the particles of trapped
air collide more often with the walls of the bottle.
• The pressure in the bottle increases.
Number of Particles
• Increasing the number of particles
will increase the pressure of a gas if
the temperature and the volume are
• The more particles there are in the
same volume, the greater the
number of collisions and the greater
the pressure.
Charles’ Law
• French physicist Jacques Charles collected
data on the relationship between the
temperature and volume of gases.
• The graph of the data showed a direct
relationship between the volume of a gas and
the temperature of the gas.
Charles’ Law
•Charles extended the graph
beyond the measured data to
find the temperature that
would produce a volume of
0 L.
•The temperature at the point
where the line crossed the x-
axis was –273.15°C.
•This temperature is equal to 0
K on the Kelvin temperature
•A temperature of 0 K is called
absolute zero.
Charles’ Law
Charles’s law states that the volume of a gas is
directly proportional to its temperature in kelvins if
the pressure and the number of particles of the gas
are constant.

T1 and V1 represent the temperature and volume

of a gas before a change occurs. T2 and V2
represent the temperature and volume after a
change occurs.
Boyle’s Law
• Robert Boyle
described the
relationship between
the pressure and
volume of a gas.
• The graph shows an
inverse relationship
between the volume
of a gas and the
pressure of the gas.
Boyle’s Law
Boyle’s law states that the volume of a gas is
inversely proportional to its pressure if the
temperature and the number of particles are

P1 and V1 represent the pressure and volume of a

gas before a change occurs. P2 and V2 represent the
pressure and volume of a gas after a change occurs.
The Combined Gas Law
• The combined gas law describes the
relationship among the temperature, volume,
and pressure of a gas when the number of
particles is constant.
• A cylinder that contains air at a pressure of
100 kPa has a volume of 0.75 L. The pressure
is increased to 300 kPa. The temperature does
not change. Find the new volume of air.
What do you do?
• Read and Understand

• What information are you given?

• P1 = 100 kPa P2 = 300 kPa V1 = 0.75 L

What do you do?
Plan and Solve
What unknown are you trying to calculate?

What expression can you use?

What do you do?
Cancel out the variable that does not change
and rearrange the expression to solve for V2.

Replace each variable with its known value.

What do you do?
Look Back and Check
Is your answer reasonable?

Volume should decrease as pressure increases.

The pressure tripled from 100 kPa to 300 kPa.
The answer, 0.25 L, is one third the original
volume, 0.75 L.
• 1. A gas has a volume of 5.0 L at a pressure of
50 kPa. What happens to the volume when
the pressure is increased to 125 kPa? The
temperature does not change.
• 2. Gas stored in a tank at 273 K has a pressure
of 388 kPa. The safe limit for the pressure is
825 kPa. At what temperature will the gas
reach this pressure?
• 3. At 10ºC, the gas in a cylinder has a volume
of 0.250 L. The gas is allowed to expand to
0.285 L. What must the final temperature be
for the pressure to remain constant? (Hint:
Convert from degrees Celsius to kelvins using
the expression ºC + 273 = K.)
Pg. 81 # 9 and 10

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