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Origin of the following words:

• a. cheese f. chicken
• b. camp g. carpenter
• c. school h. sky
• d. religion i. cat
• e. beef j. altar
Words that can be found in the text:

• a. Old English f. Celts

• b. Middle English g. Dialect
• c. Modern English h. Case
• d. Anglo-Saxons i. Standardization
• e. Indo-European language j. Mutually intelligible language
• Old English usually refers to the period in the history of the
English language covering the years from 449 (or 450) to 1100
(or 1150). Around the year 450, England was invaded by the
Germanic tribes (the Angels, the Saxons, and the Jutes). These
Germanic tribes are regarded as “the founders of The English
nation” [Albert C. Baugh and Thomas Cable, A History of the
English Language (London: Routledge, 2002)]. The account of
these invasions is found in the Benedictine monk Bede’s work
Ecclesiastical History of the English People, which was
completed in 731 (Baugh and Cable 2002). The earliest records of
the language date back to about 700.
• Middle English covers the period from 1100 (or
1150) to 1500. William of Normandy, a French
territory, conquered England in 1066. The French
rule brought change to the English language. The
Anglo-Saxons chronicle existed until 1154. By that
time, the English language had taken on new
futures different from the ones of Old English.
• Modern English covers the period 1500 to the
present in the history of the English language. The
introduction of the movable printing process into
England by William Caxton in 1476 made possible
the production of uniform copies of big numbers
of books. The increase in the number of schools, in
literacy production, and in travel and explorations
brought change to the language from the time of
the Renaissance in the 1500s.
• The Anglo-Saxon is the term that came about
with reference to the Teutonic tribes that invaded
England. The term is often used to refer to “the
earliest period of English” (Baugh and Cable
•Indo-European language is the family of
languages to which English belongs.
•The Celts were “the original inhabitants of
the British Isles before the arrival of the
Romans” [Phillip, The Story of English
(London: Quercus, 2009)].
•Dialect is a variation of a language.
•Case is the choice of form depending on the
function of words (nouns, pronouns,
adjectives) in the sentences in an inflected
• Standardization suggests an “ideal” norm or
model of usage.
•Mutually intelligible language indicated that
the language are distinct from each other
and are not dialects of the same language.
1. Look up the origin of the following words used by Filipinos;
2. Explain briefly how these words became part of the local
language(s) in the Philippines.

• a. mesa f. silya
• b. lapis g. titser
• c. bag h. baso
• d. kabayo i. kotse
• e. tsunami j. lahar

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