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USeP: We build dreams without limits. B S A B E : We b u i l d s u s t a i n a b l e t o m o r r o w.

Principles of Statics
Resultants of Force Systems

10 minutes activity:
Group yourselves into five (4)
1. Recall Newton’s Law of Motion and discuss.
2. What comes into your mind when you hear the word
statics and dynamics.
3. Can you still remember the rule of rounding off
4. How about the rules of significant numbers?
Intended Learning Outcomes
• At the end of the lesson, the students must be able to:
1. Explain the principle of statics.
2. Describe force and various force systems.
3. Solve the resultant of three or more Concurrent Forces

Mechanics is the foundation of most engineering sciences and

is an indispensable prerequisite to their study.

Mechanics is the science which describes and predicts the

conditions of rest or motion of bodies under the action of forces.
Engineering Mechanics
Engineering Mechanics
Mechanics: The actions and effects of forces on bodies.
Statics: Bodies at rest, or in equilibrium

Mechanics Dynamics: Bodies in motion, or out of equilibrium

Will be static, OR move with

constant velocity


OUT OF EQUILIBRIUM Will accelerate (velocity changing)

Velocity changing
with time
Dynamics: Kinematics: Study of motion without reference to
forces producing motion: Relations between position,
velocity, acceleration and time.

Kinetics: Relations between unbalanced forces

and the changes in motion they produce.

E.g. Rollercoaster ride:

Kinematics: how fast, how far,
and how long it takes...

Kinetics: What forces were

involved to produce this motion?
- Weight
- Friction
- Aerodynamic drag
What are the resulting
Six Fundamental Concept of Mechanics
• Space - associated with the motion or the position of a point P given
in terms of three coordinates measured from a reference point or

• Time - definition of an event requires specification of the time and

position at which it occurred.

• Mass - used to characterize and compare bodies, e.g., response to

earth’s gravitational attraction and resistance to change in
translational motion.
Six Fundamental Concept of Mechanics


A force is a push or pull. An object at

rest needs a force to get it moving; a
moving object needs a force to change
its velocity.

The magnitude of a force can be

measured using a spring scale.
Six Fundamental Concept of Mechanics
A particle has a mass but size is

When a body is idealised as a particle,

the principles of mechanics reduces to a
simplified form, since the geometry of the
body will not be concerned in the analysis
of the problem.
Six Fundamental Concept of Mechanics
Rigid Body
A combination of large number of
Particles in which all the particles remain
at a fixed distance from one another
before and after application of load.

Here mass & size of the bodies are

considered when analysing the forces.
Basic Laws of Mechanics
1. Newton’s Law
2. Newton’s Law of Gravitation
3. Triangle Law
4. Parallellogram Law
5. Lami’s Theorem
6. Principle of Transmissibility
• Newton’s First Law: If the resultant force on a particle is zero, the
particle will remain at rest or continue to move in a straight line.

• Newton’s Second Law: A particle will have an acceleration

proportional to a nonzero resultant applied force.

• Newton’s Third Law: The forces of action and reaction between two
particles have the same magnitude and line of action with opposite

• Newton’s Law of Gravitation: Two particles are attracted with equal

and opposite forces,
Parallelogram Law
• If two vectors acting at a point be represented in magnitude
and direction by the adjacent sides of a parallelogram, then their
resultant is represented in magnitude and direction by the
diagonal of the parallelogram passing through that point.
Triangle Law
• If two vectors acting at a point are represented by the two sides of a
triangle taken in order, then their resultant is represented by the third
side taken in opposite order
sine and cosine rules
• When adding forces it is often useful to consider solving the problem
using geometric rules, rather than considering components
Principle of Transmissibility
• According to this law the state of rest or motion of the rigid body
is unaltered if a force acting on the body is replaced by another force
of the same magnitude and direction but acting anywhere on the
body along the line of action of the replaced force.

• Principle of Transmissibility - Conditions of equilibrium or motion are not affected by transmitting

a force along its line of action.
Force System
• Concurrent Force System. In a concurrent force
system, all forces pass through a common point.

• Parallel Force System. Parallel forces can be in the

same or in opposite directions.

• Non-Concurrent Forces. Non-concurrent forces

are two or more forces whose magnitudes are
equal but act in opposite directions with a common
line of action.
Force System
• Coplanar Forces. Forces whose line of action lie on the same plane.

• Non-Coplanar Forces. Forces whose line of action do not lie on the

same surface or plane.

• Co-linear Forces. Forces whose line of action lie on the same line.
Force System
Coordinate System
• Coordinate system: used to describe the position of a point in space
and consists of
1. An origin as the reference point
2. A set of coordinate axes with scales and
3. Choice of positive direction for each axis
4. Choice of unit vectors at each point in space
Vector Representation of Forces
• A vector is a quantity that has both direction and magnitude.

The length of the arrow represents the magnitude of the

vector, and the angle θ between the vector and a fixed
axis defines the direction of its line of action. The head or
tip of the arrow
indicates the sense of direction of the vector
Application of Vectors
(1)Vectors can exist at any point P in space.

(2) Vectors have direction and magnitude.

(3)Vector Equality: Any two vectors that have the same direction
and magnitude, are equal no matter where in space they are
Resolution and Composition of Forces
(1)Vectors can exist at any point P in space.

(2) Vectors have direction and magnitude.

(3)Vector Equality: Any two vectors that have the same direction
and magnitude, are equal no matter where in space they are
Resolution and Composition of Forces

20 N
Splitting of forces into their components

Resolution of force is a reverse process in which a single force is

expressed in terms of its components. These components are sometimes
referred to as the resolved parts of the force.
Resolution and Composition of Forces

F sinӨ F sinӨ 1. It is convenient to have

F Fx = F cos Ө Fy = F sin Ө
and Always measure angle from
Ө Ө horizontal reference(acute angle).
F cosӨ
F cosӨ

2. Assume force pointing Right

F cosӨ F cosӨ
Ө Ө and Top as positive otherwise
F sinӨ F sinӨ F
Procedure in finding the Resultant Force
Procedure to find the magnitude and direction of the resultant force
1. Find ƩFx
2. Find ƩFy
3. Magnitude of the resultant force is given by

4. Plot ƩFx and ƩFy with its appropriate sign

5. Direction of the resultant force is given by
• Two forces P and Q act on a bolt A.
Determine their resultant.
• The screw eye in Fig. is subjected to
two forces, F1 and F2.
• Determine the magnitude and
direction of the resultant force.
• Determine the magnitude of the resultant force acting on the plate
and its direction, measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis.
Solve it!!!
Determine the magnitude of the resultant force and its direction,
measured counterclockwise from the positive x axis.
Solve it!!!
Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant force.
Solve it!!!
A disabled automobile is pulled by means of two ropes as shown. The
tension in rope AB is 2.2 kN, and the angle α is 25°. Knowing that the
resultant of the two forces applied at A is directed along the axis of
the automobile, determine by trigonometry (a) the tension in rope AC,
(b) the magnitude of the resultant of the two forces applied at A.
USeP: We build dreams without limits. B S A B E : B u i l d i n g s u s t a i n a b l e t o m o r r o w.

End of presentation

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