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Council for the

Protection of
Constitutional and Statutory Principles on
Child Protection
• Art XV, Sec. 3 (2), 1987 Constitution
• The State shall defend the right of children to assistance,
including proper care and nutrition, and special protection
from all forms of neglect, abuse, cruelty, exploitation, and
other conditions prejudicial to their development

• 1989 U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child

• Recognizes the right of the child to protection from economic
exploitation, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance,
sexual exploitation, sexual abuse, abduction, sale or
trafficking, torture and cruelty or inhuman treatment, and
arbitrary detention
Constitutional and Statutory Principles on
Child Protection
• RA 7610 An Act Providing for Stronger Deterrence and Special
Protection against Child Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination
• Special protection of children against child abuse, exploitation and

• RA 9231 (2003) Special Protection of Children Against Child Abuse,

Exploitation and Discrimination Act - Repeals RA 7658 (1993)
• Prohibits the employment of children below 15 years of age
• Child works directly under the sole responsibility of his parent or guardian and his employment does
not in any way interfere with his schooling; and
• Child’s employment in public entertainment or information through cinema, theater, radio or TV
Constitutional and Statutory Principles on
Child Protection
• RA 9208 (2003)
• Punishes trafficking in persons, especially women and children

• RA 9262 Anti Violence Against Women and their

Children (2004)
• Punishes violence against women and their children
• Classifies VAWC as public offense
• Provides for issuance of protection orders
• Allows battered woman syndrome as a defense
Constitutional and Statutory Principles on
Child Protection
• RA 9344 (2006)
• Community-based programs (programs on rehabilitation and reintegration, and
that prevents disruption of education and separation of child from family)
• Minimum age of criminal liability
• Diversion for CICL above 15 years and whose offenses have a penalty of not more
than 6 yrs imprisonment
• Suspended sentence for CICL who are convicted
Constitutional and Statutory Principles on
Child Protection
• RA 9165 (2002)
• Rehabilitation of first-time minor drug offender
• Suspended sentence for minor drug offender who is found

• RA 7160 (1991)
• Sec 16 “ GENERAL WELFARE CLAUSE” – empowers LGUs to
enact and implement measures for the general well-being of
their inhabitants.


• Maintenance of BHC and Daycare Centers
• Information and Reading Center
Constitutional and Statutory Principles on
Child Protection
• Supreme Court Rules
• Rule on Examination of a Child Witness (2000)
• Provides for flexible and liberal rules for testimony of a child in court
• Rule on Commitment of Children (2002)
• Provides for court procedure for DSWD or NGO to take custody of
abused, neglected, abandoned or disabled child
• Rule on Juveniles in Conflict with the Law (2002)
• Provides for diversion, suspension of sentence and alternatives to
imprisonment for CICL
What is Barangay Council for the
Protection of Children?
- is a council organized at the barangay level to serve as the umbrella
organization for all children’s concerns.

- is a council fully harnessed to be an efficient and effective advocate

of child rights and implementor of all children’s programs in the
Why organize the BCPC?

• To ensure the Survival, Development, Protection and Participation of

children and youth at the barangay level;
• To have an organized, effective and responsive community-based
structure that will promote and guarantee the welfare, safety, health,
good moral environment and wholesome development of children
and youth.
What are the legal bases for the
organization of BCPC?
• Art 359 (3), Civil Code of the Philippines (RA 386 as
• The government promotes the full growth of the faculties of
every child. For this purpose, the government will establish
Councils for the Protection of Children

• Art 87, Children & Youth Welfare Code (PD 603)

• Every barangay council shall encourage the organization of a
Local Council for the Protection of Children
• RA 8980 – Early Childhood Care and Devt.
• Reiterates the organization of the BCPCs in order to function

• Sec. 15, RA 9344 – Juvenile and Welfare Act of 2006

• Reiterates the organization of LCPCs
• Specifies that 1% of the IRA shall be allocated for the
strengthening and implementation of the LCPC programs

• DILG MC No. 2002-121

• Guidelines on the organization and strengthening of LCPC
incorporating thereat ECCD Coordinating Committees
Who shall spearhead the organization of
the BCPC?
• The Punong Barangay as the BCPC Chairperson

How often shall the BCPC meet?

• At least once every quarter
Who shall COMPOSE the BCPC?
Chairperson : Punong Barangay
Co-Chair : (from among the members)
Members : SBM (Women &Family)
SK Chairperson
Day Care Worker
Nurse or Midwife
DepEd Principal / TIC
Chief Tanod
Children’s Representative
PTA President / Representative
NGO / PO Representative
What are the FUNCTIONS of BCPC? (PD 603,
RA 386 as amended & DILG MC No. 2002-121)

• Foster education of every child

• Encourage the proper performance of the duties &
responsibilities of parents, & provide learning
opportunities on the adequate rearing of children and
positive parent-child relationship
• Protect & assist children in need of special protection
(e.g. abandoned, maltreated & dependents) & refer
cases filed against child abusers to proper
• Take steps to prevent juvenile delinquency & assist
parents of children with behavioral problems so that
they can get expert advice
• Adopt measures for the health of children
• Advocate for the establishment & maintenance of
playgrounds, day care centers and other facilities
necessary for child & youth development
• Provide coordinative linkages with other agencies &
institutions in the planning, monitoring & evaluation
of plans for children
• Conduct capability building projects to increase knowledge & skills in
handling children’s program
• Establish & maintain database on children in the barangay
• Promote wholesome entertainment in the community, especially in
movie houses
• Prepare AWFP for children & recommend appropriations to the
• Advocate for the passage of barangay resolutions / ordinances
responsive to child related-related issues & concerns & ensure
the inclusion of children’s program in the executive agenda

• Monitor situational reports on children and prepare quarterly

updates including the implementation of children’s program
and make recommendations to the C/MCPC for consideration

• Perform such other functions and other child related laws

especially in matters of child and parent education, health,
entertainment, etc.
What are the indicators of a
functional BCPC? LCPC FORM 1-A

• Organization (10%)
• through legislative measure (5%)
• Composition is in accordance with DILG MC 2002-121 (5%)
• Meetings (10%)
• Regular quarterly meeting
• With minutes
What are the indicators of a functional
• Policies, Plans and Budget (30%)
• Approved Annual Work and Financial Plan (5%)
• AWFP/PPAs incorporated in the LDIP and AIP (5%)
• AWFP/PPAs included in the Barangay Annual Budget (10%)
• Policies and PPAs are needs based/demand driven (2%)
• Policies for child rights have been recommended thru a resolution (4%)
• Policies are approved by Sanggunian (4%)

• Accomplishments (50%)
• PPAs undertaken based on AWFP (20%)
• State of Children’s Report (10%)
• Accomplishments reflected in Annual Report (8%)
• Accomplishments documented (7%)
• Accomplishments included in the SOBA (5%)
Basic Steps in Organizing the BCPC
Step 1 : Conduct a community assembly to
inform the residents on the need to organize
or reactivate the BCPC
Step 2 : Convene the members of the BCPC
based on DILG MC 2002-121
Step 3 : Orient BCPC members on the BCPC
rationale, legal bases, functions, compositions,
and indicators of a functional BCPC
Step 4 : Identify the need and concern of
Step 5 : Prepare a comprehensive plan of action
for children
Step 6 : Facilitate conduct of community
activities and projects for the welfare of
Step 7 : Mobilize the support of the community
people and encourage full and active
participation of children
Step 8 : Conduct regular meetings
Roles of Community Leaders in Organizing
the BCPC
C ouncil organizing
H ousehold & community studies
I nstitution building
L ocalization of policies & programs
D evelopment planning
R esource mobilization
E valuation and monitoring
N etworking and coordination
DILG MC # 2009 - 59
General Guidelines and Procedures in Handling CHILDREN AT RISK (CAR)
Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC)

Per RA 9344 – Juvenile Justice and Welfare Act of 2006


A. Role of the BCPC during initial contact and apprehension of CICL;

B. Roles of BCPC in the implementation of the intervention
program; and
C. Responsibilities of the BCPC in implementing the diversion
Guidelines and Procedures

1. Advise the complainant to fill-up Complaint Form A;

2. Record the complaint in the BCPC logbook;
3. Take initial custody of the alleged CICL;
4. Notify the child’s parents/ guardian/ relatives, the LSWDO and
the PB
Guidelines and Procedures

5. Properly identify himself/herself and present

proper identification to the child;
6. Inform and explain the child of the reason for such
initial custody and offense and/or acts that
she/he allegedly committed and advise the child
his/her constitutional rights in a language or
dialect understood by him/her;
7. Conduct initial investigation using the Intake and
Profile Form (Form B);
Guidelines and Procedures

8. The Law Enforcement Officer (LEO) having initial contact with the
child, after taking the child into custody, shall immediately
determine the age of the child;
9. Take the child immediately to the proper medical, dental and health
officer for a thorough physical and mental examination;
Guidelines and Procedures

10. Immediately but no later than 8 hrs from

apprehension, the LEO shall

 release CICL 15 yrs old and below or

 turn over CICL above 15 yrs but below 18 yrs old to the
LSWDO to assess presence or absence of discernment in
committing the offense or
 turn over to PNP or to concerned lupon tagapamayapa
as may be appropriate if the offender is 18 yrs and
Guidelines and Procedures

11. Proper recording in a separate logbook indicating the

disposition of the case;
12. Prepare a report containing all the information gathered
during the interview with other related documents;
13. In conducting and implementing the Intervention
Program, the BCPC shall assist the PB;
14. Upon determination by the LSWDO of the appropriate
diversion program and the signing of Contract of
Diversion by the CICL above 15 but below 18 yrs of age
who acted with discernment, the BCPC shall conduct
diversion activities;

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