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Traction: Get a Grip on

Your Business



The book is all about presents a system for organizational health and growth. This system
is called the EOS System® (the Entrepreneurial Operating System).

The Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS®) is a set of comprehensive processes and

tools to help leadership teams overcome key business challenges, gain control of the
business, operate efficiently, gain traction and move ahead as a healthy, effective and
cohesive team.

In this book Gino Wickman walks through the 6 key components of the EOS® which are
needed to build a scalable, successful business
6 key Components
Vision: Develop & communicate a
strong vision

Develop a compelling vision for your organization and help people to see it. When
everyone’s aligned in the same direction, it creates a laser-sharp focus that drives you

In order to crystalize our vision Gino use Vision/Traction Organizer™ (V/TO™) on paper . He
also suggest to use 8 questions to define where you’re headed and how you’ll get there,
and distill them into simple points that can be clearly communicated.
People: Have the right people in the
right seats

The Right People are those who share your company’s core values and will thrive in your
Once we have the right people, We must place them in the Right Seats. The Right Seat means
that each of your employees is operating within his or her area of greatest skill and passion
inside your organization and that the roles and responsibilities expected of each employee fit
with his or her Unique Ability
The right people always: Get it; Want it; have the Capacity to Do It!
Data: Get the pulse on your business

Without hard data, you’ll be running your business on subjective opinion and impulses. Use a
Scorecard to get weekly updates on your business, so you can have the pulse of your business,
see real-time patterns and make sound decisions.

From this book we came to know how we can

 Develop our Scorecard to capture the 5-15 key numbers for your business; and
 Develop measurable for every role to drive ongoing improvement at all levels.

We have to be sure our scorecard should be S.M.A.R.T

Issues: Build a solutions-oriented

Issues are the obstacles to your goals and vision. Most entrepreneurs are so overwhelmed
with firefighting that they don’t make time to uncover the root problems. It’s also human
nature to postpone on tough decisions.
Gino suggested to create an open, solutions-oriented environment where issues are
flagged out, assessed and managed at all levels.
From this book we came to know how we can
 Develop and manage your issues list, using 3 types of lists to surface problems; and
 Resolve issues with IDS™—the 3-step Identify-Discuss-Solve process.
Process: Systemize your Way of doing

An organization typically have several core processes that are linked together via a unique
system. Define and document your unique Way of doing things, so it can be consistently
applied and refined.
In the book we zoom in further on how to:
 Document your core processes; and
 Adopt the system organization-Followed by all
Traction®: Bring the Vision to Life

To bring your vision to life, you need to execute your plans and sustain the momentum.
Impart discipline and accountability with 2 key components: Rocks and Meeting Pulse


To retain focus and momentum, break down your long-term goals into bite-sized pieces
and short 90-day bursts.
Well-run meetings are essential for accountability, results and efficiency. The Meeting Pulse
is made up of quarterly and weekly meetings where the leadership team meets to drive
progress and solve issues.

Traction is a book that provides a usable, transferable, implementable system for companies aiming
for success and growth.
The main take away from this book would be
 This system helps everyone know if that person fits here; how that person fits here – or, if that
person simply is not a fit here
 This system helps everyone know what to do; when to do it; and how all that is done helps the
overall company reach its goals.
 This system reminds everyone that “someone” always needs the regular meetings. Thus, the team,
the company, needs the regular meetings
 This system reminds us all that success requires work. Meaningful work; fulfilling work; but, work
Thank You

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