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(Week 2)
Society is composed of individuals.
Society is composed of individuals. It is due to the
communication ability that humans are considered
superior to animals. The process of communication
has always been and will always play a significant
role in the existence of human life. No human can
survive without communicating. It is believed that
prior to the time of human existence there were no
symptoms of speech and writing. When humans
started residing on the earth it was only after a long
years of time that they had actually started to
At first the communication was only at intra-personal
level and thus defining it as intra-personal
communication. Gradually interaction between the
individuals increased which was later termed as inter-
personal communication. This was not enough. Then
people started thinking in wider perspective. The
communication broadened its horizon to group
communication, Organizational communication and
then to mass communication.
The time where we live is 21st century and this period
is very well known for its development in science and
information technology. Nowadays emails, internet,
fax, phones, mobiles, television are very common.
And these are the tools that have made
communication easier, faster, and reliable. At present
it takes no time to communicate from one corner of
the world to other.
In this relation, the whole world is being looked at as a
single community that is connected by electronic
communication systems. Thus, globalization can be
defined as the integration and democratization of the
world’s culture, economy, and infrastructure through
the transnational investment, rapid proliferation of
communication and information technologies, and
the impacts of free-markets on local, regional, and
national economies.
Globalization mainly deals with the
interconnectedness of the people in a global
manner. It is due to the globalization that we are so
much adapted and accustomed to not only the
western cultures but other cultures as well. The
influence of Hollywood, McDonalds, and change in
language, culture, and dressing are such examples
of globalization.
Globalization is a two way process. If there was no
mass media, globalization would not have been
possible. The information disseminates from one part
of the world to other part in seconds, this miracle is just
due to the mass media. Hence we can say that
globalization and mass media are interdependent.
Globalization is only possible because of mass media
and on the other hand mass media gets advanced
due to globalization.
Globalization has helped the people to be updated with
each and every happenings of the world. The thoughts
and ideas of individuals now work in wider perspective.
Despite having many advantages many people still
argue that globalization cannot always be useful to
individuals since working technically is not always
proper. It may confine an individual to just himself being
self centered. Other critical issues may arise due to the
globalization. So globalization can be seen both
positively and pessimistically.

At its root, global communication can be defined just as

any communication can: a message is sent from one
person or group to another anywhere in the world.

When it comes to communicating globally, it is usually in

the encoding and decoding that problems occur. As with
any communication, ensuring that the message is received
as it was intended is the responsibility of the sender.
Developing Cross-Cultural
Communication Skills
 1. Slow down
 2. Separate questions
 3. Avoid negative questions
 4. Take turns
 5. Write it down
 6. Be supportive
 7. Check meanings
 8. Avoid slang
 9. Watch the humor
 10. Maintain etiquette
Why cross-culture is important?
• Globalization
• Business opportunities
• Job opportunities
• Sharing of views and ideas
• Talent improvisation
• An understanding of diverse market
 (1) creating awareness
 (2) imparting knowledge
 (3) projecting an image
 (4) shaping attitude
 (5) stimulating a want or desire
 (6) effecting a sale

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