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• Introduction to Concepts

of Marketing including
current and future trends.

To promote a product or a service that a company is offering

is known as Marketing. It is a process of creating
relationships with its customers. In Marketing businesses will
design strategies that will satisfy customer’s needs, increase
sales, maximise profit and beat their competition. Typical
examples of Marketing are Billboards, Television
Commercials, magazine advertisements and so on.
Concept of Marketing:

 The Marketing Concept is the belief that firms should

analyse the needs of their customers and then make
decisions, to satisfy those needs better than the
competitors. There are 5 components of Marketing
Concept. Which are listed below:
The production Concept:

 This component is the most basic concept in marketing. It

claims that cheap products are consumer’s preferences.
Customers tend to get interested in low prices and making
producers manufacture quality goods efficiently and strive
to cut production costs as output increases.
The Product Concept:

 Its believed that customers always favour hight quality products with
innovative features and high quality performances. Managers focus on
making such products and then improving them over time. Its assumed
that customers admire well made products and managers should not
applaud their success on a product for so long that they forget to improve
its quality.
The Selling concept:

 This concept tells us that customers will not buy enough of the
organisation’s products unless they are persuaded to do so. So
organisations should undertake selling and promotion of their products for
marketing success. The business has a tendency rather sell what they have
than to manufacture new products.
The Marketing Concept:

 This concept stands on a principle that the company has to beat their
competitors in producing quality goods. Here the consumer is the king. This
concept has four pillars; client needs, target market, profitability and
integrated marketing.
The Societal Marketing Concept:

 This a marketing concept that holds that a company should make

marketing decisions not only by considering consumer’s wants and the
company’s requirements but also society’s long term interests and then
deliver the preferred satisfaction more efficiently.
Trends in Marketing: (Current and
Future trends.
 Relationship Marketing: this trend emphasises on customer satisfaction and
retention rather than the number if sales made. This marketing relates to a
short term arrangement where a connection is made between two
transacting parties. A customer feels appreciated and gets value for his
money. The good relationship brings him back for more products in future.
Complaints from customers are also accepted through direct
communication and later corrected.
Industrial Marketing:

This marketing trend is where a business sells its products to other companies to resell
then later. The technological revolution is the primary cause of such trends. Another
reason is entrepreneurial resolution. Which is to stay in the market, see other
organisations and then going back to the drawing board and reinventing themselves.
Flexibility, adaptability, speed, innovation, and aggressiveness help the companies to
stay in the game. New wants are explored to ensure that companies are kept at bay.
Societal Marketing:

The firm’s duty is to identify the needs and wants of the target market and then
deliver satisfaction more efficiently with customer’s well being in mind. Its related to
corporate social responsibility because customer’s and the public’s well fare is
essential. Achievement of company’s goals should include quality products which
later brings both short term and long term benefits.
Overview of the different Marketing

 The firm has to discover hidden customer needs and satisfying them by
following a process. Research is done through situation analysis then a
strategy is laid down then decisions are made by the executive. This idea is
then implemented and controlled.
Situation Analysis:

 It involves identifying the unexploited customer

preferences and satisfying them. The business must
understand the environment it is in, and analyse its
capability to satisfy the unique needs. Both the external
and internal environment must be analysed to achieve
this. Situation analysis is done through PEST, SWOT and
5c analysis.
Marketing Strategy:

 After the best opportunity is identified, a strategic plan

can be developed. Market segmentation is done
depending on the market research carried out. The
following factors apply;
 Segmentation
 Targeting
 Placing the right/service with in the market
 Value proposition to the target market
Marketing mix decisions;

These decisions fall into four mix categories;

• Product Development
• Pricing decisions
• Distribution Contracts
• Promotional Campaign Development
Implementation and control;

 At this point we assume that marketing plan has been developed and the
product has been launched. The results of efforts have to be monitored
closely after product launching, to fulfil customer’s needs consistently. Any
inconvenience is eliminated and reported. Chronological changes are
done in the new product to make it remain dominant in the market.
Why I chose PIA:

 In this task I have chosen PIA. I chose PIA because it is the national
Airline of pakistan and I have had a good experience flying with
PIA. As PIA is a well known Airline so I can get the information
related to PIA easily and can use it in my assignment.
Introduction of PIA:

 PIA is the national Airline of Pakistan, it was founded by the government of

Pakistan on 11th March 1955. The headquarter of PIA IS in Jinnah Int Airport,
Karachi. It is Pakistan’s largest airline and of the largest airlines in Asia. PIA
not only provides transportation services but it’s operations are also
extended to providing cargo services and courier services. Pakistan
International Airline Serves two markets. Domestic and International. It
operates nearly 100 flights daily. To attract customers PIA advertise in the
leading newspapers and in the official website. These are the mediums
used by PIA. PIA has more than 30 Aircrafts. PIA has a network if 8 training
centres spread over 8 major cities in Pakistan. The objective of PIA is to not
compromise with any safety and legal requirements. To prioritise the safe
of its passengers and employ.
Explanation of Roles and Responsibilities
of the marketing manager of PIA.

 The duties of the marketing manager of PIA involves working with others in
a team to create ideas for marketing campaigns, various slogans and
logos. This includes commercials on Television and radios, billboards, flight
magazines and home pages on the web. They also have to work on
phone and communicate with clients and advertisers. So they need to
have excellent communication skills. The manager also develops pricing
strategies for the tickets to help the airline get more customers, and he
also works with the company heads or staff to discuss topics such as
budgets, contracts and marketing plans. The manager also communicates
with other air carriers, cargo freight forwarders and other businesses in
order to get and keep the study flow of cargo for the airline.
How Marketing influences and
interrelates with other functional
departments of PIA.

 FINANCE and MANAGEMENT: Marketing plans have to involve financial

information for both existing and new products. Hence Marketing can be
seen as supporting management while taking invest decisions for PIA.
Management cam be assisted by monetary inputs sorted by marketing
but also to other data like market actual or even expected response to a
service which PIA provides to its customers.
 Production or operational Department: Marketing can help these units in
guessing the type of the service provided. Marketing strategies can again
try to stimulate an individual response of markets influencing the demand
of service according to the levels and timing. Production constraints of PIA
Company can therefore be matched.
 Resource and Development: Marketing can help this department all
through from the idea of a new service to its implementation. Marketing
research helps to identify which service would be most marketable for PIA.

 Sales: Sales units nurtures healthy relationships with consumers and

marketing can make it very profitable especially when a seller-buyer
relationship is brewed.
Value and importance of the
Marketing role in the context of PIA.

 Spreading the information: For PIA to succeed its services must be

popular to potential clients. Marketing is used to engage potential
customers in a service awareness campaign. Through marketing
consumers come to familiarise with the new product.
 Healthy Competition: marketing also creates a climate in the market
for good competition with other companies. Marketing sets the well
defined price to the new and existing services of PIA so that both
customers and the competitors access it bringing about healthy
 Higher sales: service awareness will result in higher sales of PIA services.
When the customer is a king then sales must be escalate. High quality
services are produces according to the needs of the customers so that the
customers can be satisfied and communication between the company
and customers is enhanced and complaints addressed.
 Improving and maintaining company Reputation: when PIA provides the
best services to its customers and makes sure the needs of the customers
are fulfilled then it will automatically build its reputation in the market.
Excellent communication established between the enterprise and its
clients also contributes to the same.
The significance of having effective
interrelationships between different
functional departments.
 Trust: Efficient and accurate communication among organisational units
build confidence within them. Specific information is given when
departments have effective communication. Extra checking ok
documents is eliminated hence saving time.
 Customer Service: Effective communication among departments improves
customer service. Customers don’t have to suffer from bureaucratic
referrals. E.g. when billing is done and the finance department has to
communicate with customer care.
 Efficiency: If the sales staff misses business just because the manufacturing
department was unaware of an increase in product demand then the firm
suffers a significant loss of revenue. A release of a new product/service is
communicated amongst the departments hence making them aware
and act accordingly.
 Conflict: conflict can brew when there is a breakdown of communication.
Conflicts can create bad blood amongst agencies. Communication is
used to solve this.

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