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Mahadevan Narayanan

Mahendran Pichamuthu
Abhishek Kumar
Arjun Bhattacharyya
Ganesan Rangasamy
Subaragasivam Chokkalingam
 Headquartered at Bangalore, India is a Medical Equipments Manufacturing

 Rajeev Suri, CEO of GS Pvt. Ltd has the executive group consists of Executive
VP, VP and Director
based out of Bangalore.

 Company has Manufacturing units in Chennai and a Strong Sales & Marketing
team spread across India, Australia, Singapore and Germany.

 Executive VP heads Manufacturing department. VP is in charge of HR &

Admin dept.

 Director is managing the entire Sales & Marketing team and Finance team
directly reports to CEO.
• Position Management Job Management
Employees are assigned to specific positions. - No limit on hiring.
Corporate Workers. Workers in lower level
• Benefits – Benefits -
• Role based security, on position Fast, suitable for mass hire
• Hiring restrictions at position level, unlike Restrictions apply across the
Organization level access No need for separate position
• Convenient succession planning
• Easy headcount reporting
• Open position reporting
- Can be used with both Positions and Jobs. They provide the general characteristics of a Position or
Job and consider any special skills, training or qualification required. These can default at hiring to
make the process faster.

- Mandatory fields to create a Job profile - Job profile name, Job profile code and Effective date.

- Job profiles can be localized for country specific instances using Job Classification, Job Exempt etc.

- Can be categorized using management level.

• Compensation Component :
 This is an umbrella term for Compensation Package, Grade Profile and Plans that can be associated with the compensation
eligibility rules.
Compensation Element :

 Compensation Elements link Compensation to Payroll.

 When a compensation element is attached to a plan that is assigned to an employee, Workday can determine which earnings to
use to pay the employee.
Compensation Package :
 A grouping of compensation guidelines (grades, grade profiles, and their associated steps) and plans that you can assign to
workers as a set.
 Packages provide a quick view of the eligible plans for a particular job or group of employees.
Compensation Eligibility Rule :
 Guidelines for determining which workers are eligible for which components of compensation.

Workday Confidential
• Salary Plan
• All employees in GS Private Limited has one salary plan and based on Grade Profiles – Variations have been
formulated on two criteria's – GS Management Employees and GS Non Management Employees.

• Allowance Plan
 GS Privated limited has Transport allowance eligibility based on following two criteria –
 GS Non Management Employees are only eligible for Transport Allowance.
 GS Non Management Employees whose locations are other than India need to have this Plan.

Compensation Plan Eligibility Amount Currency Frequency

GS Salary Plan All GS Employees
GS Transport Allowance GS Non Management 500 SGD Monthly

GS Non Management 300 AUD Monthly

GS Non Management 100 EUR Monthly
Workday Confidential
• Following Table depicts GS Privated Limited’s Grade Profiles –
Grade Name Grade Profile
Eligibility Minimum Maximum Currency
GS Management India 2000000 8000000 INR
GS Non Management India 500000 1500000 INR
GS Non Management Singapore 50000 80000 SGD
GS Non Management Australia 72000 130000 AUD
GS Non Management Germany 60000 85000 EUR
 Security Group
- Group of users who have access to data and can perform action.
1. User-Based Security group – Security Administrator
2. Role-Based Security group – Manager, HR Partner, Compensation Partner etc.

 GS Compensation Partner - a custom (user defined) security group is created a

role-based security group to view & modify worker compensation including base salary
and transport allowance.
 Domain Security Policy
- Rules that dictate which security group can view / modify data within the domains.
- Configured GS Compensation partner in domain security policies
1. Add Compensation Plan ( Salary & Allowance )
2. Worker data Compensation Plan
3. Non worker data Compensation
4. Select Any Compensation Package
 Business Process Security Policy
- Rules that dictate which security group can participate in business process and in what way
they can participate
- Configured GS Compensation Partner in Business Process Security Policy of type Propose
compensation hire
- Where GS Compensation partner can do
1. Propose compensation hire
2. Propose base pay ( Salary, Allowance)
3. Review compensation
4. View
5. Rescind
• The Workday Business Process Framework consists of a powerful set
of tools that enable you to automate business processes and deliver
the right information to the right people at the right time.
• BP helps to achieve standardization in the organization.
• All business processes are based on a business process definition.
• BP is step based workflow engine.
• Each step within a business process definition is associated with a
security group that defines who is responsible for that step.
• Business process definition is governed by a business process
security policy that determines who can and what
 Initiation
◦ Initiation step is always the first step in any business process.
 Action Steps
◦ An action is a separate business process or Review that initiates when this
step runs.
◦ Review action is an approval with the ability to edit during the approval step
without having to send back to a prior step.
 Approval
◦ An Approval step gives the designated approver the opportunity to approve
or deny the entire business process.
 To Do’s
◦ A To Do is an activity that the responsible person must do within or outside
of Workday.
 Service
◦ Create Workday Account and Disable Workday Account
 Validation Conditions
◦ Initiation steps and action steps can have a validation condition. If any
condition is true, the step is blocked from exiting. If all conditions are FALSE,
the step will exit and the process will continue.
 Entry Conditions
◦ All types of steps can have an entry condition, except initiation steps. If the
condition is TRUE, the step runs. If the condition is FALSE, the step is skipped.
◦ E.g .Consolidated Approval chain gets kicked for the management level is 6 or
 Exit Conditions
◦ Only an Approval Chain or an Integration step can have an exit condition. It
compares to some value and If the condition is TRUE, the step is exited from
processing any further.

◦ Exit the step once two level of approvals are done.

Initiate Hire: CEO – Rajeev Suri was hired by Logan McNeil and the subsequent hiring
was done by CEO.
Executive Vice President, Vice President, Directors were hired into GS Executive
Change organization Assignment - Exclude Initiator
 Consolidated Approval for Rajeev was done automatically by Logan and then by her
Manager Joy Banks and hired successfully in this step as this step is set to complete.

 ToDo - Review Employee Contract was skipped per condition rule.

 Created Workday Account automatically as defined as service.
Subsequent Hires
 CEO initiated ( i.e. made as HR Partner) all subsequent hires
 Propose Compensation Hire step is initiated by GS – Compensation Partner – Vivek
Jha once he is hired.
 Consolidated Approval Chain is configured for Hire, Organization Assignment and
Propose compensation Hire.
 Consolidated Approval Chain is triggered for Management Level 6 or above. i.e. No
consolidated Approval for Non Management workers.
 This step has two levels of approvals (Exit condition, Approval count=2)
 Review Employee Contract was triggered for employees hired outside
 Created workday account for all the employees
 Hired as many as 16 employees across 6 locations across APAC and
EMEA regions.
GS Private Limited
 GS Private Limited Employees report

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