Vladimir Lenin

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 Contents:
Introduction Rise Of Lenin
Leninism Theory What Is Lenin most famous for
Russian Revolution Conclusion

 Presentator:
 Muhammad Ejad Afaq Ahmad
 Mohsin Ali Khan Mustansir Ali

Vladimir Lenin original name Vladimir Iliac

Ulanova, born April 22, 1870, Ulyanovsk,

Born to a moderately prosperous middle-class

family in Simbirsk. Lenin was a Russian
revolutionary politician, and political
 His father dead due to brain hemorrhage
and his brother alexander hanged in front of

 He served as head of government of Soviet

Russia from 1917 to 1924.

 Expelled from Kazan Imperial University for

participating in protests against the Russian.
 He developed a variant of Marxism known
as Leninism.

 Under his administration, Russia and then

the wider Soviet Union became a one-
party communist state.
Rise of Lenin

 It was not Marx who made the greatest

impact on Lenin.
 The novel of Nikolai chernyshevsky (tales
of new people) had a first influence on life
of Lenin

 Because in this novel he was told how to

become a good state leaders of the history
have been well reader and how to raise the

 During student era if there had been

atrocities Lenin would have been the first to
raise his voice.
 1886 to 1887 it was bad for lenin because his
father has been died in 1886 due to brain
hemorrhage and his older brother Alexander
Ulyanov were captured and hanged by
Russian government.

 He read Karl Marx book Das Kapital and

1889 he openly speak that now I become

 In December 1895 Lenin and several other

Marxist leaders were arrested.
 Lenin was exiled to Siberia for three years
where his future wife meet and support as
voluntary and get married on 22 July 1898.

 Where we said every successful man has a

woman behind him.

 In 1898 he made a party name as RSDLP

(Russian socialist democratic labor party)
 In January 1901 for the first time he used the
name Lenin in place of Tulin and llyin which
he has used most frequently while escaping
from the authority he changed 150 names
because if he knew it he would be hanged at
that time there was powerful monarchy (no

 Later he is known by the same name

Bolsheviks and Mensheviks
 Bolsheviks are majority and Mensheviks are
in minorities.

 Ideological differences began to arise

between them.

 Bolsheviks want the dictatorship to be done

by the workers.
 And Menshevike want a government of
democracy .

 What is Lenin most famous for?

 he was a Russian lawyer, revolutionary, the

leader of the Bolshevik party and of the
October Revolution. He was the first leader
of the USSR and the government that took
over Russia in 1917.

 The word Leninism first time used in 1904.

 Leninism is a political theory about how

the revolutionary communist party should
be organized. It says it should be a
dictatorship of the proletariat (the working
class holds the power).
Russian Revolution
What was the Russian revolution?

Two revolution that led to the demise of

Tsarist of Russia and eventual establishment
of USSR.
Time period Feb-Oct 1917.
Background and Causes
Russia at the turn of 20th Century
 Largely an Agrarian country with
impoverished and highly taxed peasants.
 Dominance of Aristocrats and Clergy in
 Industrial development very minimal.
 Workers in cities lived in overcrowded
apartments and poor conditions.
 Ideas of enlightenment- democracy, rights
 Individual and accountable government-
from western Europe had spread to Russia in
19th century.
Romanovs were absolute monarchs since 17th
 Tsar/Czar Nicholas 2 ascends the Influenced
by RASPUTIN- a mystic.
Russian Social Labor Democratic Party
 Formed in 1898
 Philosophy of Marx added to, by Lenin
 Looked after the interests of workers
 Split into Bolsheviks and Mensheviks factions
in 1903.
Revolution of 1905

 Workers strike, demanding better

conditions and rights.
 Strikes and protests all over, suppressed
militarily by Tsar.
 Concessions by Tsar-October Manifesto
 DUMA established.
World War 1
 More then 20 lakh soldiers and 80 lakh
civilians dead
 Huge economic crisis
 Food shortages by 1917
Revolutions of 1917

More then 50,000 workers strike in

Petrograd, public protests erupt too. Tsar
Nicholas abdicates in favor his brother
DUMA takes power and a social democrat
provisional Government is formed
 Rise of Marxism under lenin and his Bolsheviks

 End of monarchy in one of the largest empire's

 Communism found its practical shape

 Nationalization of all resources

 Lenin want to end the war

 Promotion of industrialization

 Equality among lower and upper class in a


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