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MATRIC NO 2019361343

1. Based on (Maimunah, A. (2014)), nepotism is the hiring of

family members or close friends to fill vacancies in an
2. Favouritism can be said as favouring someone not because
he or she is doing a great job, but for reasons outside of the
job performance based on article write by (Andrea, H.(2019)).
For examples of favouritism in the workplace are when two co-
workers worked together previously and have a shared history, or
maybe they have bonded over common outside interests, like
sports or music.

3. Nepotism is another form of favouritism.

”The Whole Place is a Joke”:
Public Servants tell of bullying, nepotism.
1. Based on newspaper articles on INDAILY wrote by Tom Richardson on August 29,
2019 on the statement of Independent Commissioner Against Corruption, Bruce
2. Lander comment about the culture and practice in organization that are related to the
human resources issues bullying and nepotism in especially within public servants.
3. He also said that a total of 275 employees raised issues of favouritism and poor
practice in employment and hiring decision, and 181 employees raised issues of
favouritism and nepotism based on survey done from most agency in public sectors.
4. “Others citied “widespread nepotism and favours done” currently still exists in the
department at the senior level…”– Lander.
5. More than that, he said his concerns on overwhelming nepotism that has been seen
when its comes to the promoting process being made on personal bias while going
through the motions of merit selection. It is due to the particular people in positions of
power that did what they wanted, went unquestioned and stalled many good people’s
carers whilst promoting people they could manipulate and control.

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1)Risk of Family Feuds 2) Overlooked on potential employees
- When a manager continually show his or
• When family members and close friends work her favour on a few employees over the
for the same company, issues from their other, he or she may be missing out on the
personal life can easily turn into problems within talents and skills of the others employees.
the workplace. These feuds can cause major
workplace disruptions, which can reduce overall -This situation can lead to hiring and
productivity and negatively impact employee promoting someone who is not well prepared
morale . for more responsibilities over someone who
is ready and able to take a challenge.

•3)Lower Morale

•- When employees realize that there is

favouritism in the way in they treated by the
organization, they will feel it unfair .
• - This brings down company morale because
favouritism leads employees to believe that no
matter what they do, their efforts won’t be
rewarded if they are not one of the favoured few.

The managers who are unable to fairly favouring

the employee who may not be the most deserving
, as well as towards the favoured employee who is
taking advantage of the situation can lead
resentment between employees .
5) Stunted the growth

• Lower in moral, growing resentment, and

overlooked potential, a manager who unfairly
favours one employees is also hurting the company
overall by stunting the growth that would come from
moving the best employees forward to
management positions.
• It may cause to the lost of employees with a great

• The first step in avoiding it is to cultivate and promote

professionalism in the organization
• Keeping the organization focused by creating a professional
environment and avoiding the unfair practices in the

Offer Training • Provide training sessions and give the educations on what
privileges also the consequences of the nepotism and
favouritism to them.

Nepotism And Favoritisme at Workplace 6


• Establish written procedures and policies and ensure that it

apply to everyone, including the relatives, and that there is
Establish a Policy no specific treatment or support, as this will create
about Nepotism resentment and division among the employees.
and Favouritism • A good policy of nepotism such as that doesn't allow
managers to have relatives as a direct report.

Facilitate The • It's important for employees to know that they have an open
Communication channel to report confidentiality secrets.
• The employees will not report risk if they are unsure how to
do it, or if they are afraid it will negatively affect them.
Nepotism And Favoritisme at Workplace 7

In conclusion, nepotism and favouritism is

unhealthy issue in any fields at the
organizations. This tw o issues can give a
negative consequences to the employees and
the organizations itself. Due to that, all
employer should aware with this and played dan
important role to solve these issues in their
organization. The existing nepotism and
favouritism now adays, can influences the
organizations in the futures.
1) AMINUDDIN, M. A. I. M. U. N. A. H. (2014). Human Resources Management Priciples And Practices (3rd
ed.). Shah Alam, Selangor: Oxford Fajar Sdn.Bhd.

2) ANDREA, H. (2019). Favoritism and Nepotism : Managing Favoritism in the Workplace. Eskill . Kingwood :
OSF Global Services

3) Chris, J. (2015) . Dealing With Nepotism In The Workplace. (Workplace Issues) . Houston-Corporate HQ.

4) Miranda, B. (2017). Consequences Of Nepotism . bizFluet. Liz Group Ltd.

5) Raja, S., Sugundan,S., Jaganathan, G.S.,.(2018) . Nepotisme and Family Owned Business. International
Journal of Engineering & Technology, 7 (4.39) (2018) 764-765.

6) NA (2019) . "The whole place is a joke": Public Servants Tell of Bullying, Nepotisme. Adelaide's independent


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