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Global Institutes of

Management and Emerging

What is addiction?
Addiction has been defined with
regard solely to psychoactive
substances (for example alcohol,
tobacco and other drugs) which
cross the blood-brain barrier once
ingested, temporarily altering the
.chemical milieu of the brain
What is a drug?
A drug broadly speaking is
any substance that, when
absorbed into the body of a
living organism, alters normal
bodily function
What is drug abuse?
How do drugs of addiction
Drug Abuse
Substance abuse, also known as
drug abuse, refers to a maladaptive
pattern of use of a substance that is
not considered dependent. The term
"drug abuse" does not exclude
dependency, but is otherwise used
in a similar manner in nonmedical
contexts. The terms have a huge
range of definitions related to taking
a psychoactive drug or performance
enhancing drug for a non-
.therapeutic or non-medical effect
 Drugs are chemicals that tap into
the brain's communication system
and disrupt the way nerve cells
normally send, receive, and process
information. There are at least two
ways that drugs are able to do this:
(1) by imitating the brain's natural
chemical messengers, and/or (2) by
overstimulating the "reward circuit"
of the brain.
Why do some people
become addicted, while
others do not
No single factor can predict whether
or not a person will become addicted
to drugs. Risk for addiction is
influenced by a person's biology,
social environment, and age or stage
of development. The more risk factors
an individual has, the greater the
chance that taking drugs can lead to
 Experimentation and curiosity are the
first factors that draw many people into
trying drugs.
 Some turn to drug use to cope with
problems in their real lives.
 Elite athletes are susceptible to using
 Being around drugs and being exposed to
addicts can also lead to drug addiction.
 Peer pressure is also a factor in turning
people into drug addicts
 Easy accessibility to drugs and new, lower
prices can also lead to drug addiction.
 Drug addiction can also be caused by
using drugs to mask other mental
 Individuals who use drugs experience
physical effects due to their drug
 Family and friends feel the effects of drug
addiction as well.

 Drug addiction can cause brain damage

 Drug addiction has many negative
physiological health effects, ranging from
minor issues like digestion problems or
respiratory infections, to potentially fatal
 Addicts cannot function as normal
members of society.
Prevention Is the Key

 Drug addiction is a preventable disease.

Results from NIDA-funded research have
shown that prevention programs that
involve families, schools, communities,
and the media are effective in reducing
drug abuse. Although many events and
cultural factors affect drug abuse trends,
when youths perceive drug abuse as
harmful, they reduce their drug taking.
 Education is the first battle. Children need
to be told at home and in school about
 People need to be aware of the effects so
that they can make avoid this problem.
 There are many institutions and
organizations that help drug abusers kick
the habit.
 In conclusion, although the problem of
drugs may seem impossible to eliminate,
there are concrete steps that can be taken
to weaken the hold of drugs on society.
The danger from drugs is too great to
Thank you

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