Neelam Mam

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Submitted to :Dr.

Neelam luthra
Submitted by : PT Ramu Swami
 A subject Is an area Of learning within the school curriculum that constitutes an
institutionally defined field of knowledge and practice For teaching and learning.
 Subjects can be traditional Acedemic subjects, such as Mathematics, Physics
,Chemistry, History, Geography ,English etc..
 Newly there are unconventional subjects like Tourism and hospitality etc..
 Acedemic school subjects such as Mathematics, Chemistry, Geography, History and
Economics are to be compulsory taught to the students.
 The content of these academic subject need to be worked with and transformed by
the teachers in such a way that it is appropriate for classroom teaching.
 Constructing a school subject involve The selection and arrangement of content of
the knowledge ,skills and the transformation of the content for school and classroom
 Thus School subject is the result of institutional selection organisation and framing
content for social ,economic, cultural ,circular and pedagogy proposes.
Language Mathematics Social studies Science Commerce Others

Sanskrit Algebra Geography Biology Accountancy Physical edu.

English Calculas History Chemisrty Business study Home science

Hindi Geometry Civics Physics Economics Hospitality

Italic Mensuration Polity Botany Tourism

French Statistics Economics Zoology

Greek Trignometry

Etc.. Etc..
 Many aspects of written assignments vary from discipline to discipline. Writing within
a discipline requires developing familiarity with what that discipline considers to be
appropriate. A long-term strategy to foster such familiarity is to read widely and deeply
within the discipline.
 Disciplinary approaches differ with respect to questions such as the following:
1. What constitutes an appropriate question or issue?
2. What research sources and strategies are appropriate?
3. What qualifies as evidence?
4. What is the appropriate method for citing sources?
 An approach to curriculum integration that generate an understanding of themes
and ideas that cut across discipline and of the connection between different
disciplines and their relationship to the real world.
 It normally exercises process and meaning rather than product and content by
combining contents theories methodology and perspectives from two or more
 The objective of interdisciplinary approach is to give practical shape to the
knowledge of various subjects.
 The Education Commission has clarified the idea by giving the example of
education as a subject. therefore subjects like physics, chemistry, mathematics,
Economics etc. interrelated course can be useful. the Kothari Commission fault that
the interdisciplinary approach should be dealt with department having close
relationship for example education May be offered the new combination which
subjects of education and psychology education and philosophy and education
and sociology philosophy is the reflective or the thinking process where as the
education deals with the implementation of things already feel philosophized.
 It help student and develop their cognitive abilities brain based skills and mental
processes that needs to carry out tasks.
 IT help Student understand why conflict arises over the causes and consequences
of an issue and the ideal way for policy to address the issue of concerns. It help
students understand that there are ethical dimensions to most issue of concern.
 Interdisciplinary approach is a technical told that established reciprocal is a
relationship for better understanding of the subject no knowledge is permanent
msv correlate one subject with the other knowledge is an individual wall and
cannot be divided there isn’t definitely station between an engineer and a cotton
producer because it is a joint venture of the two that a cloth is made correlation
between subject or intra display is essential because it is..
1. makes knowledge stable.
2. develops interest in The Reader.
3. lightens the burden of Curriculum .
4. Makes knowledge broad based.
 Contd..
 Thee success of interdisciplinary approach the Kothari Commission established
educational department in four or five university with the help of UGC. These
departments are.
1. ensure Research Development in interdisciplinary approach
2. organised summer training to increase interdisciplinary approach
 A multidisciplinary approach involves drawing appropriately from multiple academic
discipline to redefine problem outside normal boundaries and reach solution based on
a new understanding of complex situation.
 A term referring to the philosophy of converging multiple specialties and/or technologies to
establish a diagnosis or effect a therapy.
 An approach to curriculum integration which focuses primarily on the different disciplines
and the diverse perspectives they bring to illustrate a topic, theme or issue.
 Multidisciplinary curriculum is one in which the same topic is studied from the viewpoint
of more than one discipline.
 It is just a tag to make sure that this is a kind of integration and not merging of several
fields of interest in the scenery of organized knowledge representations. It could be
regarded as a learning project after the course materials/lecture notes have been written
up and presented.
 Multidisciplinary collaboration means a team consisting of members with different
professional backgrounds and skills that can compensate each other and work together
toward the same direction to achieve the same goals . This model is especially useful in the
era of global competition to create innovative value, and has been an industry trend. The
different backgrounds of a multidisciplinary-team could provide different viewpoints and
experience for better brainstorming across cultures.
 Famous international design firms, for example, IDEO and ZIBA, have been using
multidisciplinary collaboration to solve complex problems and create innovative products.
 High quality multidisciplinary cooperation often resulted from heterogeneous backgrounds
and effective communication and interactions .
 An approach to curriculum integration which dissolves the boundaries between the
conventional disciplines and organizes teaching and learning around the construction of
meaning in the context of real-world problems or themes.
 Teachers, when effectively using this approach, do not compartmentalize learning, but rather
explore content within the context of inquiry.
 A transdisciplinary approach moves instruction beyond just blending disciplines. This approach
links concepts and skills through a real-world context. Inquiry is one of the biggest differences
in this learning approach verses the others.
 Transdisciplinary learning objectives require students to find answers to questions not only and
questions they might have about the content.
 According to Greenwich Public Schools on “What is Transdisciplinary Learning?” the
transdisciplinary approach “promotes depth of understanding as well as adaptability to skills
needed to succeed in our changing world.”

Thank you 😊

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