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Engineering Mechanics:

Statics in SI Units, 12e

9 Center of Gravity and Centroid

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019 457 9207
Faculty of Engineering Technology, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS
Chapter Objectives

• Concept of the center of gravity, center of mass, and

the centroid
• Determine the location of the center of gravity and
centroid for a system of discrete particles and a body of
arbitrary shape
• Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus
• Method for finding the resultant of a general distributed

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Chapter Outline

1. Center of Gravity and Center of Mass for a System of

2. Composite Bodies
3. Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus
4. Resultants of a General Distributed Loading
5. Fluid Pressure

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Center of Gravity
• Locates the resultant weight of a system of particles
• Consider system of n particles fixed within a region of
• The weights of the particles can be replaced by a
single (equivalent) resultant weight having defined
point G of application

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Center of Gravity
• Resultant weight = total weight of n particles
WR  W
• Sum of moments of weights of all the particles about x,
y, z axes = moment of resultant weight about these
• Summing moments about the x axis,
x WR  ~
x1W1  ~
x2W2  ...  ~
• Summing moments about y axis,
yW  ~
R yW  ~
1 1 y W  ...  ~
2 2 yW n n

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Center of Gravity
• Although the weights do not produce a moment about
z axis, by rotating the coordinate system 90° about x
or y axis with the particles fixed in it and summing
moments about the x axis,
z WR  ~
z1W1  ~
z2W2  ...  ~
• Generally,
xm ~
ym ~
x ;y  ,z 
m m m

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Center Mass
• Provided acceleration due to gravity g for every
particle is constant, then W = mg
 ~x m  ~y m  ~z m
x ;y  ,z 
m m m
• By comparison, the location of the center of gravity
coincides with that of center of mass
• Particles have weight only when under the influence of
gravitational attraction, whereas center of mass is
independent of gravity

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Center Mass
• A rigid body is composed of an infinite number of
• Consider arbitrary particle having a weight of dW

x  ~x dW
;y   ~ydW
;z   ~z dW

 dW  dW  dW

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Centroid of a Volume
• Consider an object subdivided into volume elements
dV, for location of the centroid,

 ~x dV
 ~ydV
 ~z dV
x V ;y V ;z  V
 dV  dV  dV

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Centroid of an Area
• For centroid for surface area of an object, such as
plate and shell, subdivide the area into differential
elements dA
 ~x dA
 ~ydA
 ~z dA
xA ;y  A ;z  A
 dA  dA  dA

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9.1 Center of Gravity and Center of Mass
for a System of Particles

Centroid of a Line
• If the geometry of the object takes the form of a line,
the balance of moments of differential elements dL
about each of the coordinate system yields

 ~x dL
 ~ydL
 ~z dL
xL ;y  L ;z  L
 dL  dL  dL

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Example 9.1

Locate the centroid of the rod bent into the shape of a

parabolic arc.

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Example 9.1

Differential element
Located on the curve at the arbitrary point (x, y)
Area and Moment Arms
For differential length of the element dL
 dx 
dL  dx2  dy2     1 dy
 dy 
Since x = y2 and then dx/dy = 2y
dL  2 y 2  1 dy
The centroid is located at
x  x, ~
~ yy

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Example 9.1


 x dL
~ 1
0 x 4 y 2  1 dy
1 2
 y 4 y 2  1 dy
x L   0

 dL
1 1

0 4 y 2  1 dy 0 4 y 2  1 dy

  0.410m
 ydL 1 y 4 y 2  1 dy
yL  01
 dL  4 y 2  1 dy
  0.574m

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9.2 Composite Bodies

• Consists of a series of connected “simpler” shaped

bodies, which may be rectangular, triangular or
• A body can be sectioned or divided into its composite
• Accounting for finite number of weights

xW ~
yW ~
x y z
W W W

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9.2 Composite Bodies

Procedure for Analysis

Composite Parts
• Divide the body or object into a finite number of
composite parts that have simpler shapes
• Treat the hole in composite as an additional
composite part having negative weight or size

Moment Arms
• Establish the coordinate axes and determine the
coordinates of the center of gravity or centroid of each
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9.2 Composite Bodies

Procedure for Analysis

• Determine the coordinates of the center of gravity by
applying the center of gravity equations
• If an object is symmetrical about an axis, the centroid
of the objects lies on the axis

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Example 9.10

Locate the centroid of the plate area.

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Composite Parts
Plate divided into 3 segments.
Area of small rectangle considered “negative”.

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Moment Arm
Location of the centroid for each piece is determined and
indicated in the diagram.

xA  4
x   0.348mm
 A 11.5
y A 14
y   1.22mm
 A 11.5
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‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬


019 457 9207
Faculty of Engineering Technology, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS
9.3 Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus

• A surface area of revolution is generated by revolving

a plane curve about a non-intersecting fixed axis in
the plane of the curve
• A volume of revolution is generated by revolving a
plane area bout a nonintersecting fixed axis in the
plane of area

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9.3 Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus

• The theorems of Pappus and Guldinus are used to

find the surfaces area and volume of any object of
revolution provided the generating curves and areas
do not cross the axis they are rotated

Surface Area
• Area of a surface of revolution = product of length of
the curve and distance traveled by the centroid in
generating the surface area

A  r L

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9.3 Theorems of Pappus and Guldinus

• Volume of a body of revolution = product of generating
area and distance traveled by the centroid in
generating the volume

V  r A

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Example 9.12

Show that the surface area of a sphere is A = 4πR2 and

its volume V = 4/3 πR3.

Surface Area
Generated by rotating semi-arc about the x axis
For centroid, r  2R / 

For surface area, A   ~r L;

 2R 
A  2   R  4R

  
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Generated by rotating semicircular area about the x axis
For centroid,
r  4 R / 3
For volume,
V  ~r A;
 4R   1 2  4 3
V  2    R   R
 3   2  3

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9.4 Resultant of a General Distributed

Pressure Distribution over a Surface

• Consider the flat plate subjected to the loading function
ρ = ρ(x, y) Pa
• Determine the force dF acting on the differential area
dA m2 of the plate, located at the differential point (x, y)
dF = [ρ(x, y) N/m2](d A m2)
= [ρ(x, y) d A]N
• Entire loading represented as
infinite parallel forces acting on
separate differential area dA

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9.4 Resultant of a General Distributed

Pressure Distribution over a Surface

• This system will be simplified to a single resultant force
FR acting through a unique point on the plate

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9.4 Resultant of a General Distributed

Magnitude of Resultant Force

• To determine magnitude of FR, sum the differential
forces dF acting over the plate’s entire surface area dA
• Magnitude of resultant force = total volume under the
distributed loading diagram
• Location of Resultant Force is
 x ( x, y )dA  xdV
x A
 V
  ( x, y)dA  dV

 y ( x, y )dA  ydV
y A
 V

  ( x, y)dA  dV
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9.5 Fluid Pressure

• According to Pascal’s law, a fluid at rest creates a

pressure ρ at a point that is the same in all directions
• Magnitude of ρ depends on the specific weight γ or
mass density ρ of the fluid and the depth z of the point
from the fluid surface
ρ = γz = ρgz
• Valid for incompressible fluids
• Gas are compressible fluids and the above equation
cannot be used

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9.5 Fluid Pressure

Flat Plate of Constant Width

• Consider flat rectangular plate of constant width
submerged in a liquid having a specific weight γ
• Plane of the plate makes an angle with the horizontal
as shown

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9.5 Fluid Pressure

Flat Plate of Constant Width

• As pressure varies linearly with depth, the distribution
of pressure over the plate’s surface is represented by a
trapezoidal volume having an intensity of ρ1= γz1 at
depth z1 and ρ2 = γz2 at depth z2
• Magnitude of the resultant force FR
= volume of this loading diagram

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9.5 Fluid Pressure

Curved Plate of Constant Width

• When the submerged plate is curved, the pressure
acting normal to the plate continuously changes
• Integration can be used to determine FR and location of
center of centroid C or pressure P

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9.5 Fluid Pressure

Flat Plate of Variable Width

• Consider the pressure distribution acting on the surface
of a submerged plate having a variable width
• Since uniform pressure ρ = γz (force/area) acts on dA,
the magnitude of the differential force dF
dF = dV = ρ dA = γz(xdy’)

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9.5 Fluid Pressure

Flat Plate of Variable Width

• Centroid V defines the point which FR acts

FR   dA   dV  V

• The center of pressure which lies on the surface of the

plate just below C has the coordinates P defined by the
~x dV
y' 
y ' dV

 dV V  dV V

• This point should not be mistaken for centroid of the

plate’s area
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Example 9.14

Determine the magnitude and location of the resultant

hydrostatic force acting on the submerged rectangular
plate AB. The plate has a width of 1.5m; ρw = 1000kg/m3.

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The water pressures at depth A and B are

 A   w gz A  (1000kg / m3 )(9.81m / s 2 )(2m)  19.62kPa
 B   w gz B  (1000kg / m3 )(9.81m / s 2 )(5m)  49.05kPa

For intensities of the load at A and B,

wA  b A  (1.5m)(19.62kPa)  29.43kN / m
wB  b B  (1.5m)( 49.05kPa)  73.58kN / m

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For magnitude of the resultant force FR created by the

distributed load.
FR  area of trapezoid
 (3)( 29.4  73.6)  154.5 N
This force acts through the centroid
of the area,
1  2(29.43)  73.58 
h  (3)  1.29m
3  29.43  73.58 
measured upwards from B

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Same results can be obtained by considering two

components of FR defined by the triangle and rectangle.
Each force acts through its associated centroid and has a
magnitude of

FRe  (29.43kN / m)(3m)  88.3kN

Ft  (44.15kN / m)(3m)  66.2kN

FR  FRe  FR  88.3kN  66.2kN  154.5kN

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Location of FR is determined by summing moments about

M R B   M B ;
(154.5)h  88.3(1.5)  66.2(1)
h  1.29m

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1.The _________ is the point defining the geometric

center of an object.
A)Center of gravity B) Center of mass
C)Centroid D) None of the above

2. To study problems concerned with the motion of

matter under the influence of forces, i.e., dynamics, it is
necessary to locate a point called ________.
A) Center of gravity B) Center of mass
C) Centroid D) None of the above

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3. If a vertical rectangular strip is chosen as the

differential element, then all the variables, including the
integral limit, should be in terms of _____ .
A) x B) y
C) z D) Any of the above.

4. If a vertical rectangular strip is chosen, then what are

~ ~
the values of x and y?
A) (x , y) B) (x / 2 , y / 2)
C) (x , 0) D) (x , y / 2)
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5. A composite body in this section refers to a body

made of ____.
A) Carbon fibers and an epoxy matrix
B) Steel and concrete
C) A collection of “simple” shaped parts or holes
D) A collection of “complex” shaped parts or holes
6. The composite method for determining the location of
the center of gravity of a composite body requires
A) Integration B) Differentiation
C) Simple arithmetic D) All of the above.

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7. Based on the typical centroid information, what are the

minimum number of pieces you will have to consider for
determining the centroid of the area shown at the right?
A)1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4

8. A storage box is tilted up to clean the rug underneath

the box. It is tilted up by pulling the handle C, with edge
A remaining on the ground. What is the maximum angle
of tilt (measured between bottom AB and the ground)
possible before the box tips over?
A) 30° B) 45 ° C) 60 ° D) 90 °

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3cm 1 cm
7. What are the min number of pieces
you will have to consider for determining 1 cm
the centroid of the area?
A)1 B) 2 C) 3 D) 4 3cm

8. A storage box is tilted up by pulling C, C

with edge A remaining on the ground.
What is the max angle of tilt possible
before the box tips over? G
A) 30° B) 45 ° C) 60 ° D) 90 °

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9. For determining the centroid, 2cm
what is the min number of pieces you can use?
A) Two B) Three 4cm
C) Four D) Five
2cm 2cm
10. For determining the centroid of the area,
y 1m 1m
what are the coordinates (x, y )
of the centroid of square DEFG? A D
E 1m
A) (1, 1) m B) (1.25, 1.25) m
C) (0.5, 0.5 ) m D) (1.5, 1.5) m F 1m
B x
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‫السالم عليكم ورحمة هللا وبركاته‬


019 457 9207
Faculty of Engineering Technology, UNIVERSITI MALAYSIA PERLIS

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