Cell Theory

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 The cell theory is one of the most important tenets of biology, the practically everything else
you learn in science class relates back to it. But what is the cell theory? In this guide, we’ll gave
you a clear cell theory definition, explain key dates in the history of this theory, and explain
why it’s so important to understand. After reading this guide, you’ll know everything you need
to know about the cell theory!
Cell Theory is one of the basic principles of biology. Credit for the formulation for this
Theory is given to German scientist Theodor Schwann (1810-1822), Matthias Schleiden
(1804-1881), and Rudolph Virchow (1821-1902)

The cell theory state:

All living organism are composed of cell. They may be unicellular or multicellular.
The cell is basic unit of life.
Cell arise from pre-existing cells. (They are not derived from spontaneous generation)

The modern version of the cell. Theory includes the ideas that:

Energy flow occur within cells.

Heredity information (DNA) is passed on from cell to cell.
All cell have the same basic chemical composition.
In addition to the cell theory, the gene theory, evolution, homeostasis, in the laws of
Thermodynamics form the basic principles that are the foundation for the study of life.
Cell Theory Definition

1. All living things are made up of cell.

2. Cell are the basic building blocks of life.

3. All cell come from pre-existing cell created through the process of cell
division .
4. Energy flow occur within cell.

5. Hereditary information is passed from cell to cell.

6. All cells have the same basic chemical composition

So what does the cell theory actually mean? Let’s break it

down. The first part of cell theory states that all living
Things are made up of cell. Anything that’s alive, from
bacteria to plants to humans, is composed of cells, and what are
cells? The literal definition is a cell is a group of organelles
surrounding by a thin membrane.
The cell theory definition states that cell are the
building blocks of life. Cell both make up all living
Things and run the processes needed for life. Your hair,
Skin, organs, etc. are all made up of cells. In fact, each
Person is estimated to be made up of nearly 40 trillion
Cells! Each part of a cell as a different function, and
Your cell are responsible for taking in nutrients, turning
Nutrients into energy, removing waste, and more.
Basically, everything your body does, it does because
Cells are directing the action!

The third part of the cell theory definition states that all
cell come from pre-existing cells. This means that cell
don’t just appear out of thin air (known as “spontaneous
Generation”). New cells are always made from current
cells. This mean that current life on the planet is
descended from the very first cells, which first made an
appearance on Earth roughly 3.5 billion years ago. Cells
have been replicating themselves continuously ever
And what does the newer part of the cell theory states? part four
refers to the fact that, in all living cells, energy continuously
Transformed from one type to another. Example of these
processes include photosynthesis (where plant cell convert light
energy into chemical energy) and cellular respiration (where
both plant and animal cells convert glucose into energy). Part
five refers to DNA and the fact it is passed from parent cell to
child cells. Finally, part six of the cell theory tells us that all
cells are made up of the same chemicals: water, inorganic, ions,
and organic molecules.
The History of cell theory
1665: Robert Hooke is the first person to observe cells when he looks at a slice of cork in a microscope.

1665: Francesco Redi disprove spontaneous generation by showing maggots will only grow on unconverted meat, not
Meat enclosed in a jar. His work later contributes to part three of the cell theory.

1670s: Antonie van leeuwenheok, a Dutch scientist, begins his work developing better microscopes that all
Scientist to see cells and the organelles they contain more clearly

1839: German scientist Matthias Schleiden and Theodor Schwann describe the first two parts of the cell theory
Schleiden states that all plant that made up of cells, while Schwann states all animals are made up of cells.
Schleiden and Schwann are generally created as the developers of cell theory.

1855: Rudolph Virchow, another German scientist, describes the third part of cell theory, that all cells come existing

Since then microscopes have continued to become more and more refined, making it possible to study cells
even more closely and allowing scientist to expand on the original cell theory.
Cell Theory important for biology

It’s one of the fundamental principles of biology, and it’s so important that it
has become information many of us take of granted.

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