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General Services Administration

Building Maintenance & Operations Services (BMO)

Industry Day
Philadelphia – March 31
New York City – April 1
Washington, D.C. – April 2

Today’s Agenda

• Welcome

• Opening Comments

• FSSI Overview

• BMO Overview

• Small Business Strategy

• Acquisition Solution

• Next Steps

• Questions and Answers

Opening Comments

• GSA Senior Executives

• FAS Senior Executive Mary Ruwwe (Phi, NY),

• FAS Senior Executive Tom Sharpe (DC)

• PBS Senior Executive Michael Gelber (DC)

Strategic Sourcing Levers

Systematic Process: The What

FSSI Small Business Participation

These solutions are committed to:

▪ Baseline the small business spend
▪ Provide $ and % small business participation metrics
▪ Monitor to ensure small business baseline spend is met or exceeded
▪ Actively communicate small business story and strategy
▪ Include OSBU as well as SBA within the interagency commodity teams building the solution
▪ Meet with industry as part of standing the solution up and ongoing solution management

BMO Strategy: Overview

18 agencies have worked together for … to finalize a flexible BMO acquisition

over a year… vehicle
• Leverage federal
volume to drive savings
Acquisition • Improve spend visibility
• Air Force •GSA Optimization through data collection
•Army •NASA and reporting
•DHS •Navy requirements
• Operations and
•DOE •SBA Customized Maintenance Services
•DOJ •Treasury Solution • Facility Support Services
•DOT – FAA •VA • Small business awards
that will allow for set-
•HHS •AbilityOne Small
• Zonal approach to
Participation facilitate small business
BMO Strategy: Contract Structure

• Comprehensive and flexible, to cover all high-demand BMO commodity

• Open Market (FAR Part 15) Multiple Award IDIQ
• Allows for various contract types at the task-order level
• Goal of a 10-12 year IDIQ contract term (pending FAR deviation
• Agencies will be able to order a single service or a mix of multiple
• Applicable sustainable product requirements will be included
• Offers both large and small business participation
BMO Strategy: Scope

BMO Scope of Service Categories

BMO Strategy: Geographic Approach

• Establish individual geographic segments with unique vendor pools, each

segment operating under the same Terms & Conditions
• Develop additional zones across the nation during subsequent phases of
the solution, allowing for a well-targeted and phased implementation
across high value/need areas identified
• Total BMO addressable spend identified for Zone 1 is $1.5 Billion

Zone 1


= Proposed Zone 1

= Other Zones TBD

Small Business Strategy

• OMB Memo December 5, 2012 Improving Acquisition

Through Strategic Sourcing

• Market Research
- Existing small business participation
- GSA has reached out to industry via Requests for Information
and to assess small business capabilities and
ensure their participation during the development of the solution
- Geographic considerations
 Self-reported industry feedback from showed small
business vendors tend to perform in one or two geographic areas
Small Business Strategy

• Subcontracting requirements

• Set-asides can be made at the task order level within

unrestricted and small business set-aside contract
Acquisition Solution

• DRAFT RFP released March 19, 2015 and closes April

17, 2015 (4:00 CST)

• Two (2) Final RFP’s will be released

- Small Business Set Aside
- Unrestricted
Section A - Standard Forms

• Reserved for SF 33
Section B - Services, Ordering and Prices

• Contract Type
- Government Wide Multiple Award, Indefinite Delivery, Indefinite
Quantity (MA-IDIQ)
- Allows for all contract types at the task order level (e.g., Cost-
Reimbursement (all types), Fixed-Price (all types), Time-and-
Materials, and Labor-Hour)

• Minimum Guarantee of $2,500/ No Maximum Ceiling

Section B - Services, Ordering and Prices

• Labor Categories and Standard Occupational

- Standardized labor categories that correspond to the
Office of Management and Budget’s (OMB) Standard
Occupational Classification (SOC)
- Labor categories are either an individual labor category
mapped to a single SOC and functional description or a
labor category group mapped to multiple SOC Numbers
and functional descriptions
- The Contractor shall become proficient in the use of the
BLS SOC system in preparation for submitting Price
proposals under task order solicitations
Section C - Description/Specifications/ Performance
Based Statement of Work Statement (PBSOW)

• Background
- A comprehensive solution crossing multiple service categories
that can be sought as a single/multiple service
• Period of Performance
- Period of Performance is intended to be a 10-12 year term
• Scope/Requirements
- Covers most commonly used services
- Provides coverage for Zone 1- Delaware, Maryland, New Jersey
- New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, West Virginia, and DC
• Performance Objectives
- Two separate Service Groups
1. Operations and Maintenance
2. Facility Support Services
- Each Service Group has services that required and optional
Section C - Description/Specifications/ Performance
Based Statement of Work Statement (PBSOW)
BMO Scope of Service Categories
Section C - Description/Specifications/ Performance
Based Statement of Work Statement (PBSOW)

• Other Direct Costs (ODCs) - Other direct costs relating

to incidental services and/or supplies that do not fall
within the scope of any other service category listed
under the BMO acquisition vehicle. These services
and/or supplies are necessary to complement a
contractor’s offerings to provide a comprehensive
solution to a customer requirement.

ODC purchasing thresholds shall be determined at the

task order level in accordance with ordering agency
Section C - Description/Specifications/ Performance
Based Statement of Work Statement (PBSOW)

Services Not Within Scope

The following services are not within the scope BMO:
• Energy Management and Water Conservation (services
related to the reduction of water usage)*
• Telecommunication systems
• Equipment owned and operated by government agencies.
• Furnishings (not installed as fixtures)
• Equipment owned by servicing public utilities
• Upgrade of software or software licenses (to include building
automation systems (BAS) and CMMS
• Computers and IT equipment
• Personally owned appliances

* Being removed from the list of services that are designated as not within scope.
Section D - Packing and Marking

• Conform to commercial standards

• Additional language can be added at the task order level

Section E - Inspection and Acceptance

• FAR Clause 52.246-4- Inspection of Services – Fixed


• Additional language can be added at the task order level

Section F - Deliveries or Performance

• Places of Performance
- Zone 1 (Maryland, Virginia, District of Columbia, New York,
Pennsylvania, New Jersey, West Virginia and Delaware)

• Period of Performance
- Date of the Notice-To-Proceed through 5 years thereafter, with 1
(5-year) option that may extend the cumulative term of the
contract to 10 years in accordance with FAR 52.217-9, Option to
Extend the Term of the Contact, if exercised
Section G - Contract Administration

• Roles and Responsibilities (CO’s, OCO’s, COR’s, etc.)

• Contract Access Fee (CAF)- CAF fee 2% off the total
fixed price or estimated price and will be proposed as a
separate line CLIN
• BMO Reporting Modules
- Task Order Award Data
- Data for variation of contract types (Fixed Price, T&M, L-H, etc)
- Task Order Modification Data
- Information on Award Data
- Environmentally Sustainability Products Data
- CAF Payment Data
- Closeout Data
- Subcontracting Plan Data
• BMO and Task Order Close Outs
• Option Determination
Section H - Special Contract Requirements

• Ordering Procedures
All task orders under BMO must be:
- Solicited and awarded by an OCO with a Delegation of Procurement Authority
- Be within the scope of Section C and all other terms and conditions of the BMO
- Identify the BMO Labor Categories and Service Occupational Codes
- Solicited and awarded under the proper NAICS Code and corresponding BMO
MA-IDIQ Contract Number
- Identify the proper Product Service Code (See Attachment BMO PSCs) and,
- Comply with the ordering procedures in FAR Subpart 16.505, Ordering, and
other applicable agency specific regulatory supplements.
- Comply with the Fair Opportunities ordering procedures outlined in FAR
Subpart 16.505 (b)(1)
- 2 separate service groups that span across 18 NAICS Codes (Operations and
Maintenance and Facility Support Services
- Based on 1 small business size standards ($38.5M)
- The OCO has the responsibility to determine which predominant NAICS code
applies to a task order solicitation
Operations and Maintenance, Primary NAICS 561210, Size Standard $38.5 M
Service / Service
NAICS Code NAICS Title Size Standard
Operations and
561210 Facilities Support Services $38.5 M
Plumbing, Heating, and Air-
HVAC Maintenance 238220 $15 M
Conditioning Contractors
Plumbing, Heating, and Air-
Plumbing and Pipefitting 238220 $15 M
Conditioning Contractors
Other Building Equipment
Elevator Maintenance 238290 $15 M
Electrical Contractors and
Electrical Maintenance 238210 Other Wiring Installation $15 M
Fire Alarm System Security Systems Services
561621 $20.5 M
Maintenance and Repair (except Locksmiths)
Fire Suppression (Water
Plumbing, Heating, and Air-
Based) System Preventative 238220 $15 M
Conditioning Contractors
Maintenance and Repair

Roofing Services 238160 Roofing Contractors $15 M

Building Management Nonresidential Property

531312 $7.5 M
Services Managers
Architectural and Framework
Commercial and Institutional
Building Maintenance 236220 $36.5 M
Building Construction

Commissioning Services 541330 Engineering Services $15 M

Elevator Inspection Services 541350 Building Inspection Services $ 7.5 M

Facility Support Services, Primary NAICS 561210, Size Standard $38.5M
Service / Service
NAICS Code NAICS Title Size Standard

Facility Support Facilities Support

561210 $38.5 M
Services Services

Janitorial 561720 Janitorial Services $18 M

561730 Landscaping Services $7.5 M

Cemetery Maintenance 561730 Landscaping Services $7.5 M

Exterminating and Pest

Pest Control 561710 $11 M
Control Services

Waste Management
562111 Solid Waste Collection $38.5 M
and Recycling Services
Section H - Special Contract Requirements

• GSA BMO Webpage

- Website for the purposes of informing our customers,
stakeholders, and the general public of the attributes and
procedures for BMO

• Minimum Task Order Awards

- Starting from the date of the BMO Notice-to-Proceed, the
Contractor shall attain a minimum of 5 task order awards or a
total task order estimated value of $100M (total estimated value
of all task orders inclusive of all options) prior to the exercise of
Option I under BMO
Section H - Special Contract Requirements

• On-Ramping
- Vertical Contract On-Ramping
- Open Season On-Ramping
- Focused On-Ramping (SubPool Creation)

• Dormant Status

• Off-Ramping
Section I - Contract Clauses

• See Draft RFP for Contract Clauses

Section J - Attachments

Notice to the Public and Interested Self Scoring Worksheets

Pre-award Surveys
Public Notice of Industry Day
Past Performance Rating Survey
Standardized Labor Categories and
Definitions Price Template

BMO PSCs Relevant Project Experience

Additional Personnel Qualification
Requirements Sub-Contracting Plan

Sustainability Product List Required Reports

Proposal Checklists
Section K - Representations and Certifications (Reps
and Certs)

• See Draft RFP for Reps and Certs

Section L - Instructions, Conditions, and Notices to
Offerors or Respondents

• Provisions (FAR and GSAR)

• Proposal Format

• Offerors shall include all Four (4) sections in separate

electronic folders and proposal documents onto a single
DVD+r disk
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Basis of Award
- Best value continuum for awards
 Highest Technically Rated Offerors with a Fair and Reasonable
 Core technical expertise in a variety of services with capabilities
that are most important to Government Customers
• The Government intends to award contracts without
- Initial proposals must contain the best offer
- The Government may conduct clarifications
- The Government reserves the right to conduct discussions if
determined necessary
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Screening and Evaluation Process

- Two-step screening process for all offers received
 Verify that a support document exists
 Compare it to the Offeror’s self scoring worksheet
 Any discrepancies will be treated as clarifications

• Evaluation team will assign preliminary score in

accordance with the Scoring Table

• Offers will be sorted by highest score to lowest score for

each Service Group (O&M and Facility Support
Services) to develop a competitive range
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 1 - General Information

- The General Information section consists of the following sub-
 Offeror’s SF 33
 Proposal Checklist
 Self Scoring Worksheet
 Meaningful Relationship Commitment Letters (if applicable)
 Existing Joint Venture/Partnership (if applicable)
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 2 - Responsibility
- The Responsibility section consists of the following:
 SAM Record (to include EPLS)
 Representations and Certifications
 Financial information GSA Form 527
 Pre-Award Survey SF 1408
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 3 - Technical Experience - Relevant Project

- Three (3) different distinct projects per service offering. The
projects can cover single or multiple services categories
- Completed within the past Three (3) years or, be ongoing
- Projects submitted may be U.S. Federal Government, U.S. State
Government, and Non-Government/Commercial
- Each Project shall identify the following:
 Building type
 Building size (square footage)
 Stories of each building
 Services covered relevant to the Scope of Services
 Performance period
 Total dollar value
 Number of trade skills employed and number of exempt
positions employed
 A complete, clear, concise detailed statement of the description
of services covered in the project, including how the offeror
provided the services
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Additional Evaluation Credit for Relevant Project

- U.S. Federal Government customer
- Project involves Subcontracting/Teaming for services with at
least 2 separate entities that are certified as small business
- Optional Services
- Extended Contract Duration (over 3 years)
- Large Square Footage (over 20,000 sq. ft)
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 3 - Technical Experience – Project Location

- A list of 2 projects (completed or ongoing) per state for ALL of
states of Zone 1
- If the offeror does not have a list of projects completed within
respective areas, they must provide written narrative
demonstrating capabilities of providing service coverage in Zone

• Additional Evaluation Credit

- Projects submitted that covers multiple locations listed in Zone 1
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 3 - Staffing Plan

- The staffing plan should identify roles and responsibilities for all

• Section 3 - Professional Compensation Plan

- Addresses methodology for determining salaries and fringe
benefits for professional employees in preparation of future task
order requirements

• Section 3 - Uncompensated Overtime Policy

- Policy for addressing uncompensated overtime consistent with
its cost accounting practices
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 3 - Subcontracting Plan

• Section 3 - Sustainability Plan

- Approach toward implementing and promoting sustainable
practices in all aspects of BMO Services
- Additional Evaluation Credit
 Implement sustainable practices above and beyond the minimum
performance requirements

• Section 3 - Quality Control Plan

- Description of internal review procedures that facilitates high-
quality standards, identify the roles responsible for ensuring
quality control
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 3 - Past Performance

- Past performance surveys for the same relevant project
experiences submitted
- When past performance information is not available, the offeror
will not be evaluated favorably or unfavorably (neutral rating)
Section M - Evaluation Factors

• Section 4 - Price
- Firm Fixed Price (FFP) hourly rates for all applicable BLS SOC
standardized labor categories. At a minimum the rate shall
include a breakdown illustrating the following:
 Base rate (based on SCA, DBA CBA, as applicable)
 Health and welfare rate
 Overhead
 G&A
 Profit
 Fully Burdened Rate
- Government and commercial prices for the labor categories
- Tiered Pricing
Next Steps

• Draft RFP closes April 17, 2015

• Comments on Draft RFP due April 17, 2015
• Final RFP expected release May, 2015
• Expected award September, 2015
• Email: [email protected]

Question and Answer Session

• Questions submitted online prior to event – answers will

be posted to Interact
• In-person Q&A

Thank You For Your Participation!

Contact the BMO Team ([email protected]) with

any questions you may have


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