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Occupational Health and

Safety (K3)
Definisi of K3
• Occupational health and safety (K3) is an effort to provide safety
guarantees and improve the health status of workers by preventing
accidents and occupational diseases (PAK), controlling hazards at
work, promoting health, treating and rehabilitating.
• Is a system of programs created for workers and employers as an
effort to prevent, prevent the occurrence of occupational accidents
and diseases caused by work relationships in the work environment
by recognizing things that could potentially cause workplace
accindent and diseases caused by work relations, and anticipatory
action if such things occur
• According to sumakmur : occupational health is a specialization in
health and medical science and its practice aimed at, so that workers
and the community of workers and their families obtain the highest
degree of health,whether physical, or mental, or social, with
preventive and curative effort, against diseases/ health problems
caused by work and work environment factors, and general diseases
Occupational health aims to improve and maintain the highest level of
physical, mental and social health for workers in all types of work
,prevention of employee health problems caused by working conditions
: protection for workers in their work from risks due to factors
detrimental to health ; and placement and maintenance of workers in a
work envirotment adapted to their physiological and psychological
conditions. In summary, is the adjustment of work to humans and
every human being to their work or position. The general goal of OHS is
to create a healthy and productive workforce.
• Is an integrated effort of all hospital workers, patients, visitors/
deliverers of the sick as well as for the community and the
environment around the hospital.
• Is a person who works in a hospital that includes permanent staff,
medical staff, and medical support, nursing staff, pharmacy staff,
hospital management staff, non-health personnel as well as non-
permanent staff and consultants.( Law No.44 of 2009 concerning
hospitals, Article 12 paragraph 1 and paragraph 4).
• K3RS principels so that K3RS can be understood in its enterety, it is
necessary to know the understanding of 3 (three) interacting
components,namely :
• 1. work capacity is the status of occupational health and good
occupational nutrition and excellent physical abilities of each worker
in order to be able to do their jobs properly
• Example : if a worker is deficient in iron which causes anemia, then
work capacity will decrease due to the influence of weak and
lethargic conditions
• 2. Workload is a physical and mental burden that must be borne by
workers in carrying out their duties. Example : workers who work
more than the maximum working time etc.
• 3. The work environment is the closest environment to a worker.
Example : a person who works in a radiology installation, then the
work environment is a room related to the process of his work in a
radiology installation (X Ray room, dark room, nuclear medicine etc)
General objectives: the realization of K3RS in an optimal, effective,
efficient, and sustainable manner.
Special purpose :
1. Creating a healthy, safe, and comfortable workplace for hospital
human resources, patients, patient companions, visitors and the
hospital environment so that the serviceprocess runs smoothly.
2. Prevent the occurrence of work-related accidents (CAC), work-
related diseases (PAK), infectious diseases and non-communicable
diseases for all hospital human resources.
• Target :
1. Hospital management and management
2. Hospital HR
3. Patient
4. Visitor / patient introduction

• Scope :
1. Hospital Vocational
2. K3RS implementation standards
3. Education and training
• Workplace Surveillance and Hazard detection:
Identify potential hazards that threaten the health and safety of
workers who work closely with other professionals in the assessment
and supervision of hazards.
• Primary care:
Is a direct health service for illness and accidents in the workforce,
including nursing diagnoses, treatment, referral and emergency care.
• Counseling:
Assist workers in understanding health problems and help to
overcome and get out of work situations.
• Management and Administration:
As a health service manager with responsibility for planning and
development programs, financing and management programs.
• Research:
Recognize services related to health problems, recognize the factors
that contribute to making improvements.
• Legal-Ethical Monitoring:
Hyperkes medical professional must fully understand the scope of
health services in the workforce in accordance with the law, able to
maintain the confidentiality of labor health documents.

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