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Transformation of banks from branch model to online model

Made By-
Sudhanshu Verma
IIM Kozhikode
Pillars of a physical branch

Accessibility Spaces

Interaction Governance

The branch is present and the Making the branch visit a

client can reach it whenever pleasant experience, not a
he/she wants. binding obligation.

The client can satisfy his

needs, digitally and/or
Online Banking
Digitising means Revolutionary business
converting into digital processes which were not
$ $ $ $ $ $ $ format anything which available to them before,
is currently manual or from iris recognition to AI
paper-based to offer superior banking

Digitisation Digitalisation
Digitisation Digitalisation

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

Two way approach

Emerging needs of customers

Connectivity Tailor made service

01 Connectivity anytime and anywhere for greater

convenience and effectiveness 03 Personalization is the key for effective customer
service and repeat business.

Predictive Service Security

02 Banks should be able to recognize and cater to

customer’s need to make the process seamless 04 Alongwith ease, customers also demand more
control over access to information.
Power of Digitalization
Enhanced Security Personalized Planning
AI- powered biometrics can be Customer behavior can be analyzed to
used by customer to access their deliver meaningful suggestions for
accounts as well as to facilitate wealth management and portfolio
important transactions. planning.

Risk Management
Apart from Credit Rating, AI can
BUY SELL Removing Repetitive Processes
Online model can be used to
be used to detect bad loans thus automate processes thus enabling
helping in bringing down stressed offline workers to use their time
assets. meaningfully.

Better Customer Support Detect Fraudulent activities

Use of AI enabled Chatbots can enhance With the power of machine
customer experience and Users can also learning and AI, banks can
be redirected to relevant sources of analyze huge volumes of data,
information easily. detect patterns and avoid
fraudulent transactions.
3Ds of branch transformation

1. Distributing resources efficiently

Branch placement, staffing level, and gauging market potential is a
resource distribution problem that can be optimized mathematically Distributing
using geographical analytics tools resources
2. Delivering products and services efficiently
Creating innovative service delivery models that are "in-betweens" –
neither purely staff-assisted nor 100% self-service – must be the
focus of every branch transformation project.
products and Digital
3. Digital Technologies services Technologies
Staying up-to-date on the latest tech advancements, while making efficiently
sure to not jump too quickly on every new fad. Service delivery needs
to be at the heart of that decision. Will it make my customers and
employees happier? Will it reduce costs? Will it increase efficiency?
Virtual Branch services
Advanced video ATM 2.0
conference devices Knowledge Area ATMs that provide
“Near face-to-face” Presentations of new extensive service and
personalized advice to clients. tech, devices and can be operated via
Allows on site advice without financial products as per biometrics and audio
experts in every branch. their usage. commands.

Client Relationship Omni-channel Smart Cams

Manager Allow clients to execute To measure customer
To provide personalized 100% transactions through traffic and identify
face-to-face advice to a branch in self service on clients and help them on
client. various channels like their online journey.
mobiles, desktop etc.
AI &
Robotic opportunities

for 2020

Blockchain Cyber
& Security
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