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Product & Brand Management Case Study

Nivea – Managing the Legacy Brand
Submitted by :
Ahraz Baige (02)
Prasad Jadhav (15)
Sachin Raut (39)
Nilesh Thakare (52)
Karan Chabra(67)
Nikita Karmarkar(79)
Shreyas Ligade(88)
Sanket Raut(102)
Case Summary
• Beginning of the company

• Product portfolio of Nivea

• Brand values of Nivea and brand identity

• Nivea’s position in India

Importance of legacy in Nivea Brand Story
• Meaning of brand legacy and its impact

• Growth of Nivea driven by flagship product Nivea Cream

• Nivea’s way of becoming a legacy brand

• Perception of Indians towards Nivea

Current Brand Associations for Nivea
Care and

Nivea but high Reliability
Brand associations
Body care Face care Men Sun Care for Nivea

Are they in line with what the Nivea team would desire?

• Definitely YES, they are getting what they desire

• Already gained trust issue now wants to spread everywhere in world
• Brand position and customer perception is in line
• Nivea got unisex acceptance
• They want to connect all mankind through skin products
• Customer perceiving brand as complete care taker of skin
• Through strong R & D, they reached every skin type customer
• 100+ years better skincare for life
Checking the relevance
• Nivea’s positioning as gentle care and quality product
• Innovation with new product lines – Nivea has to keep adding products and product lines to its brand
portfolio. This will help the company in having a bulky product line with which it can establish itself in new
markets strongly and break the image of being a cold cream provider.
• Market potential is growing – Another advantage is that the market potential for personal care products is
always growing. Not only is the demographic market potential growing, the geographic market potential is
growing also, therefore promising a good future for the brand.
• Targeting Mens segment – There are fewer personal care brands in the mens segment and this segment is ripe
for the picking with more and more men realising the importance of taking care of their skin and the role it
plays in their overall well being and healthiness. Nivea has already introduced face wash and body wash in
this segment and it has been received positively. The same can be expect with more product lines that it
• Territory expansion – Besides launching new products, Nivea needs to expand to new geographies. If it does
not do so, there are competitors like Ponds cold cream which will soon cover the market because of their
excellent distribution potential.
Integrated Marketing Communication

Identify Target Decide on Media

Measure Results
Audience Mix

Manage Integrated
Determine Establish the
Objectives Budget

Select Channels
Selecting Marketing Communications Mix
• Advertising

• Sales promotion

• Events & Experiences

• Public relations

• Social Media Marketing

• Direct Marketing

• Buzz
Product Strategy
• Market Research to target to key market segment

• Improvement in the product

• Use of natural product

• Increase opportunities of recycling

• Use of competitors products

Brand Strategy
• Print Media

• Broadcasting Media

• Electronic Media

• Sponsorship

• In-store promotion

• New media technique

Marketing Strategy
• Product Expansion

• Promotional activities

• SWOT analysis

• Cultural diversity

• Better marketing mix

• Brand equity

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