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Jum’at, 07 Januari 2020

Alfi habibah dasique
What is a theory?
‘a coherent set of hypothetical, conceptual and
pragmatic principles forming the general
framework of reference for a field of inquiry’
(Hendriksen 1970, p. 1)



Accounting theories
1. What is accounting?
- Accounting is a human activity
2. What is accounting theories?
3. What is considered by accounting theory?
- people’s behaviour with respect to accounting
- people’s needs for accounting information
- why people within organisations elect to supply
particular information
Why it is important to learn?
1. Provide a cohorent and systematic framework for
investigating, understanding and/or developing
various accounting practices
2. Can evaluate phenomena critically
Theories might:
- Prescribe how assets should be valued
- Predict why managers will choose particular
accounting methods
- Explain how an individual’s cultural
background affects accounting information
- Prescribe what accounting information
should be provided to particular classes of
- Predict that the relative power of a
stakeholder group will affect the accounting
information it receives
Overview of theories of
1. Many theories of financial accounting exist
2. no universally accepted theory of accounting
- different perspectives about the central
objective, role and scope of financial
3. no universally accepted perspective about the role
of accounting theory
- different researchers have different
perspectives of the role of accounting theory
Early development of
accounting theory
 Relied upon the process of induction
- development of ideas or theories through
 1920sto 1960s theories developed from
observing what accountants did in
- codified as doctrines or conventions of
Godfer (1992)
Accounting theory periodization:
1. Pre- theory period (1492-1800)
2. General scientific period (1800-1960)
3. Normative period (1960-1970)
4. Specific scientific period (1970-sekarang)
Criticisms of inductive method
… ‘concentrates on the status-quo, is reactionary
in attitude, and cannot provide a basis upon which
current practice may be evaluated or from which
future improvements may be deduced.’ (Gray,
Owen and Maunders 1987, p. 66)
 assumes what is done by the majority is the most
appropriate practice
 perspective of accounting Darwinism
Example of inductive
approach to theory
 Grady (1965) undertook research commissioned
by the AICPA
 formed the basis of APB Statement No. 4 ‘Basic
Concepts and Accounting Principles Underlying
the Financial Statements of Business Enterprises’
- reflected generally accepted accounting principles
at the time
Theory development - 1960s
and 1970s
 Sought to prescribe particular accounting practices
 not driven by existing practices
 theories critical of historical cost accounting
 sought to provide improved approaches to asset
valuation in a time of widespread inflation
Specific scientific period
Theory development - mid to late 1970s :
 Research aimed at explaining and predicting
accounting practice rather than prescribing
particular practices
 known as positive theories
Positive theories


Evaluating theories of
 Students should consider the merit of the argument
and the research methods employed
 some researchers may adopt strategies (such as
overt condemnation of alternative theories) to
support their own research and theoretical
Revolutionary scientific
progress (Kuhn)
 Knowledge advances when one theory is replaced
by another as particular researchers attack the
credibility of an existing paradigm and advance an
 possible explanation of why researchers try to
denigrate the credibility of alternative theories
Criticism of positive theories
- an example
 Positive theories of accounting have been
criticised for not providing prescription
 the decision not to provide prescription could
alienate academic accountants from their
counterparts within the profession
Evaluation of theories
 Theories of accounting are only abstractions of
 the choice of one theory in preference to another is
based on value judgements
 cannot expect to provide perfect explanations or
predictions of human behaviour or assess what
types on information users actually need
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proses penelitian
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