Your Words Create A World

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Narrative Writing

Lesson # 2
Your words
create a world
Narrative Writing
- Telling a
story is what
you are doing
on a narrative
Narrative Writing
- writing that is characterized by
a main character in a setting who
engages with a problem or event
in a significant way. As writing
instruction goes, narrative
writing encompasses a lot:
author’s purpose, tone, voice,
structure, in addition to teaching
sentence structure, organization,
and word choice.
- Is creating a world based on the
writer’s imagination.

It is revisiting a world based on

the author’s memory.

- The reader is aimed to be

transported from one’s real world
to the reality of the story being
- Something that makes the readers
think and compel him/her to read the
narrative again.
- To achieve this effectiveness, writers should
make sure that these narratives have the
1. Vivid Description of Details
- Description is appealing to the five senses of the
human body (for a more in-depth discussion on
Remember: Show rather than tell!

Telling: Tom didn’t want to go to school today.
Showing: Tom threw his books into his bag, crumpling
his half- complete homework; he sighed.
2. Consistent Point of View
The three most point of views are:

1. First Point of View

2. Second Point of View
3. Third Point of View
Consistent Point of View
The three most point of views are:

1. First Point of View- the character is

telling the story. You will see the words “I”,
“Me” or “We”. This is used to give the
writer’s personal perspective.

Example: If it was up to me, I would choose the

white car.
Consistent Point of View
The three most point of views are:
2. Second Point of View- The writer as the
narrator speaking to the reader. The words
“you”, “your” and “yours” are used.
-some common uses for SPV are directions,
business writing, song lyrics, speeches and
Example: In just a few simple steps you can
make a big change in your life.
Consistent Point of View
The three most point of views are:
3. Third Point of View- has an external narrator
telling the story and the NARRATOR IS NOT A
CHARACTER IN THE STORY. The narrator is all
knowing. The words “he” “she” “it”, “they” are used in
this point of view.

Example: He is a great football player. He scored

the most touchdowns this season.
Consistent Point of View
The three most point of views are:
3. Third Point of View- This POV can be
OMNISCIENT where the reader knows what all the
characters are doing in the story and the narrator knows
Consistent Point of View
The three most point of views are:
3. Third Point of View- This POV can be LIMITED
to having the reader only know what is happening to one
specific character and knows what the character only

Consistent Point of View
Consistent Verb Tense
- A consistent Verb Tense is needed to make clear to the
reader whether the story in the narrative had already
happened, has been happening for some time now,
happens on a regular basis, is currently happening
and will do so indefinitely or will happen sometime in
the future.
Well-Defined Point or Significance
- A well defined point
or significance in any
narrative is
something akin to
the literary element
we came theme.
Narrative Techniques
Narrative Techniques
Narrative Devices
- The use of Narrative Devices is a
technique writers utilize to add
flavor and enrich the meaning of
their stories. With these devices, an
author can shorten, lengthen and
focus on a particular event in the
Narrative Techniques
1. Anecdote
- An anecdote is a short story about a real person
or event, usually serving to make the listeners
laugh or ponder over a topic. Generally, the
anecdote will relate to the subject matter that the
group of people is discussing.

For example, if a group of coworkers are discussing pets, and

one coworker tells a story about how her cat comes downstairs
at a certain time every night, then that coworker has just shared
an anecdote.
Narrative Techniques
1. Anecdote
- there are brief narratives that are
written from the writer’s memory.
- It can be used as an introduction to an
essay, as an example to illustrate a point
or as a closing statement that caps
things off nicely in your essay or as a
memento to your reader that will make
him/her remember your narratives.
Narrative Techniques
2. Flashback
- A flashback is an event that
happened in the past. As the word
itself suggests, you are “Flashing
Back” or quickly looking at
something that already had

- It is not necessarily the focus of the story; rather;

more of an addition to explain or to elaborate on a
point made by the writer in the narrative.
Narrative Techniques
3. Time Stretch
- Is a single event in the
story that the author
focuses writing about
in which single event
is prolonged.
Narrative Techniques
4. Time Summary
- Is characterized by jamming
together multiple events and/or
shortening a relatively long period of
- Time summaries can be determined
with expressions such as “In a single
day…” “Overnight…” etc.
Narrative Techniques
5. Flash forward
- - Is an event that has yet to
happen in the story. It is
“Flashing-forward” or a
quickly looking at
something that will happen
in the future.

- A flash forward is included in a narrative

to add meaning to a story,
Narrative Techniques
6. Dialogue
- A word or series of words
enclosed in a pair of
quotation marks which
signal the characters’
spoken language.
Activity #2

Draw an Island
Step 1: Have a plenty of sheets of
long bond paper

1. Draw an island using the materials in any

shape and in any forms.

2. Give your island a name: “Basketball Island

etc. reflecting its shapes and characteristics.

3. Identify landmarks of your island:

“Mountains” “Valley”.
Step 2: Imagine that you are
stranded on your island. You might
have been there for five days.

2. Write a five day diary of your adventures. Remember: Write

only one entry each day!
Day 1: Dialogue
Day 2: Time Summary
Day 3: Flashback
Day 4: Time Stretch
Day 5: Flash forward
Format for Script(Story) Writing:

Long Bond Paper

Font Style: Times New Roman
Font Size: 13
Margin: Normal
Spacing: Normal
Rubrics for illustration
Creativity 2

Originality 3

Importance 5

Rubrics for Narrative Writing

Application of concept

Originality 2

Significance 3

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