Geotagging Briefer v2

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Geo-Tagging: An Innovative Tool To Enhance

Transparency and Supervision of Development Projects

Transparency through
Noel Sta. Ines, Senior Procurement Specialist,
GGODR, The World Bank
Mindanao Rural Development Project 2 -

• US$ 84 million poverty alleviation

program aimed at improving livelihood
opportunities for targeted communities,
and institutionalizing a decentralized
system for agriculture and fishery service

• Has four major components:

– Rural Infrastructure
– Community Fund for Agricultural Development
– Natural Resources Management
– Investment for Governance Reforms and
Program Administration.
Mindanao Rural Development Project 2 -

MRDP subprojects: abaca production, coastal guard post, cocoa production

Mindanao Rural Development Project 2 -

MRDP subprojects: vegetable production, animal dispersal, communal irrigation, aqua culture
Mindanao Rural Development Project 2 -

• The implementation of the subprojects

all over Mindanao is vulnerable to
fraud given the dispersed locations as
well as the limited supervision
resources, and security restrictions in
conflict affected areas.

• ARMM Region is an area where the

Bank is not able to fully exercise its
fiduciary responsibilities because of
safety and security issues.
Challenges in MRDP Supervision

• Delays in start up

• Limited supervision (remote

and security-risky locations)

• Low implementation and

monitoring capacity

• Potential Elite capture

• Possible Overlapping and

Overcrowding Subprojects
MRDP2 Supervision

Bank Procurement-Technical Review

• Review identified a number of
weaknesses in supervision specifically the
absence of a structured monitoring
system to identify the locations of the
widely disperse subprojects.
• The Bank findings prompted the DA
investigation of an attempt to defraud the
Government , and which resulted to
cancellation of a number RI Subprojects
• Bank Mission recommended the use of
GPS technology and web-based mapping
to aid supervision

• Process of assigning a
geographical reference, i.e,
geographical coordinates
(latitude and longitude) +
elevation - to an object.
• This could be done by taking
photos, nodes and tracks with
recorded GPS coordinates.
• This allows geo-tagged object
or SP data to be easily and
accurately located on a map.
The is
What Use and Implementation
Geo-Tagging application inofthe

• A revolutionary and inexpensive

approach of using ICT + GPS
applications for accurate visualization
of sub-projects (open-sourced location based
tool with graphical pictures)
• Device required is only a GPS enabled
android cellphone, and access to freely
available apps
• Easily replicable for mainstreaming to
Government institutions & CSOs
• Will help answer the question: Is the
right activity implemented in the right
place? – (asset verification tool)
GPS Status App Display
Location Tab

Location Tag / Geo-tag Photos

Geo-Tagging: An Innovative Tool To Enhance
Transparency and Supervision
Forms of Geo-Tagging Data:
• Points / nodes / waypoints: a
specific health or school
location, or solar drier, other
post harvest facilities.
• Tracks / Lines / trails: road,
irrigation system, sewer /
water supply line, train line.
• Polygons: mining / re-greening
area, land parcel, vegetable/
commodity production area,
fishery /mariculture area.
• Photos / Videos: base and
• Geotagged data taken at the time the
subprojects are proposed for financing
are used by the agencies in the pre-
review and site identification.
• Geotagged data for approved SPs are
uploaded in the respective agency
websites, e.g,,,,
development-program-mtf-rdp/, and which can be
validated thru virtual visit by oversight
agencies, CSOs and the Bank.
Geo-tagging Example No. 1: Visualization of a farm-to-market road in a conflict area: showing specific location, ground
distance, track / alignment, elevation profile, ground photos (with coordinates, date and time taken) of Farm-to-market Road,
i.e. baseline information + Progress photos + 3D visualization
Geo-tagging Example No. 2: Location and Visualization of bunkhouses in Yolanda damaged-area in Tacloban, showing the location of the
cluster of bunkhouses, land / lot area, and ground photos taken by the auditors and the volunteers
Geo-tagging Example No. 3: Location and Visualization of rehabilitation of Inting St in Earthquake damaged-area in Tagbilaran, Bohol by
the auditors and the volunteers
Geo-tagging Example No. 4: Visualization of reforestation projects. Polygon / area (i.e. number of seedlings
planted and cost may be computed virtually, and ground photos of reforestation subproject
Geo-tagging Example No. 5: mapping of distribution of micro SPs to beneficiaries
Geo-tagging Example No. 6: Mapping and visualization of an irrigation system; showing the main canal and the
sub-laterals, current service area, service area to be generated as a result of irrigation improvement + geotagged
photos of the inventory of condition of the structures and the canals , eqmt mobilization, progress photo graphs
Geo-tagging Example No. 7: An accurate bird’s eye view of mapping of combination of various interventions
from different sources of funds (school buildings, farm to market road, reforestation , and water supply) in a
Geo-tagging Example No.8 : innovative approach for engaging citizenry and civil society in identifying and
reporting road subproject with quality issues.
• Proven in Mindanao as a powerful tool to boosting transparency, improving
supervision, and fighting fraud and corruption in all stages of project
implementation, and now being scaled up.
• Can apply to almost all type of subprojects
• An innovative approach for citizen and CSO engagement (i.e. COA’s Citizen
Participatory Audit)
• Expanded and scaled up since 2009, and now in various stages of applications
in at least 12 World Bank financed projects in the Philippines.
• Jointly adopted by ADB, JICA and WB as a requirement for the POG, LGUPM,
and CPPM as issued by the GPPB.
• Undergoing pilot implementation for the Open Government Partnership (OP,
GPPB and PhilGEPS)
Geotagging support for COA

• July 2014 - Tacloban (1sT ) Citizen

Participatory Audit

• Aug 2014 - Tacloban (2nd) Citizen

Participatory Audit

• Oct 2014 - Tagbilaran CPA

• Oct 2014 - OA Planning in

Tagaytay City

• Dec 2014 - Puerto Princesa CPA

• Apr 2015 - Iloilo CPA

• May 2015 - Davao CPA

MST - Testing on Guidelines and PhilGEPS
Dashboard 2 - DPWH contract
Multi-stakeholder Teams (MST) comprising of GPPB-TSO, PhilGEPS, COA (TSO and
Auditors), CSOs, ADB, JICA and WB, and DENR, DA, DSWD & DPWH missions
during November 5-6, 2014.
MST – Testing… DA contract
Multi-stakeholder Teams (MST) comprising of GPPB-TSO, PhilGEPS, COA (TSO and
Auditors), CSOs, ADB, JICA and WB, and DENR, DA, DSWD & DPWH missions
during October 22-November 26, 2014

MST – Testing … DENR contract
Multi-stakeholder Teams (MST) comprising of GPPB-TSO, PhilGEPS, COA (TSO and
Auditors), CSOs, ADB, JICA and WB, and DENR, DA, DSWD & DPWH missions
during October 22-November 26, 2014

MST – Testing… DSWD contract
Multi-stakeholder Teams (MST) comprising of GPPB-TSO, PhilGEPS, COA (TSO and
Auditors), CSOs, ADB, JICA and WB, and DENR, DA, DSWD & DPWH missions
during October 22-November 26, 2014

Stages of Application

Identification / validation / detailed Procurement Construction Audit / post

Planning engineering implementation / procurement /
progress payment Evaluation
Geotagging Apps
• For the Geotagging devise

• For the Laptop or Desktop

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