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Science, Technology, and

At the end of this chapter, you must
 Explained how early Filipinos applied scientific principles
in their daily living;
 Presented government policies on science and technology
and explained their importance to the nation; and
 Discussed the role of science and technology in nation-
Pre-colonial Period
 Filipinos used plants and herbs as medicines
 They implemented farming and animal-raising systems
 They developed different modes of transportation
(terrestrial or maritime)
 Cordillera natives built rice terraces incorporating
complicated irrigation systems
Colonial Period
 Spaniards built roads, bridges, and other large infrastructures
 They developed health and education systems enjoyed by the
principalia class (The Principalía or noble class was the ruling
and usually educated upper class in the pueblos of the Spanish
Philippines, comprising the gobernadorcillo (who had functions
similar to a town mayor), and the cabezas de barangay (heads
of the barangays) who governed the districts.
 Americans established Bureau of Science to nurture
development in science and technology
Post-colonial Period

 President Marcos established PAGASA, NAST, NSTA (DOST)

PAGASA – Philippine Atmospheric, Geophysical and

Astronomical Services Administration
NAST - National Academy Of Science And Technology,
NSTA - National Science and Technology Authority
Activity 3: President’s Achievement in
Science and Technology
 Divide yourselves into six groups
 Each group will be assigned to a President after Marcos
 Identify some achievements in the field of science and
technology under the assigned administration
 Trace how they helped shape the Philippines as a Nation
 Show your findings to class through a 5- to 10-minute
creative video presentation
Unit Exam: (By pair)
 Research, present, and make a stand on science and
technology issues that currently affect the Philippine society

 Criteria:
 Content and Relevance - 30%
 Analysis - 40%
 Creativity and Teamwork - 30%
 Total - 100%
Presidents after Ferdinand Marcos

1. Corazon C. Aquino -Group 1

2. Fidel V. Ramos - Group 2
3. Joseph Ejercito Estrada - Group 3
4. Gloria Macapagal Arroyo - Group 4
5. Benigno Aquino – Group 5
6. Rodrigo R. Duterte – Group 6

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