The Popularity of Diffrent Utilities Atms Cards

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The Popularity of different utilities of ATM

What is an ATM ??
• An automated teller machine (ATM) is a computerized
telecommunications device that provides the Customers of a
financial institution/ bank with access to financial transactions
in a public space.

• without the need for a human clerk or bank teller round the
clock (24 hrs a day)
ATM Card

 On most modern ATMs, the customer is identified by

inserting a plastic ATM card with a magnetic stripe or a plastic
Smart Card with a chip, that contains a unique card number
and some security information.

 Security is provided by the customer entering a personal

identification number(PIN).
Functions of ATM

 24-hour access to cash

 View Account Balances & Mini-statements
 Order a Cheque Book / Account Statement
 Transfer Funds between accounts
 Refill your Prepaid card
 Pay your utility bills
 Deposit cash or cheques
 Change your PIN
 Learn about other products
History Of ATM
 The ATM was invented by Scot John Shepherd-Barron.

 The world's first ATM was installed in a branch of Barclays in the

northern London borough of Enfield, Middlesex, in 1967.

 A mechanical cash dispenser was developed and built by Luther George

Simjian and installed in 1939 in New York City by the City Bank of New

 The first person to use the machine was Reg Varney of "On the Buses"
fame, a British Television programme from the 1960s
 The idea of a PIN stored on the card was developed by the
British engineer John Rose in 1965.

 the modern, networked ATM was invented in Dallas, Texas,

by Don Wetzel in 1968

 Notable historical models of ATMs include the IBM 3624

and 473x series, Diebold 10xx and TABS 9000 series, and
NCR 5xxx series.
Reg Varney using the first ATM in 1967
Structure of ATM

 Card reader
 Keypad
 Speaker
 Display screen
 Receipt printer
 Cash dispenser
Card reader
The card reader captures the account
information stored on the magnetic stripe on
the back of an ATM/debit or credit card. The
host processor uses information transaction
to route to the this information
the transaction
cardholder's bank.

The keypad lets the cardholder tell the

bank what kind of transaction is required
(cash withdrawal, balance inquiry, etc.)
and for what amount. Also, the bank
requires the cardholder's personal
identification number (PIN) for
verification. Federal law
requires that the PIN block be sent to the
host processor in encrypted. form.
Display screen

The display screen prompts the cardholder

through each step of the transaction process.
Leased-line machines commonly use a
monochrome or color CRT (cathode ray tube)
display. Dial-up machines commonly use a
monochrome or color LCD.
Receipt printer

The receipt printer provides the

cardholder with a paper receipt of
the transaction
Cash dispenser

The heart of an ATM is the safe

and cash- dispensing
mechanism. The entire bottom
portion of most small ATMs is a
safe that contains the cash.
Types of ATMs

 Onl-Line Atms
 Off -line Atms
 On- site ATMs
 Off-Site Atms
 Mobile Atms
 Biometric ATMs
 Talking Atms
 ATMs For Blinds
 Drive In Atms
Examples Of ATMs
Mobile ATM
Drive in ATM
On-site ATM
Off-Site ATM
ATM for Blinds
Biometric ATM
ATM Frauds

 Atm Card cloning Frauds

 Fake Atms(The first known instance of a fake ATM was

installed at a shopping mall in Manchester, Connecticut in

 Attack On Atms

 PIN crack
Alternative uses

 Deposit currency recognition, acceptance, and recycling

 Paying routine bills, fees, and taxes (utilities, phone bills, social security,
legal fees, taxes, etc.)
 Printing bank statements
 Updating passbooks
 Loading monetary value into stored value cards
 Purchasing
 Games and promotional features
 Donating to charities
 Cheque Processing Module
Precautions while using ATM / ATM Cards
 Don't write down your PIN. If you must write it down, do not store it
in your wallet or purse.
 Make your PIN a series of letters or numbers that you can easily remember, but
that cannot easily be associated with you personally.
 Avoid using birth dates, initials, house numbers or your Phone number.
 Store your ATM card in your purse or wallet, in an area where it won't get
scratched or bent.
 Get your card out BEFORE you approach the ATM. You'll be more vulnerable to
attack if you're standing in front of the ATM, fumbling through your wallet for
your card.
 Stand directly in front of the ATM keypad when typing in your PIN. This
prevents anyone waiting to use the machine from seeing your personal
 After your transaction, take your receipt, card and money away. Do not stand
in front of the machine and count your money.

 If you are using a drive-up ATM, get your vehicle as close to the machine as
possible to prevent anyone from coming up to your window. Also make sure that
your doors are locked before you drive up to the machine.

 Do not leave your car running while using a walk-upATM. Take your keys
with you and lock the doors before your transaction.
 If someone or something makes you uncomfortable, cancel your transaction and
leave the machine immediately. Follow up with your bank to make sure the
transaction was cancelled and alert the bank to any suspicious people.

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