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❖ Term ‘Value’ has been derived from a french word, ‘Valoir’ which means the
worth, merit, usefulness or importance of a thing.
❖ Values lay the foundation for the understanding of the perception, attitudes
and motivation of people.
❖ Values generally influence attitudes and behaviour.
❖ Value system indicates a hierarchy based on ranking of an individual’s
values in terms of their intensity.

❖ A broad definition of values, derived from an insight into ancient India’s

psycho philosophical wisdom literature is:
❖ “Values are states of feelings/emotions that underpin the content of a
choice/decision and determine the manner of using the intellect/reason for
justifying and implementing that choice/decision.”
❖ Character is the foundation of values. The sequence being: Character ->
Values -> Attitudes -> Behaviour
❖ Ancient Indian philosophers did not neglect the social, the economic, and
the emotional aspects of life. A careful study of ancient Indian history would
reveal that this country was materially progressive and economically sound.
❖ RigVeda as well as Atharva Veda mention honesty, non-violence,
truthfulness, modesty, agreeable speech, Brahmacharya ( celibacy),
religious conviction, and purity of heart as the important virtues that are
❖ These very virtues are mentioned in the Bhagavadgita as divine qualities.
Thus the Vedic philosophy lays emphasis on right conduct as the means of
the development of the personality of the individual. Hence in a way the
ethics of the Vedas is the ethics of right action.

❖ The four ends of life, viz.:-- Artha, or wealth, for the development of body,
Kama, or the fulfillment of desires, for the development of mind, Dharma, or
morality, for the development of intellect, and finally Moksa, or spiritual
perfection, for the development of the soul.
❖ Thus this ethico-metaphysical system is present clearly in the Rigvedic
philosophy and it is also reflected in the Upanishads, which emphasize the
oneness of the universe and hence entail the same non-dual reality as the
goal of the cosmos, of society, and of the individual.
❖ Hofstede found different patterns in different societies.
❖ Indian society can be characterized as being oriented towards

– centralized decision making,

– high tolerance for ambiguity,

– collectivism rather than individualism,

– strong tendency to show off

– give importance to material things.


❖ Ethos is a set of beliefs, ideas, etc., about social behaviour and relationship
of a person or group.
❖ Indian ethos refers to the principles of self-management and governance of
society, entity or a system by wisdom as revealed and brought-forth by great
scriptures like Veda, Upanishads, Gita, Mahabharata, Bible and Quran.
❖ Ethos is a discipline that examines one’s morality or the moral standard of
the society. Ethics means expected standards in terms of your personal and
social welfare. It includes honesty, morality, responsibility etc

1. Atmano Mokshartham Jagat Hitaya Cha: All work is an opportunity for doing
well to the world and thus gaining materially and spiritually in our lives.

2. Archet Dana Manabhyam: Worship people not only with material things but
also by showing respect to their enterprising divinity within.

3. Atmana Vindyate Viryam: Strength and inspiration for excelling in work comes
from the Divine, God within, through prayer, spiritual reading and unselfish work.
4.Yogah Karmashu Kaushalam, Samatvam Yoga Uchyate: He who works with
calm and even mind achieves the most.

5. Yadishi Bhavana Yasya Siddhi Bhavati Tadrishi: As we think, so we succeed, so

we become. Attention to means, ensure the end.

6. Parasparam Bhavatantah Shreyah Param Bhavapsyathah: By mutual

cooperation, respect and fellow felling, all of us enjoy the highest good both
material and spiritual
7.Tesham Sukhm Tesham Shanti Shaswati: Infinite happiness and infinite peace
come to them who see the Divine in all beings.

8. Paraspar Devo Bhava: Regard the other person as a divine being. All of us
have the same consciousness though our packages and containers are different

1. Immense potential, energy and talents for perfection, as a human being has the
spirit within his heart.

2. Holistic approach indicating unity between the Divine (the Divine means
perfection in knowledge, wisdom and power), individual self and the universe.

3. Subtle, intangible subject and gross tangible objects are equally important. One
must develop one’s third eye, Jnana Chakshu, the eye of wisdom, visions, insight
and foresight.
4. Inner resources are much more powerful than outer resources. Divine virtues are
inner resources. Capital, materials and plant and machinery are outer resources.

5. Karma yoga (selfless work) offers double benefits, private benefit in the form of
self-purification and public benefit.

6. Yogah karmasu kaushalam, which means excellence at work through self

motivation and self development with devotion and without attachment.

7. Cooperation is a powerful instrument for teamwork and success in any enterprise

involving collective work.

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