Zebra Medical Vision

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Zebra Medical Vision

Submitted by – Kanupriya (PGP10023)

 Founded in 2014
 Zebra is a diagnostic Medical Device producer which used complex
Outlines of algorithms to help radiologist diagnose a medical condition using X-
the case Rays
 No. of employees- 40 as of 2018
 Founder: Eyal Guru
 Other members: Eyal Toledano and Elad Benjamin
 Went through 3 rounds of Financing
 Seven algorithms approved in Europe and One in US
 Partnered with Israel Healthcare Insurance providers to get the
database of scans
 Used the concept of Machine learning, Deep learning and neural
networks to develop algorithms

 Machine Learning: A type of AI in which the computer Program’s output is not
specifically programmed but improve itself over time based on additional data

 Zebra’s focus:
There are 2 aspects of diagnosis
Sensitivity- Preventing false negative diagnosis
Specificity- Preventing False Positive diagnosis
Zebra focuses more on sensitivity (100%)

 Boom in the technology:

Radiology has always used the technologies which are quite advanced and
radiologist have always tried to make as true diagnosis as possible. New doctors
are more eager to use the technology

 Working of Product:
The product work by matching the images with the database that it already has. It
works on the density and intensity of pixels in the image.
 Value is created by integration of Emerging technology with
medical arena of diagnosis
 Helping radiologist in diagnosing common and rare diseases
Value creation  They kept the price of diagnosis economical so that benefit can
reach to every one
and Capturing  Wanted to partner with public sector hospitals
 Differentiation based local diseased

 Whether to go for new product development or increase the
efficiency of existing products?
 Should they look for expansion geographically?
 How to keep ahead of competitors ?
 On-site or cloud based?

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