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Presented By
Mrs.Poonam Jain
What is not LD
 Children who have learning problem which are
primarily result of visual , hearing or motor
difficulties or intellectual disability ,
disturbances arising due to emotional
environmental , cultural or economic
Introduction of LD
A variety of disorder that impact acquisition ,
retention understanding , organization or the
use of verbal/non verbal information.
These children exhibit exceptionally inferior
qualities and capacities in term of learning and
understanding in comparison to the normal
children of their ages or class.
Learning disability is nothing but a sort of
helplessness that can be felt by the sufferer in
terms of his academic performance.
Review of Literature
 Responsiveness to intervention and LD by National Joint Committee
on Learning Disability.
 Effectiveness reading intervention for kids with LD by Kristin
stanberry and Lee Swanson(2009)
 Learning Disabilities Research studies : Findings from NICHD funded
 Specific Learning Disorder : Treatment child mind institute>guide>treatment
 Learning Disorders –Rehabilitation Council of India
 Learning Disability Wikipedia.pdf
 Specific Learning Disability and the Amended “Person with
Disability Act ”>content>pdf
 The right of person with disability act 2016
 Their problem and disorders are usually manifested by
significant difficulties in the acquisition and use of language ,
reasoning or mathematical ability or of social skills.
 They may exhibit symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsivity.
 Most of them may suffer from emotional problems and
demonstrate signs of anxiety, moodiness or ups and downs in
their behaviour.
 Their learning disability is not apparent in the physical
appearance or not demonstrable through their I.Q. Scores. They
may have robust body, good vision, sound ears, and normal
 All of them essentially exhibit a significant educational
discrepancy i.e. a wide gap between their learning potential and
actual educational achievement.
a. Nearly 20 to 25 percent of a. Brain damage caused by an
hyperactivity or impulsivity children accident or by a lack of oxygen
may have been found to have at least before , during or after birth
one parent of this nature. resulting in neurological difficulties
b. Emotional imbalance, disorder of that may affect their ability to learn.
memory and thinking, speech and b. Damage of injury caused to the
learning have been found to run in spinal cord and message carrying
families. nerves etc. leading to their
c. Going deep into the genetic research, malfunctioning and subsequent
the USA scientists and psychologists learning difficulties.
have attained success in identifying
c. Dysfunction of the central nervous
particular genes that may be held
system may be caused by
responsible for reading and other
learning problems.
biochemical imbalance.
Environmental factor

a. The poor nourishment and defective environment received by the

foetus for development in the mother’s womb.
b. Pre-mature delivery, uncongenial and improper environmental
settings at the time of birth or a defect in the central nervous
c. Diet deficiency in the early age, severe diseases, accidental and
injuries that may cause central nervous system dysfunction.
d. Children who do not receive proper medical care and attention and
as a result suffer from any impairment in their sense of hearing ,
sight , taste , touch , smell and other neurological functioning
become handicapped in terms of learning.
e. Social and cultural deprivation.
By stage of information processing
Learning disabilities fall into broad categories based on the four
stages of information processing used in learning: input,
integration, storage, and output.
 This is the information perceived through the senses, such as
visual and auditory perception.
 Difficulties with visual perception can cause problems with
recognizing the shape , position , or size of items seen .
 There can be problem with sequencing.
 Some children appear to be unable to process tactile input. For
example, they may see, insensitive to pain or disliking being
 Student with problem in these areas may be unable to tell a story in the correct
sequence , unable to memorize sequences of information such as the days of the week.
 A poor vocabulary may contribute to problem with comprehension.

 Most memory difficulties occur with one’s short-term memory, which can make it
difficult to learn new material.
 Difficulties with visual memory can impede learning to spell.

 Information comes out of the brain either through words , that is , language output, or
through muscles activity , such as gesturing, writing or drawing.
 Difficulties with language output can create problem with spoken language.

 It can also cause trouble with written language.

 Difficulty with motor abilities can causes problem with gross and fine motor skills .
By functional impaired
Deficit in any area of information processing can manifest in a variety of
specific learning disabilities. It is possible for an individual to have more than
one of these difficulties. This is referred to as co morbidity or co-occurrence of
learning disabilities. In the UK , the term dual diagnosis is often used to refer
to co-occurrence of learning difficulties.
Reading disorder (ICD-10 and DSM-4 codes:F81.0/315.00)
 Reading disorder is the most common learning disability of all student with

specific learning disabilities, 70-80% have deficits in reading.

 The term “Developmental Dyslexia” is often used as synonym for reading

 A reading disability can affect any part of the reading process, including

difficulty with accurate or fluent word recognition , or both , word decoding ,

reading rate, oral reading with expression and reading comprehension.
 Common indicators of reading disability include difficulty with phonemic

awareness – the ability to break up words into their component sounds, and
difficulty with matching letter combinations to specific sound.
Disorder of written expression (ICD-10 and DSM-4-TR codes 315.2)
 Individual with a diagnosis of a disorder of written expression typically
have a combination of difficulties in their abilities with written expression as
evidenced by grammatical and punctuation errors within sentences, poor
paragraph organization, multiple spelling errors and excessively poor
 If poor handwriting is due to an impairment in the individuals’ motor
coordination , diagnosis of developmental coordination disorder should be
Math disability (ICD-10 and DSM-4 codes F81.2-3/315.1)
 Sometimes called dyscalculia, a math disability involves difficulties such as
learning math concepts (such as quantity, place value, and time), difficulty
memorizing math facts, difficulty organizing numbers, and understanding
how problems are organized on the page.
 Dyscalculics are often referred to as having poor “number sense”.
Non verbal learning disability
 Non verbal LD often manifest in motor clumsiness , poor visual-spatial skills
, problematic social relationships , difficulty with mathematics , and poor
organizational skills.
Disorder of speaking and listening
 Often co-occur with learning disabilities include difficulty with memory , social skills and
executive functions such as organizational skills and time management.
Identification of learning disabled children may be
mainly in two ways :
Non testing devices
 Observation

 Rating scale

 Check list

 Interview

Testing devices
 Standard diagnostic tests

 Ability test or process tests

 Achievement tests

 Daily assessment system

Provision of specialized schools or classes.
Provision of special remedial and educational
Structuring and improving the existing
environmental set-up.
Intervention module
 With teacher
 With parent
 With Children :- For Primary section
Duration – depend on learning of child
Frequency - Everyday for 20 to 25 minutes

Specialized approaches and techniques for helping the Learning disabled

 Behavioural approaches

 Psychoanalytical approach

 Multi-sensory approach

 Technological approach :-

a. Audio tape and tape recorder

b. Video – disc instruction

c. Computer assisted instruction

Intervention module for specific
writing disability
Specific skill : Help child to learn print
Objective :Developing the ability to direct a pencil on
paper in pre-printing practice prepares children to
learn to print letters. The pre-printing activities help
child to learn how to form the parts of the letters.
These activities give him lots of practice making lines,
circular strokes and diagonals. He also comes to
understand the concept of a starting and stopping
point and has an idea of the meaning of letters and
Sequence of learn to print: Imitating, tracing and
copying, printing independently and printing on lines.
Tools Intervention
Strengthen the muscles Sand tray , Clay dough, Using manipulative
chalk and board exercises to strengthen
muscles. For this
purpose it is better that
before resorting to paper
and pencil writing, the
children should be
provide opportunities in
writing letters by doing
manipulative exercises
like writing in sand,
modelling through clay
games, doing chalk
board practice.
Proper position and Paper , pen or pencil Helping them learn a
form for writing proper position and
form for writing. For this
purpose they must be
made to learn that while
writing on the paper
with pencil or pen , the

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