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Good Governance in Local and National


Group 1
Almencion, Erica I.
Capacite, Jemalyn
Ruiz, Zoren
Governance is commonly defined as the
exercise of power or authority by political leaders for
the well-being of their country’s citizens or subjects.
It is the complex process whereby some sectors of
the society wield power, and enact public policies
which directly affect human and institutional
interactions, and economic and social development.

The power exercised by the participating sectors of

the society is always for the common good, as it is
essential for demanding respect and cooperation
from the citizens and the state.
Good Governance
is perceived as a normative
principle of administrative law,
which obliges the State to
perform its functions in a manner
that promotes the values of
efficiency, no corruptibility, and
responsiveness to civil society.
The characteristics of good governance
1. Participation
Participation by both men and women is a key
cornerstone of good governance. Participation
could be either direct or through legitimate
intermediate institutions or representatives. It is
important to point out that representative
democracy does not necessarily mean that the
concerns of the most vulnerable in society
would be taken into consideration in decision
2. Rule of law
Good governance requires fair
legal frameworks that are
enforced impartially. It also
requires full protection of human
rights, particularly those of
minorities. Impartial enforcement
of laws requires an independent
judiciary and an impartial and
incorruptible police force.
Transparency means that decisions
taken and their enforcement are
done in a manner that follows rules
and regulations. It also means that
information is freely available and
directly accessible to those who will
be affected by such decisions and
their enforcement.
4. Responsiveness
Good governance requires
that institutions and
processes try to serve all
stakeholders within a
reasonable timeframe.
5. Consensus oriented
There are several actors and as
many view points in a given society.
Good governance requires
mediation of the different interests
in society to reach a broad
consensus in society on what is in
the best interest of the whole
community and how this can be
6.Equity and inclusiveness
Means that all the members of the
society, especially the most
vulnerable ones or the grassroots
level, must be taken into
consideration in policy-making.
Everyone has a stake in the society
and no one should feel alienated
from it.
7.Effectiveness and efficiency
Good governance means that
processes and institutions produce
results that meet the needs of society
while making the best use of resources
at their disposal. The concept of
efficiency in the context of good
governance also covers the
sustainable use of natural resources
and the protection of the environment.
8. Accountability
Accountability is a key requirement of
good governance.
It is based on the principle that every
person or group is responsible for their
actions most especially when their acts
affect public interest.
The actors have an obligation to
explain and be answerable for the
consequences of decisions and actions
they have made on behalf of the
community it serves.

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