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• These diseases may be temporary or chronic in

nature. Often a disease may be difficult to

diagnose because either its symptoms may appear
after a long dormant period or may not be
apparent at all. These diseases often shorten
employee s life expectancy.
• These hazards are manifested by diseases
caused by bacteria, fungi, vi­ruses, insects, dietary
deficiencies, excessive drinking, allergies, brain
fever, imbalances, tetanus, stresses and strains.
All these tell upon employee’s health.
2. Biological Hazards
• Blood and other body fluids
• Fungi/mold
• Bacteria and viruses
• Plants
• Insect bites
• Animal and bird droppings
3. Environmental Hazards

• Environmental hazards may include noise pollution,

vibration and shocks, illumination, radiation, heat,
ventilation, air and water pollution. These hazards
cause redness of eyes, genetic disorders, cancer,
sterility, hearing loss, nerve injury etc., to workers.
3. Environmental Hazards
It also includes:
• Air Condition
• Radiation: including ionizing and non-
• Trip, Fall Hazards ionizing (EMF’s, microwaves, radio
waves, etc.) materials
• Bodily Fluids
• High exposure to sunlight/ultraviolet
• Workplace cleaning rays
• Safety meetings • Temperature extremes – hot and cold
• Constant loud noise
4. Psychological Hazards
• Industrial/job stress caused by various stressors such as task
and role demands, organizational leadership, lack of group
cohesion, intergroup and interpersonal conflicts, life and career
changes, etc., lead to emotional disturbances which, in turn, lead
to fatigue and exhaustion. All these affect health of employees.
Apart from occupational hazards, there are some occupational
diseases also that impair health of employees in industries.
4. Psychological Hazards
Example includes:
• Work related stress
• Excessive working time and overwork
• Violence from outside the organization
• Bullying
• Sexual Harassment
• Burnout
Occupational Safety
•  Keeping hallways clean
• Good lighting
• Replacing broken doors or other things hat
can cause hazards
• Putting signage
• Having a proper PPE
Personal Protective
•  Hard hat • Gloves
• Mask • Gowns
• Earplugs/muff • Shoe covers
• Goggles
The Occupational Health
and Safety Act 2004 (OHS
• Protect the health and safety of workers
in the Philippines.
•  It aims to ensure that employees is not
put at risk by work activities.
Occupational Health and
Safety Regulations 2017
• Safe operations of major hazard
facilities and mines.
•  Training for high risk work.
•  Licenses for specific activities.
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