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Naila Luthfia & Nasywa Meilyn
XI-4 /


Superstition is any belief or practice that is

considered irrational or supernatural: for
example, if it arises from ignorance, a
misunderstanding of science or causality, a
positive belief in fate or magic, or fear of that
which is unknown.
1. Ghosts will tell you the winning
lottery numbers
ons in
Ghosts play an integral part in Thai culture and belief, so much so that
they are even believed to predict your future in the form of the next

winning lottery numbers. This can happen in a number of ways and
even occurs in haunted trees “hinting” lottery numbers.

2. Do not get a haircut on a Wednesday

Most hairdressers are closed on a Wednesday and not just for no good
reason. Thais believe it is not only bad luck to have your haircut on a
Wednesday but that it is also an auspicious day. This belief originated
from members of the royal family having their hair cut on a
Wednesday and therefore common people were prohibited to do so.
3. Babies are not cute! Well, they are but…
The children are adorable in Thailand and it is hard not to go all mushy and exclaim
how adorable they are, but superstition is that if you call a baby cute it will be taken
away by a ghost. It is also believed that if a pregnant woman attends a funeral her
baby will be haunted by the spirit of a dead person once it is born.

4. Don’t leave home if you….

If you hear a gecko before you leave your home, it is considered a warning sign that
something bad will happen and you should, therefore, stay home.
5. Haunted dolls
(luk thep)

Luk thep, which translates to child angel, caused a viral

fad when Bangkok hipsters decided to carry around
these haunted dolls where ever they went. Luk thep,
contain the spirit of a child and are believed to boost
cash flow and bring prosperity to their doting humans.
That's it,


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