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Corporate Governance &

Business Ethics

Globalization describes an ongoing

process by which regional economies,
societies and cultures have become
integrated through a globe-spanning
network of communication and
Characterized by:
 Promotion of free trade
 Elimination of tariffs, creation of free trade zones
 Reduced transportation costs, especially for ocean
 Harmonization of subsidies for local businesses
 Creation of subsidies for global corporations
 Harmonization of intellectual property laws across the
Because of that:
Increasing level of changes in the following areas:
Consumer demand for goods and services
Consumer behaviour and spending patterns
Sources of supply of inputs, resources and
Government policies of any country and the
ripple effect impact on other countries
Issues / Threats like bio warfare, global
warming, fast spreading diseases etc.
What is an MNC?
A multinational corporation is a large corporation
which produces or sells goods or services in various
Making significant investments in a foreign country
Having buying and selling licenses in foreign markets
Engaging in contract manufacturing—permitting a local
manufacturer in a foreign country to produce their
Opening manufacturing facilities or assembly
operations in foreign – mostly developing countries
Create employment in host country
Industries of host country get latest technology from
foreign countries
Domestic traders and manufacturers of the host country
gets increased business
Level of industrial and economic development increases
due to the growth of MNCs in the host country
Global markets get tapped or generated
Accountability and legal issues
Culture issues
Exploitation of people and raw material
Killing of certain kinds of domestic host
Over-focus on materialism and consumerism
Unethical distribution and marketing
Globalization has brought forth ethics issue more
Organizations attain a competitive edge due to ethical
Companies need to deal with ethics as one of the
backbones of corporate strategies
Realization that being ethically proactive is better
than ethically reactive
Value creating ethical strategies are being recognized
as USPs; more than products and services
Global Ethical Issues
Absolute against relative
Business being conducted in the
same way everywhere in the world,
Changing business practices
according to the geographical
Common Global Ethical Issues
Differential pricing
Using or dumping prohibited technology / products
Tax evasion through transfer pricing and other routes
Environmental damage
Taking advantage of lack of patents
Abuse of human rights
Less concern for safety
Role of Global Businesses:
When it comes to shaping ethical behavior,
companies must be guided by three principles.
Respect for core human values, which determine
the absolute moral threshold for all business
Respect for local traditions.
The belief that context matters when deciding
what is right and what is wrong.
As part of ethics;
Have ethics policies or mandates
Appoint ethics officers to ensure
Routinely have ethics related audits
Require suppliers to participate in the
ethics programs
Encourage suppliers and self to not to
participate in any human or employment
rights abuses
Encourage and promote diversity in
Build Global Good Societies from the
environmental, economic and social
Be wise about instituting changes
which benefit only themselves, and
avoid selfishness, leading to self
defeating scenarios
Create a good and just society where
everyone shares burdens according to
capability and benefits according to
Global Good Society - Details
Environmental perspective
 Take care of finite resources
 Encourage innovation in new material development
 Invest in research
 Ensure that environment is not harmed, instead bettered
 Concentrate on long term sustainability instead of short term
 Social responsibilities of business
 Inclusion and promotion of diversity
 Culture Management

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