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Youtube Ads

What mean Youtube Ads?

Youtube Ads

Can advertise in the form of text, banner (image) or video on Youtube

Advantages of Youtube Ads
• Diversity in the way of advertising
• Youtube ads have high coverage
• Own a separate and highly interactive
communication channel
• Access social media
• Cost savings
• Slide này nhạt quá làm nó mặn lên Ngọc
Youtube Ad allows you to target in detail with the portrait of the customer you are targeting.
Youtube Masthead
Youtube Masthead

Youtube Masthead is a form of banner and clip advertising

exclusively at the homepage of Youtube Vietnam website.
Youtube Masthead

In website

• Youtube Masthead is sold under CPD (Cost

Per Duration) and CPM (Cost Per Mille)
• Size: Banner 970x250 with advertising
• Cost: between 12.000 and 15.000 USD/day
depending on set up and display.
In Android app
Youtube Masthead
• Advantages:
– Since ads will appear on the home page, it will receive high interaction,
attract users to see and high click rates.
– Only your ad appears 100% at the position of YouTube Vietnam home
page in 24 hours.
TrueView Ads

Users choose videos to watch

Before the video starts, users will see the content of the
promotional video within 5 seconds

If the user chooses to skip the ad, the advertiser will not lose
Trueview In-stream Ads
Skippable Video Ads
- Ads will run when user play video, after 5 seconds users can choose to
skip ads.
- Ads will run before, during, or after a video starts on Youtube
- Advertisers are only charged if a viewer watches at least 30 seconds of
your video (or the entire video if your video is less than 30 seconds)
Trueview In-stream Ads
Non-skippable Video Ads

- In Vietnam, Youtube
allows the maximum
length of this type of
advertising to be 15s.
- Youtube also added
the name called
Bumper Ads for Non-
skippable advertising
with a duration of 6
Trueview In-display Ads

Trueview In-display Ads appears as Suggested Video on Youtube

Size: 300x250 or 300x60
Trueview In-search Ads

In-Search Ads is a format in TrueView ads, which appear in YouTube search results.
Standard Display Ads

This ad will appear on the Suggested videos

Size of this ad will be 300x250 or 300x60 in the form of GIF or image.
Overlay Ads

-Semi-transparent overlay
ads that appear on the
lower 20% portion of your
-Size: 468x60 or 728x90
image ads or text
Sponsored Cards
- Sponsored cards display content that may be relevant
to your video, such as products featured in the video
Google Display Network (GDN)
• GDN is a form of display advertising that is placed on
the websites of the units that Google links to,
including YouTube.
Reference price list

How to help make your YouTube channel and
videos more attractive?
• Optimize videos with each keyword
• Use keywords in every major part of the video
• Enhance video sharing for many people across
• Build relationships with video uploaders with
similar content
• Actively encourage viewers to act
How to start a Youtube advertising

Video Budget
1. Access the video manager

Choose videos that you want your ads to show to reach users
Dòng này là giải thích cho bức hình á. Chữ nhỏ thui nha
2. Create a campaign

Create a new video advertising campaign on Youtube

3. Budget selection

Set up a budget for this YouTube video ad campaign

4. Building advertising content

Create content for ads, with titles, descriptions and avatars

5. Sign in to Google AdWords

Log in to your Google AdWords advertising account to complete the campaign

6. Confirm payment information

In order for ads to be deployed you need to confirm the payment information
To successfully advertise on YouTube, you
need to consider 2 main factors:
1. The advertisement sample meets the
criteria of that type
2. Aim for the right target customers

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