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Chapter 2
Chapter Questions
• Who are the business customers?

• How are industrial products classified?

• What are the marketing implications for different types of
customers and products?
• What are the business customers’ purchasing orientations and
practices, including e-procurement?
• What are the different types of environment?

• How to manage external environment?

Types of Business Customers

• Commercial / Private Sector Enterprises

– Industrial distributors/dealers
– Original equipment manufacturers (OEMS)
– Users
• Government Customers
– Central & state government units
– Public sector firms
• Institutional customers
– Public and private institutions
• Cooperative societies
– Manufacturing & Non-manufacturing units 3
Classification of Industrial
Products and Services
• Materials & Parts(These enter final product)
– Raw materials
– Manufactured materials
– Component parts
– Subassemblies
• Capital Items (These are used in production process)
– Heavy and Light equipment
– Plant and buildings
• Supplies & Services (These support operations)
– Operating and maintenance supplies
– Wide range of Services 4
Marketing Channels for
Different Customers and
Product Types
Product Type Customer Type Marketing Channel
Materials & Parts Large OEMS Company’s sales force
(Standard ) Users & small OEMS Distributors/dealers
Materials & Parts All types of Customers Company’s sales force
(Customized )
Heavy capital equipment All types of Customers Company’s sales force/agents
Light equipment or Large volume buyers Company’s sales force/agents
accessories Medium/small buyers Distributors/dealers
Plant and building All types of Customers Company’s executives/agents
Operating & maintenance Large volume buyers Company’s sales force/agents
Supplies Medium/small buyers Distributors/dealers.
Large customers Company’s sales force
Wide range of services Medium/small customers Distributors/Franchisees

Purchasing Orientations of
Business Customers
• Buying orientation
– Lowest price suppliers
– Gain power over suppliers
– Avoid risk
• Procurement orientation
– Collaborative relationship with major suppliers
– Work closely with other departments internally
– Achieve company objectives
• Supply chain management orientation
– Collaborative relationship with major suppliers
– Deliver superior value to customers
– Outsource non-core activities 6
Purchasing Practice of
Customers in Commercial
• Involvement of various departments

• Major tasks performed:

– Identify, negotiate, Select suppliers
– Ensure purchase objectives and efficiency achieved
– Good relationship with suppliers
– Establish procedure and documentation
E - Procurement
• Objective: To seek best value from better and fewer online
• Advantages: Reduce material & administrative costs ; minimize
purchasing cycle time ; improved ability to identify new
suppliers on global scale.
• E-markets: offer online auctions, catalogues, bulletin boards to
• Forward/English auction: One seller offers an item to many
buyers. Sales goes to highest bidder.
• Reverse/Dutch auction: One buyer invites many suppliers to bid.
Lowest bidder gets the order. 8
Purchasing in Government

• Established Purchase Procedure

• Purchasing through Competitive Bidding/ Tenders

– Closed/sealed tenders
– Open/limited tenders

• Other Government contracts

• DGS & D contracts

Purchasing in Institutions and
Cooperative Societies

• Government institutes follow government process

• Often private sector institutes follow commercial

enterprise’s buying process

• Better to study each major customer’s purchase


Types of Environment

Managing External
• First, continuously collect and monitor relevant
information on external environment

• Identify changes in opportunities and threats

• Manage proactively, using strategies:

– Independent
– Cooperative
– Strategic planning


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