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Mergers & Acquistion v/s Organic As A Growth


Brought To You By:-

K.C JOHN IB1816351
Merger and Acquisition
Mergers and acquisitions is an aspect of corporate strategy that is dealing
with the buying, selling, dividing and combining of different companies and
similar entities without creating a subsidiary.
Mergers and acquisitions have become a popular business strategy for
companies looking to expand into new markets or territories, gain a
competitive edge, or acquire new technologies and skill sets.

Types of Mergers and Acquisition:-

→ Horizontal
→ Vertical
→ Co-generic
→ Conglomerate
Situation In Which M&A Have Proven Useful As Growth
Unlike slow and steady organic growth, growth through acquisition or merger
is generally much faster and - if done right - can yield a number of other
almost instant benefits that can help make that rapid growth sustainable.

1. Fills critical gaps in service offerings or client lists

2. Efficient way to acquire talent and intellectual property
3. Opportunity to leverage synergies
4. Add a new business model
5. Save time and long learning curves
Cons Of Growth Through M&A
Growth through acquisition is rapid and can yield quick results. But the internal
atmosphere that develops in the time immediately preceding and following an
acquisition or merger can present a number of management challenges that
could hinder that rapid growth or plant the seeds of future failure.

1. Cultural clash
2. Loss of differentiation
3. A major distraction
4. Marketplace confusion
5. Loss of brand strength
Organic Business Growth
Organic growth is also Known as internal growth.
Organic growth happens when a business expands its own operations
rather than using takeovers and mergers.
Organic growth can come from :
1. Increasing existing production capacity through investment in new
capital and technology
2. Development & launch of new products
3. Finding new markets through exports
4. Growing a customer base through marketing.
Advantages of Organic Growth
1. Less risk than external growth (e.g. through mergers and
2. Can be financed through internal funds (e.g. retained profits)
3. Builds on a business’ existing strengths (e.g. brands, customers)
4. Allows the business to grow at a more sensible rate in the long
5. Less disruptive changes mean workers' efficiency, productivity &
morale remain high.
6. Less integration challenges and restructuring
Disadvantages of Organic Growth
1. Growth achieved may be dependent on the growth of the overall
2. Hard to build market share if business is already a leader
3. Slow growth – shareholders may prefer more rapid growth of
revenues and profits
4. Franchises (if used) can be hard to manage / monitor effectively.
5. Businesses might miss out on opportunities for more ambitious
growth by only growing internally
6. May decrease organisation's competitive edge.
How to choose what’s right for your
• It’s usually best to explore both options thoroughly before heading
too far down either path.
• The question of whether - to grow organically or inorganically - must
be answered individually by each business owner based on their own
unique circumstances.
• Strategic planning is required to ensure growth is both attainable and
sustainable over a long enough period to achieve the company’s goals
and justify the expense and effort required.
• Keep a sharp eye on your competition - both large and small - and
look for where synergies can be identified or created so that a merger
or acquisition creates added value for everyone involved.

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