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What Is Disability?
Mental Disability:
Mental Retardation
Mental Illness

Physical Disability:
Hearing Disability
Speech Disability
Locomotor Disability

• According to Census 2001: 2.19 crore people with disabilities in India

• Disability Data:
• Movement 28%
• Seeing 49%
• Hearing 6%
• Speech 7%
• Mental 10%
• International Conventions:
• Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (50 Articles)
• Optional protocol to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (18

• Disability Legislation in India:

• The Persons with Disabilities (Equal opportunities, protection of Right and full
participation) Act 1995
• National Trust Act,1999
• Mental Health Act,1987
• Rehabilitation Council of India Act,1986
• Persons With Disabilities Act means :
• “A person suffering from not less than 40% of any disability as
certified by a medical authority “
• This Act was passed by Lok Sabha on December 12,1995 and came
into enforcement on February 7, 1996.
• This Act extends to the whole of India except Jammu & Kashmir.
• This Act explains:
• Equal opportunities, protection of rights and complete involvement
of the disabled.
• Under this Act, responsibilities are assigned to Central and State
Government , Local Corporations and municipalities to provide the
services and facilities and equal opportunities to the disabled so that
they may also prove themselves as productive citizens of society.
• The Act covered the following disabilities:
• Blindness
• Leprosy cured
• Locomotor disability
• Mental Illness
• Low vision
• Hearing impairment
• Mental retardation
• To spell out the responsibility of the State towards:
• The prevention of disabilities, protection of rights, provisions of
medical care, training and employment and rehabilitation of persons
with disabilities.
• To create a barrier free environment for them.
• To counteract any situation of abuse and exploitation of persons.
• To make special measures for the integration of Persons with
Disabilities into the social mainstream.
• Prevention and early detection of disability
• Education
• Employment
• Non- discrimination
• Research and man power development
• Affirmative Action
• Social Security
Prevention and early detection
of disability
• Undertake surveys, investigations and research concerning the cause
of occurrence of disability.
• Promote various methods of preventing disability.
• Provide facilities for training to the staff at primary health centre.
• Take measures for pre natal and post natal care of the mother.
• Educate the public through pre-schools, schools, primary health
centres, village level workers.
• Promoting the integration of students with disabilities in normal schools.
• Promoting setting up of special schools in government and private sector.
• Conducting part time classes in respect of children with disabilities who
have completed education upto 5th grade and could not continue their
studies on a whole time basis.
• Conducting part time classes for providing functional literacy for the
children in the age group of 16 and above.
• Imparting education through open schools and open universities.
• Providing every child with disability, free of cost books and equipments
needed for their education.
• Appointing appropriate governments to identify posts in government
establishments, which can be reserved for disabled persons and
review the list of posts at periodic intervals ( not exceedingly three
years)(Section 32)
• At least 3% of vacancies in every government establishment are to be
reserved for persons with disabilities. Out of which 1% each shall be
reserved for persons suffering from blindness or low vision and the
other 2% for persons with hearing impairment.
• Adapt rail compartments, buses, vessels and aircrafts in such a way as
to permit easy access to such persons.
• Engrave the surface of the zebra crossing for the blind or persons with
low vision.
• Provide ramps in public buildings.
• Provide ramps in hospitals, primary health centres and other medical
care and rehabilitation institutions.
• Provide Braille symbols and auditory signals in elevators or lifts.
Research and Manpower
• Research in the following areas shall be sponsored and promoted:
• Prevention of disability
• Development of assistive devices
• Job identification
• On site modifications on offices and factories
• Financial assistance shall be made available to the universities, other
institutions of higher learning, professional bodies and non-
government research units
Affirmative Action
• Special schemes are to be notified for the preferential allotment of
land at confessional rates for:
• Housing
• Setting up business
• Setting up special recreational centres
• Establishment of special schools
• Establishment of research centres
• Establishment of factories by entrepreneurs with disabilities
Social Security
• Financial assistance to non- government for rehabilitation of persons
with disability.
• Insurance coverage for the benefit of the government employees with
• Unemployment allowance to people with disability registered with
the special employment exchange for more than a year and who
could not be placed in any gainful occupation.

• Presented by:
• Nidhi Sharma
• Manjot kaur
• Beulah

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