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Sujina Ummar J
 The Industrial Disputes Act provides an
elaborate and effective machinery for bringing
about the industrial peace, investigation and
settlement of industrial disputes and
 The Act has created various authorities or
machineries for and bringing about industrial
The various authorities or machineries are
 Works Committees
 Conciliation Officers
 Boards of Conciliation
 Court of Inquiry
 Labour Courts
 Industrial Tribunals
 National Tribunals and
 Grievance Settlement Authorities
Works Committees

 The Works Committees is constituted in order

to promote good relations between the
employers and the workmen in an industry.
 The functions of the works committee are to
discuss such problems relating to grievances,
complaints, matters of discipline, welfare
problems such as health, safety, education and
other personal problems.
Conciliation Officers

 Conciliation means the intervention of a

mediator with a view to bring the parties to an
 Conciliation Officer can be appointed for a
specified area or even for specified industries
in a specified area.
 He plays a very important role in bringing
round the parties who are involved in disputes.
Boards of Conciliation

 The appropriate Government may by

notification in the official Gazette constitute a
Board of Conciliation for promoting a
settlement of an industrial dispute.
 The Board may consist of 3 or 5 members
including the chairman.
 The members of the Board should be appointed
only on the recommendations of the parties of
the dispute.
Court of Inquiry

 The Appropriate Government may constitute

the Court of inquiry for inquiring into any
matter , appearing to be connected with or
relevant to an industrial dispute.
 The Court means a court of inquiry constituted
under the Industrial Disputes Act.
 The Government alone has power to constitute
a court of inquiry.
 It may consist of 2 or more persons, one of
them should be appointed a chairman.
Labour Court
 The Industrial Disputes Act was amended in
the year 1956.
 Prior to the amendments, there was no forum
of Labour Courts.
 The Labour Courts were established for the
first time by the amended Act of 1956.
 The appropriate Government is empowered to
constitute Labour Courts. It shall consist of
only one person namely Presiding officer.
Industrial Tribunals
 The Appropriate Government is empowered to
constitute Industrial Tribunals.
 While the jurisdiction of Labour Court is limited to
very few matters mentioned, wider jurisdiction is
conferred on the tribunal.
 The tribunal consists of one person only to be
appointed by the Appropriate Government. Such
person is known as the presiding officer of the
Industrial Tribunal.
 He should be a Judge of High Court or
 He should be District Judge or an Additional District Judge for
a period of not less than 3 years.
National Tribunals
 There are some industrial disputes which, in
the opinion of the Central Government involve
questions of national importance or are of such
nature that industrial establishment situated in
more than one state are likely to be interested
 The National Tribunal shall consist of one
person only to be appointed by the Central
Grievance Settlement Authorities
 This kind of authorities is newly introduced
under the Industrial Disputes Act, 1982.
 The Grievance Settlement Authorities should
be constituted in every industrial establishment
in which fifty or more workmen are employed.
 It should be constituted for the settlement of
Industrial disputes connected with an
INDIVIDUAL WORKMAN employed in the
said establishment.

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